Lat: 17.2°S, Long: 128.1°W, Diam: 59 km, Depth: km, Rükl: (farside) | |
LPOD Photo Gallery Lunar Orbiter Images Apollo Images
Frame 20, made by Zond 8, shows Belopol'skiy just rightward (south) of Ioffe (which is the pronounced crater with the typical "Langrenus-look" near the frame's left margin, at the same height of the frame's central cross).
Research: Danny Caes
(LAC zone 107A1) USGS Digital Atlas PDF
Belopol'skiy is an old crater that has more than likely had its fair share of bombardment and erosion throughout its age. Its worn-looking rim has been struck by several small impacts, and a relatively larger impactor (or several smaller ones together) seems to have have taken most of its southern portion away. The floor of Belopol'skiy seems to be higher in the centre (eroded peaks?), and other similar-like mounds appear towards its north-east section. The crater lies some 250 kilometres away from the outermost ring of the Hertzsprung Basin (a 570 km-wide basin of the Nectarin period) towards the north and, roughly, 400 kilometres away from the outermost ring of the Orientale Basin (a 930 km-wide basin of the Early Imbrium period) in the east. Both of which undoubtedly must have, at some time, changed the appearance of Belopol'skiy in the past -- through secondary impactors or ejecta deposits. - JohnMoore2
Description: Wikipedia
Additional Information
Aristarch Apollonovich; Russian astronomer (1854-1934).
LPOD Articles
A. Belopol'skiy in popular scientific literature:
Page 360 in Burnham's Celestial Handbook (Volume 1). See at Alpha Canum Venaticorum (Cor Caroli).