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Lat: 13.5°N, Long: 28.7°E, Diam: 23 km, Depth: 0.34 km, Rükl: 36

external image normal_Jansen_LO-IV-078H_LTVT.JPG
LO-IV-078H The 4-km diameter circular crater on the southwest floor of Jansen is Jansen Y.


LPOD Photo Gallery Lunar Orbiter Images Apollo Images
- Apollo 10's oblique north looking Hasselblad frame AS10-31-4598 shows Jansen and environs, with the southern part of Montes Taurus (Taurus Littrow) at the horizon.
- Apollo 17's oblique south looking ITEK frame of Jansen: AS17-P-2894.
- Additional research orbital Apollo photography: Danny Caes


(LAC zone 60B2) LAC map Geologic map LM map LTO map


Description: Elger

(IAU Directions) JANSEN.--Owing to its comparatively low border, this is not a very conspicuous object. It is chiefly remarkable for the curious arrangement of the mountains and ridges on the S. and E. of it. There is a bright little crater on the S. side of the floor, and many noteworthy objects of the same class in the neighbourhood. The mountain arm running S., and ultimately bending W., forms a large incomplete hook-shaped formation terminating at a ring-plain, Jansen B. The ridges in the Mare Tranquillitatis between Jansen B. and the region W. of Maskelyne display under a low sun foldings and wrinklings of a very extraordinary kind.

Description: Wikipedia


Additional Information

  • Depth data from Kurt Fisher database
    • Pike, 1976: 0.34 km
    • Arthur, 1974: 0.63 km
    • Westfall, 2000: 0.34 km
    • Viscardy, 1985: 0.62 km
    • Cherrington, 1969: 2.83 km
  • Jansen R is mentioned in APOLLO OVER THE MOON: A VIEW FROM ORBIT, Chapter 7: Unusual Features (Part 2), Figure 244.
  • Jansen B & F are thermal anomaly craters, implying youthful ages - Moore et al, 1980

The Irregular Mare Patch (IMP) southeast of the Jansen U couple (known as Jansen 1)

The exact coordinates of Jansen 1 are: LAT 11.669 / LON 32.659, southeast of the odd couple Jansen U.


  • Named for Zacharias Janszoon (1580-c. 1638), a Dutch optician. Note that this person's name is often spelled "Janssen", but the Janssen crater on the Moon is named for someone else.
  • According to Whitaker (p. 220), this name was introduced by Mädler.
  • Jansen Alpha, the mountainous hill southwest of the I.A.U.'s Cajal (formerly known as Jansen F), is also known as the Mitika peak. This unofficial name was printed on the greenish Rand McNally moonmap and on the same moonmap in Patrick Moore's Atlas of the Universe (1983). Research: Danny Caes. The exact origin of this unofficial name is unknown (who was Mitika?).
  • Jansen L was unofficially called Bernini on Lunar Topographic Ortophotomap 61-A1. To know who Bernini was, see this Wikipedia-page.
  • Bernini (the LTO's unofficial name for Jansen L) is included in the book Who's Who on the Moon; a biographical dictionary of lunar nomenclature by Elijah E. and Josiah C. Cocks (Tudor publishers, 1995).- DannyCaes May 2, 2011
  • Jansen 1 (the Irregular Mare Patch southeast of Jansen U).
  • Jansen R's small companion (a nickname from D.Caes for the officially unnamed ghost-crater southeast of the much larger ghost-crater Jansen R), see http://bit.ly/2wtwbzB (note: the crater which is officially known as Plinius B, east-southeast of Plinius itself, looks very much like Jansen R's small companion).

LPOD Articles

Seeing Red, Blue and Yellow Stereo Jansen Ghostly Terrain Old & New
