Alphabetical Index
[hide]- 1 Named Features Index
- 2 B nomenclature (from the IAU and from unofficial sources)
- 3 C nomenclature (from the IAU and from unofficial sources)
- 4 D nomenclature (from the IAU and from unofficial sources)
- 5 E nomenclature (from the IAU and from unofficial sources)
- 6 F nomenclature (from the IAU and from unofficial sources)
- 7 G nomenclature (from the IAU and from unofficial sources)
- 8 H nomenclature (from the IAU and from unofficial sources)
- 9 I nomenclature (from the IAU and from unofficial sources)
- 10 J nomenclature (from the IAU and from unofficial sources)
- 11 K nomenclature (from the IAU and from unofficial sources)
- 12 L nomenclature (from the IAU and from unofficial sources)
- 13 M nomenclature (from the IAU and from unofficial sources)
- 14 N nomenclature (from the IAU and from unofficial sources)
- 15 O nomenclature (from the IAU and from unofficial sources)
- 16 P nomenclature (from the IAU and from unofficial sources)
- 17 Q nomenclature (from the IAU and from unofficial sources)
- 18 R nomenclature (from the IAU and from unofficial sources)
- 19 S nomenclature (from the IAU and from unofficial sources)
- 20 T nomenclature (from the IAU and from unofficial sources)
- 21 U nomenclature (from the IAU and from unofficial sources)
- 22 V nomenclature (from the IAU and from unofficial sources)
- 23 W nomenclature (from the IAU and from unofficial sources)
- 24 X nomenclature (from the IAU and from unofficial sources)
- 25 Y nomenclature (from the IAU and from unofficial sources)
- 26 Z nomenclature (from the IAU and from unofficial sources)
Named Features Index
This is a compilation of the links to the-Moon Wiki's named feature pages appearing in the navigation bar to the left.
A — |
B — |
C — |
D — |
E — |
F — |
G — |
H — |
I — |
J — |
K — |
L — |
N — |
O — |
P — |
Q — |
R — |
S — |
T — |
U — |
V — |
W — |
X — |
Y — |
B nomenclature (from the IAU and from unofficial sources)
Italics indicate farside features.
IAU nomenclature: |
Unofficial nomenclature: |
C nomenclature (from the IAU and from unofficial sources)
Italics indicate farside features.
An additional list of names for Clair-Obscur phenomena on the moon's morning and evening terminator:
Johann Hewelcke's name Mons Mampsarus is a typographical error. On his chart it is Mons Campsarus.
IAU nomenclature |
'Unofficial nomenclature |
D nomenclature (from the IAU and from unofficial sources)
Italics indicate farside features.
Note: if you want to explore an experimental list of new names for the many wrinkle ridges (and clusters of wrinkle ridges) at the moon's mare regions, please take a look at the page DORSUM. See:
Note: J.Hewelcke's Mons Dalanguer is mentioned as Mons Delanguer on page 204 of Ewen A. Whitaker's Mapping and Naming the Moon.
IAU nomenclature: |
Unofficial nomenclature: |
E nomenclature (from the IAU and from unofficial sources)
Italics indicate farside features.
Note: the origin of the name Egnitis (or Eginitis?) is still uncertain. It is printed on Antonin Rukl's farside map, and also on the back (farside map) of Hans Schwarzenbach's Hallwag moonmap, at the location of the IAU's Murakami.
