Wolff, Mt.
[hide]Mount Wolff
(unofficial name; current IAU name: Mons Wolff, formerly Wolf (Mt))
Lat: 17.0°N, Long: 6.8°W, Diam: 35 km, Height: 3.5 km, Rükl: 21 |
LO-IV-114H The IAU's Mons Wolff is the triangular area just above center. To its immediate right (below the craterlet Wallace C) is the elongated peak formerly known as Mons Serao.
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(LAC zone 41D4) LAC map Geologic map LM map
Description: Elger
(IAU Directions) MOUNT WOLF.--A great square-shaped mountain mass, near the S.W. extremity of the Apennines, in N. lat. 17 deg., W. long. 9 deg., the loftiest peak rising to nearly 12,000 feet above the Mare Imbrium.
Description: Wikipedia
Additional Information
- Depth data from Kurt Fisher database
- Viscardy, 1985: 3.5 km
- Cherrington, 1969: 1.7 km
- In LO-IV-114H, only a scarp, about 1200 m tall, at the foot of the mountain, is casting a shadow. - JimMosher
- Named for Baron Christian von Wolff (1679-1754), a German philosopher.
- According to Whitaker (p. 218), this name was introduced by Schröter, who himself found it on a list of names prepared by Hell, where it appeared in the form Wolffius Freiherr, and was used for a different formation (p. 93).
- The original IAU spelling, following Mädler, was Wolf. Mädler's "error" was corrected to Mt. Wolff in Table III of Kuiper's Photographic Lunar Atlas, which was approved by the IAU in 1961. The name was presumably latinized to Mons Wolff in 1964, although it is not specifically mentioned in IAU Transactions XIIB.
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