W. Bond
[hide]W. Bond
(Current IAU name; original IAU name: Bond or W.C. Bond)
Lat: 65.4°N, Long: 4.5°E, Diam: 156 km, Depth: 1.89 km,Rükl: 4, pre-Nectarian |
LOIV 116 H2
Note the rille on the floor of W.Bond! (see Additional Information below).
LPOD Photo Gallery Lunar Orbiter Images
(LAC zone 3C3) USGS Digital Atlas PDF
Description: Elger
(IAU Directions) W.C. BOND.--A great enclosed plain of rhomboidal shape on the N. of Archytas, the bright ring-plain Timaeus standing near its W. corner, and another conspicuous but much smaller enclosure with a smaller crater E. of it on the floor at the opposite angle. The interior, which is covered with rows of hillocks, is very noteworthy at sunrise.
Description: Wikipedia
Additional Information
Depth data from Kurt Fisher database
- Westfall, 2000: 1.89 km
- Cherrington, 1969: 2.98 km
Narrow and sometimes invisible rille on the floor of W.Bond, unofficially called Rima W.Bond by Danny Caes. It was not depicted on Chart 4 in Antonin Rukl's Atlas of the Moon, it is noticeable on LAC 3 in the Clementine Atlas of the Moon. It is also very well noticeable on Chart 10 in the 21st Century Atlas of the Moon (Wood/ Collins).
- Named for William Cranch Bond (September 9, 1789 – January 29, 1859), an American astronomer, and the first director of Harvard College Observatory. Together with his son, G.P. Bond, he is credited with creating some of the first photographic images of the Moon.
- W.C. Bond is Entry 986 in Mary Blagg's Collated List (1913). It is listed as Bond (without the initials) in the text of the original IAU nomenclature of Named Lunar Formations (1935), although the Index refers to it as "Bond (W.C.)".
- The name was modified to W. Bond (or possibly Bond, W.) as a result of certain spelling changes proposed by Gerard Kuiper and approved by the IAU in 1961.
- Printed as W.C. Bond on Hans Schwarzenbach's HALLWAG map of the moon.- DannyCaes Nov 10, 2012
- Rima W.Bond, an unofficial name (by D.Caes) for the narrow and sometimes invisible rille on the floor of W.Bond. See LPOD Airbrushed Out?. Now, shouldn't that be an official name? Recognized by the IAU? - DannyCaes Jul 26, 2014
LPOD Articles
Bond's Back
Not James Bond, William Bond
Rubbled Rille
Airbrushed Out? (Rima W.Bond)
Lunar 100
L76: Large crater degraded by Imbrium ejecta.
A certain Bond is mentioned in Burnham's Celestial Handbook, on pages 387, 451, 1328, 1331, 1953 (source: Christof Plicht's and Arndt Latusseck's handy online alphabetic index of all the names mentioned in Burnham's Celestial Handbook) (created in 2003, on PDF).
Now, was this Bond perhaps related to William Cranch Bond?
- DannyCaes Jun 1, 2015