IAU nomenclature: |
Unofficial nomenclature: Eaglecrest (Apollo-15 site) Eagle gate (east of O'Neill's bridge) Earhart (see discussion below) East (Apollo-12 site) East Wall crater (Apollo-15 site) Ebissus, Insula (IAU: Mons Pico Beta) Echinades, Insulae (IAU: bright spots west of Fra Mauro A) Eclipticum, Littus Ecphantus (Gruithuisen Gamma and Delta) Eddington, Rima (on the N-part of Eddington's floor) Eddington (Reinhold B) Edelherii (IAU: Geminus) Eden Valley (Apollo-16 site) Egnitis (or Eginitis?) (IAU: Murakami) Eight, The / The 8 (Guericke J and S) Eimmart K isles (cluster of hillocks SSW of Eimmart K) Einstein (Simpelius D) Eisenhard (location unknown) Elbruz, Mons (part of Montes Caucasus) El Greco (Vitruvius G) Elisabethae Palat. Fil. (IAU: Aliacensis) Elves (Apollo-17 site) Emanuelis D. Sab. (IAU: Stiborius) Emley (Capuanus E) Encke, Catena (small chain SSW of Encke) Encke's triplet (Encke M, east of Encke) Endymion's triplet (on the floor of Endymion) Eos, Mons (IAU: bright and dark areas east of Piazzi) Eoum Mare (IAU: Oceanus Procellarum) Eoum, Mare (IAU: western part of Oceanus Procellarum) Epic (Apollo-15 site) Epicurius (IAU: De la Rue) Eppinger (discontinued name, see Euclides D) Epsilon peak (see South Pole) Eratosthenis (IAU: Sinus Successus) Erichtini, Scopuli (IAU: Arago and Jansen bright areas) Erroris, Insula (IAU: Helicon and Leverrier) Eryx, Mons (ejecta-rays NNE from Copernicus) Eskola (Vesalius M) Esquivel (beyond the IAU's Nansen) Estensis D. Mutinae (IAU: Maurolycus) Euclides D (see link in discussion below) Euclidis (IAU: Luther Epsilon) Eudoxus's ghost (ancient crater east of Eudoxus) EUGENIAE (IAU: Plinius) Eugenianum, Mare (IAU: Mare Serenitatis) Euler Gamma's half-a-crater (the partly buried crater at Euler Gamma) Euler group (aka Lothrop hills) (unofficial names, see Euler) Eustachius (Sirsalis Z) Evila, Desertum (IAU: Deluc and Gruemberger area) Ewing's mob (craterlet-cluster at Dorsa Ewing) Exploratum, Mare (IAU: Mare Cognitum) Explorer (Apollo-17 site) Extremus Ponti, Sinus (IAU: Mare Nectaris) Exuperay (Apollo-15 site) Eychstadi (IAU: Werner) Eye (Liebig J) Eyes of Clavius (clair-obscur phenomenon at Clavius, during local sunrise) Eyraud (IAU: Lovell?) |
F nomenclature (from the IAU and from unofficial sources)
Italics indicate farside features.
Because the peculiar class of surface formations informally named Fossae are very much unknown, each one of them should appear in the F list below, to get an overview of all of them, and also of those not included on the LTO charts.
(for the whole collection of LTO charts, see the LPI's overview of them in:
IAU nomenclature |
Unofficial nomenclature |
G nomenclature (from the IAU and from unofficial sources)
Italics indicate farside features.
Note: the Golden Handle effect is the same as Patrick Moore's Jewelled Handle (a wonderful clair-obscur phenomenon at Sinus Iridum and Montes Jura, always visible during local sunrise circumstances, at the moon's morning terminator). One doesn't need a powerful telescope to observe this phenomenon! It's already visible without telescopes or binoculars! A pair of sharp looking eyes is all you need, or perhaps your glasses. See also APOD 2017 June the 5th.
Note: GEM, which means Gruithuisen E and M, is a region of many Irregular Mare Patches (IMPs) located near these two craters. Each one of the many clusters of the GEM-IMPs has its own number, for example GEM 24. It's worthwile to explore all of them in the Hi-Res NAC images of the LROC ACT-REACT QUICK MAP!
-Birt- G. Bond (aka G.P.Bond, George Phillips Bond) |
-Van Langren- Giovanelli (IAU: Mersenius Zeta) |
H nomenclature (from the IAU and from unofficial sources)
Italics indicate farside features.
-Wilkins- Haas (Pico E) |
-Riccioli- Heraclides, Promontorium (aka Cassini's moon maiden) |
I nomenclature (from the IAU and from unofficial sources)
Italics indicate farside features.
IAU nomenclature: |
Unofficial nomenclature: |
J nomenclature (from the IAU and from unofficial sources)
Italics indicate farside features.
The Jewelled Handle is the same as the Golden Handle effect (a wonderful clair-obscur phenomenon at Sinus Iridum and Montes Jura, always visible during local sunrise circumstances, at the moon's morning terminator). One doesn't need a powerful telescope to observe this phenomenon! It's already visible without telescopes or binoculars! A pair of sharp looking eyes is all you need, or perhaps your glasses. See also APOD 2017 June the 5th.
- John Lennon (the name John Lennon Peace Crater has been proposed for Daniell D, in honor of John Lennon, by the Luna Society International, but this has not been approved by the IAU).
