Lat: 35.2°S, Long: 166.3°W, Diam: 208 km, Depth: km, Rükl: (farside) |
left: Clementine . right: LROC . Oppenheimer at center, dark floored Maksutov south-southwest of it, the western sector of the Apollo basin at right margin.
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(LAC zone 120B1) USGS Digital Atlas PDF
Description: Wikipedia
Additional Information
- 7 dark halo/pyroclastic deposits occur in a circle inside Oppenheimer - they show up as dark areas in the Clementine image above. The three deposits on the left are large, filling the entire crater (Oppenheimer U) at upper left. The four deposits on the right are much smaller. Rosanova et al, 1998
Possible domes east of Oppenheimer H
- For John Moore's discovery of the possible domes east of Oppenheimer H (on the western part of the Apollo basin's floor) see the page Domes.
J. (Julius) Robert; American physicist (1904-1967).
Rimae Oppenheimer (an unofficial name from a compiler of an updated list of lunar RIMAE for the system of rilles on the floor of Oppenheimer).
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