(formerly De Roy X)
Lat: 52.85°S, Long: 101.31°W, Diam: 29.88 km, Depth: km, Rükl: (farside) |
Clementine UV-VIS Multispectral Mosaic: Mercator projection dynamically created by USGS lunar Web Map Service. Click here for a USGS-generated list of all IAU-named features with centers in the current field.
LPOD Photo Gallery Lunar Orbiter Images
(LAC zone 135A3) USGS Digital Atlas PDF
Additional Information
- IAU page: Chadwick
- Named for Sir James Chadwick (1891-1974), a British physicist.
- Chadwick was added to a bank of names for future use on the Moon in IAU Transactions XVIB (1976).
- The name was approved for use in connection with the present crater in IAU Transactions XIXB (1985).
- Although the IAU Planetary Gazetteer lists this as a replacement name for De Roy X, the latter name would appear to have never been IAU approved since the farside lettered crater names introduced by Ewen Whitaker were not approved by the IAU until 2006, by which time this crater had been given its present name.
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