IAU nomenclature: |
Unofficial nomenclature: |
K nomenclature (from the IAU and from unofficial sources)
Italics indicate farside features.
The name KAMP from Apollo 11's Command Module Pilot (CMP) Michael Collins seems to be a crater or craterlet in or near Mare Spumans. It was named KAMP in honour of Michael's family (Kate, Ann, Michael, and Pat). Source: John Moore.
IAU nomenclature |
Unofficial nomenclature KAMP (at Mare Spumans) Kant Plateau (see Kant) Karische Strasse (see Riphaeus, Montes) Karpinskiy, Rimae (on the floor of Karpinskiy) Keeler, Rima (on the SW part of the floor of Keeler) Keill (location unknown) Kelvin, Dorsa (in Mare Humorum, near Prom. Kelvin) Kephalinos (Hercules F) Kepleri (IAU: Protagoras Zeta) Keyhole (Fauth and Fauth A) Keyhole (location unknown, on the moon's farside) Khandrikov (Brouwer P) Kimbal (Apollo-15 site) King Y (see link in discussion below) Kintschotii (IAU: Lansberg) Kirch pinnacle (the small "island" north of Kirch) Kircheri (IAU: Malapert) Kleiber (IAU: Houzeau) Klepesta (Airy B) Kohlrausch (location unknown) Komarov, Rimae (on the floor of Komarov) Konie c Polski (IAU: Hommel) Kostinskiy, Rimae (on the floor of Kostinskiy) Kovalevskiy (Timocharis B) Kraft (IAU: Marconi) Kristmannus (Lacus Excellentiae) Krosigk (Tobias Mayer G) |
L nomenclature (from the IAU and from unofficial sources)
Italics indicate farside features.
The "Le Alda" mystery
Was Ken Mattingly's "LE ALDA" perhaps THE ALTAI?
154:02:57 G.E.T.: CMP Ken Mattingly (Apollo 16):
"Okay. Maybe we could have drawn a terminator that was a little more over towards the area where we've shown our target, but there may be quite a drop-off in elevation here. It would only take - quite a bit, to the Sun angle wouldn't have to be an awful lot, on a geologic scale I guess. But the actual terminator was running down just to the west of Le Alda [or Mädler?] so I ran a strip down that".
- Apollo 16 Flight Journal, David Woods and Tim Brandt. Day 7: Lunar Orbital Observations, Revs 35 to 45
Additional research: Danny Caes (the "Le Alda" mystery).
L. Clark (Laurel Blair Salton Clark, crewmember STS-107) |
Lev (Luna-24 site) |
M nomenclature (from the IAU and from unofficial sources)
Italics indicate farside features.
Johann Hewelcke's name Mons Mampsarus is a typographical error. On his chart it is Mons Campsarus.
- Mandela (the name Mandela or Nelson Mandela International Peace Crater has been proposed for Plana G, in honor of Nelson Mandela, by the Luna Society International, but this has not been approved by the IAU).
- Mount Marilyn is perhaps the very first one of the NASA-related nicknames (of the Apollo era, Apollo 8 / Apollo 10) to be officially recognized by the IAU (July 2017).
M. Anderson (Michael Phillip Anderson, crewmember STS-107) |
Melissa (craterlet near Ibn Firnas and Ostwald) |
N nomenclature (from the IAU and from unofficial sources)
Italics indicate farside features.
"N" (the N-shaped part of Rimae Ramsden just north of Ramsden itself) |
-Maedler- Nicolai |
O nomenclature (from the IAU and from unofficial sources)
Italics indicate farside features.
IAU nomenclature: |
Unofficial nomenclature: |
P nomenclature (from the IAU and from unofficial sources)
Italics indicate farside features.
Pacificus, Mare (aka Orientale Dark Mantle Ring Deposit) |
Pikel'ner |
Q nomenclature (from the IAU and from unofficial sources)
Italics indicate farside features.
IAU nomenclature: Quetelet / Unofficial nomenclature: Quadrant (Apollo-15 site) Quaresini (Lee Eta) Quark (Apollo-15 site) Quesada (Milichius Gamma) Question mark (the "?"-shaped string of high-albedo craterlets in Mare Tranquillitatis) Question Mark rille (the SE part of the "?"-shaped formation in Mare Tranquillitatis) |
R nomenclature (from the IAU and from unofficial sources)
Italics indicate farside features.
