Lat: 20.6°N, Long: 117.8°E, Diam: 81 km, Depth: km, Rükl: (farside), Eratosthenian |
left: Clementine . right: LROC . Note dark terrain on south-east sector, inside and outside Olcott .
LPOD Photo Gallery Lunar Orbiter Images Apollo Images
(LAC zone 47D2) USGS Digital Atlas PDF
Description: Wikipedia
Additional Information
- Central peak composition: A, GNTA1 & GNTA2 (Tompkins & Pieters, 1999)
- TSI = 25, CPI = 25, FI = 20; MI =70 Smith and Hartnell, 1973
- An oblique impact raycrater is located east-southeast of Olcott (see the photographic albedo-chart for LAC 47 in the Clementine Atlas). The pinpoint coordinates of this raycrater are: Longitude 121.3. Latitude 18.7. It's most interesting to explore the inner and outer slopes (albedo differences) of this raycrater via the LRO's ACT-REACT Quick Map. - DannyCaes Jun 5, 2011
William Tyler Olcott (January 11, 1873 – July 6, 1936) was an American lawyer and amateur astronomer. In 1909, after attending a lecture by Edward Pickering, he developed an interest in observing variable stars. In 1911, he and professor Pickering founded the American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO). Olcott also published several books to popularize the field of amateur astronomy.
Catena Olcott is an unofficial name from D.Caes for the chain of depressions east-southeast of Olcott E, north-northwest of Kostinskiy D.
LPOD Articles
W.T.Olcott is frequently mentioned in Burnham's Celestial Handbook. If all goes well, a list of pages (of Burnham's) in which W.T.Olcott is mentioned will appear here. Burnham himself never created an alphabetic index of the hundreds of names scattered throughout the three volumes of his handbook... - DannyCaes May 8, 2015