IAU Transactions XIXB
(the following is excerpted from the book published by D. Reidel in 1986)
Edited by
General Secretary of the Union
(from p. 339:)
(Committee of the Executive Committee)
Report of meetings on 6 April, 1984, 6 August, 1984, 8 October, 1984, and 24 August, 1985
President, Harold Masursky
A brief report of meetings held in 1983-84, including current membership lists of the Working and Task Groups, is contained in Trans. IAU vol. XIXA, page 725-726, 1985.
Five new Latin terms were adopted for use on any planet or satellite:
- Corona (Coronae) Ovid-shaped feature
- Facula (Faculae) Bright spot
- Fluctus (Fluctus) Flow terrain
- Labes (Labes) Landslide terrain
- Tessera (Tesserae) Tile-like, polygonal terrain
In specific cases, three additional terms are used:
- Landing site name Lunar features at or near Apollo landing sites
- Eruptive center Active volcanic centers on Io
- Large ringed feature Cryptic ringed features on Callisto
A method of communication faster than standard airmail will be sought so that proposed names and other questions can he considered more promptly.
Working Croup Meetings will he held at least once a year in the Soviet Union and in USA or Europe, when a representative group of Working Group members cannot he convened in either location.
A new Task Croup for naming surface features on asteroids and comets has been formed. Dr. David Morrison, chairman of the Mercury Task Croup, is chairman, pro tempore; a permanent chairman from Europe will he chosen at the first meeting, to be held in Toulouse, Prance in June, 1986, in connection with the COSPAR meeting. Other members of the new committee are:
Dr. Joseph Veverka, USA Tlr. Leonid Ksanfomaliti, USSR
Dr. Andre Brahic, France Dr. Yaroslav Yatskiv, USSR
Dr. Marcello Fulchignoni, Italy Dr. Syuzo Isobe, Japan
Dr. Tomas Gombosi, Hungary Dr. Y.C. Chang, China
The following 593 names were adopted for features on the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, three satellites of Jupiter, and newly discovered satellites of Saturn and Pluto.
(from p. 340:)
Table 1. 56 names approved as assigned to features on the lunar surface. Positions are given in degrees of latitude and longitude.
ABETTI, Georgio 19.9N 27.7E (1882-1982) Italian astronomer
ANDERSSON, Leif E. 49.7S 95.3W (1943-1979) American astronomer
BOURNOUILLI, Jean 35.ON 60.7E (1667-1748) Swiss mathematician
CARPENTER, Edwin F. 69.4N 50.9W (1898-1963) American astronomer
CHADWICK, James 52.7S 101.3W (1891-1974) British physicist
CHALONGE, Daniel 21.2S 117.3W (1895-1977) French astronomer
COUDER, Andre 4.85 92.4w (1897-1978) French astronomer
DOERFEL, Georg Samuel 69.15 107.9W (1643-1688) German astronomer
FLORENSKY, Cyril P. 25.3N 131.5E (1915-1982) Soviet geochemist
FRYXELL, R.H. 21.35 101.4W (1934-L974) American Geologist
GAVRILOV, Igor 3. 17.4N 130.9E (1928-1982) Soviet astronomer
HADLEY, John 25.4N 2.7E (1682-1793) British instrument maker
HEYROVSKY, Jaroslav 39.6S 95.3W (1890-1967) Czech chemist
IL'IN, N. Ja. 17.85 97.5W (1901-1937) Soviet rocket scientist
LALLEMAND, Andre 14.35 84.1W (1904-1978) French astronomer
MCDONALD, Thomas L. 30.4N 20.9W (unk.-1973) Scottish selenographer
POPOV, C. 17.2N 99.7E (1880-1966) Bulgarian astronomer
SHULEJKIN, M. V. 27.IS 92.5W (1884-1939) Soviet radio engineer
UREY, Harold 27.9N 87.4E (1893-1981) American chemist
YAKOVKIN, A.A. 54.55 78.8W (1887-1974) Soviet astronomer
LITTROW, CATENA 22.2N 29.5E Named from nearby crater
TARUNTIUS, CATENA 3N 48E Named From nearby crater
TIMOCHARIS, CATENA 29N 13W Named from nearby crater
DELISLE, MONS 29.5N 35.8W Named from nearby crater
AGRICOLA, RIMA 29N 53W Named from nearby crater
ARTSIMOVICH, RIMA 27N 39W Named from nearby crater
BRAYLEY, RIMA 23N 301 Named from nearby crater
DAWES, RIMA 17.5N 26.6E Named from nearby crater
DELISLE, RIMA 31N 32W Named from nearby crater
DIOPHANTUS, RIMA 29N 33W Named from nearby crater
DRAPER, RIMA 18N 25W Named from nearby crater
EULER, RIMA 21N 31W Named from nearby crater
FOCAS, RIMAE 28S 98W Named from nearby crater
GALILAEI, RIMA 13N 59W Named from nearby crater
GERARD, RIMAE 46N 84W Named from nearby crater
HASE, RIMA 29.4S 62.5E Named from nearby crater
KOPFF, RIMAE 17.4S 89.6W Named from nearby crater
KRIEGER, RIMA 29.0N 45.6W Named from nearby crater
MAESTLIN, RIMAE 2N 40W Named from nearby crater
MAIRAN, RIMA 38N 47W Named from nearby crater
MAUPERTUIS, RIMAE 52N 23W Named from nearby crater
MAYER, T., RIMA 13N 31W Named from nearby crater
(from p. 341:)
MERSENIUS, RIMAE 20.0S 45W Within crater
MILICHIUS, RIMA 8N 33W Named from nearby crater
PETTIT, RIMAE 23S 9211 Named from nearby crater
REPSOLD, RIMAE 51N 80W Named from nearby crater
RICCIOLI, RIMAE. 02N 74W Named from nearby crater
SECCHI, RIMAE 1N 44E Named from nearby crater
SHEEPSHANKS, RIMA 58N 24E Named from nearby crater
SUESS, RIMA 6N 47W Named from nearby crater
SUNG-MEI, 24.6N 11.3E Chinese female name
TARUNTIUS, RIMAE 5.5N 46.5E Within crater
VASCO DA GAMA, RIMAE 10N 82W Named from nearby crater
BORIS 30.6N 33.5W Named from nearby craterMERCATOR 30S 23W Named from nearby crater
TOSCANELLI 27.4N 47.5W Named from nearby crater