- Rabakuw and Rafelon
On page 47 of the january 1979 issue of Spaceflight (a well-known magazine for rocket and spaceship addicts) appeared a curious letter by a certain Geoffrey Hugh Lindop, who wanted to change the entire catalog of lunar nomenclature into some sort of lettered code system. In his letter, he included two examples of his system: Rabakuw (the IAU's Bianchini W) and Rafelon (the IAU's Plato F). After reading his letter about a dozen times, I still don't understand his method. G.H.Lindop's system could be a VERY interesting one (!), but he didn't give much explanation... (or rather: "a much too complicated" explanation) (the two examples were not enough to comprehend Lindop's way of thinking). - DannyCaes May 26, 2017
- Rays
J.Hewelcke's nomenclature-system for the many ejectarays around pronounced craters, adapted by D.Caes, see:
- Rilles
The IAU's list of named rilles is very incomplete (the moon's far side doesn't seem to exist). Explore a new list of named rilles on both the moon's near and far sides:
IAU nomenclature: |
'Unofficial nomenclature: |
S nomenclature (from the IAU and from unofficial sources)
Italics indicate farside features.
The meaning of SAR (or S.A.R.) between farside craters King and Tsiolkovsky is still a mystery.
Sabatier (near Lacus Risus Felis) |
-Menzel, 1971- Sisakyan |
T nomenclature (from the IAU and from unofficial sources)
Italics indicate farside features.
-Caes- T, the (the T shaped Irregular Mare Patch NNW of Arago D, SW of Arago E) |
Tian Shi (Chang'e-3 site) |
U nomenclature (from the IAU and from unofficial sources)
IAU nomenclature: |
V nomenclature (from the IAU and from unofficial sources)
Italics indicate farside features.
IAU nomenclature: |
Unofficial nomenclature: |
W nomenclature (from the IAU and from unofficial sources)
Italics indicate farside features.
IAU nomenclature: |
Unofficial nomenclature: W.H.Pickering (William Henry Pickering) (Messier A) Wagner (-428/ +212) Wagner (Apollo-17 site) Wagon Road (A-11 region) Walden (Apollo-17 site) Wall, The (between Diophantus and Mons Delisle) Wally (or Vally) (IAU: Bilharz) Ward (IAU: Protagoras) Wasatch mountains (see Crisium, Mare) Wash Basin (A-11 region) Washbowl (nickname, Cassini A) Washington (IAU: Aitken) Wassenarii (IAU: Torricelli) Watts (Kastner B) WC (Apollo-16 site) Weatherford (A-11 region) Webb (IAU: Chaplygin) Webb, Rima (east of Webb) Wegener / Wegener-Apollo (Apollo-17 site) Wegii (IAU: Pentland) Weka crater (WSW of Helicon) Welperi (IAU: Colombo?) Wendelini (IAU: Maskelyne A) Whale, the (Irregular Mare Patch n°15) Wheatstone (ENE Engelhardt) Whipple, Mount (La Hire Alpha) Whitaker (+910/ -480) White (IAU: Levi Civita) Wien (Hertzsprung D) Wilbur (Wilbur Wright) (Apollo-15 site) Wilhelmi Lantgravii (IAU: Mee) Williams (IAU: Lucretius) Window (Apollo-15 site) Wing, Vinc. (between Heinsius M and Wilhelm D) Winthrop, Rima (on the SW part of Winthrop's floor) Wisilii (IAU: Street) Witkowski (east of Tiling) Wittram (NNE of Fizeau) Wolfgangi D. Neoburgi (IAU: Wilhelm) Wolfii (IAU: Lindenau) Wolverine (Apollo-15 site) Wood's Spot (unofficial name, see Aristarchus Plateau) Worm Rille (A-11 region) (see link below) Wright (Licetus F) Wright Brothers (Kiess and Widmannstatten) |
X nomenclature (from the IAU and from unofficial sources)
Italics indicate farside features.
IAU nomenclature: |
Y nomenclature (from the IAU and from unofficial sources)
Italics indicate farside features.
IAU nomenclature: |
Z nomenclature (from the IAU and from unofficial sources)
Italics indicate farside features.
Is Van Langren's name Zylii really the last name in the ABC of (official and discontinued, or disallowed) Named Lunar Formations?
IAU nomenclature: |