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Benedict - on the floor of Mendeleev

Lat: 4.4°N, Long: 141.5°E, Diam: 14 km, Depth: 3.14 km, Rükl: (farside)



(Left) Annotated image of LOI-116-M. (Right) Color-coded LAC 66 from USGS Digital Atlas


LPOD Photo Gallery Lunar Orbiter Images Apollo Images
- The partially illuminated interior and sunlit eastern inner slopes of the bowl-shaped crater Benedict were captured near the left margins of Apollo 16's orbital ITEK-panoramic frames AS16-P-4763 and AS16-P-4768. Note the curious small chain of tiny depressions "to the lower right" (slightly north-east) of Benedict.
- A fully sunlit Benedict was captured on orbital Hasselblad frame AS10-35-5195, which is one of a series of not-indexed photographs in Apollo 10's magazine 35-U.
Research orbital Apollo photography: Danny Caes
- Benedict was also captured on Apollo 11's orbital Hasselblad frames AS11-43-6429, 6431, and 6433.
Research: David Woods and colleagues (Apollo 11 Flight Journal).


(LAC zone 66C1) LTO map


Benedict lies nearly central on the floor of the 330 km-wide Mendeleev Basin of the Nectarian period (3.92 - 3.85 bn years ago). Its shape is that of your average bowl-shaped type crater, and looks relatively fresh except for the worn-down appearance of its northern rim. The shadow-shape inside the central part of the crater suggests some infill material exists within it floor. - JohnMoore2

Description: Wikipedia


Additional Information

Depth data from Kurt Fisher database
  • Pike, 1976: 3.14 km


Francis Gano; American chemist, physiologist (1870-1957).

LPOD Articles

Bibliography (a curiosity, a Swedish scientist known as Benediks)

According to Belgian author Julien Weverbergh and Romanian author Ion Hobana, there must have been a certain Swedish scientist known as Benediks.
According to this scientist (Benediks), all known reports of nocturnal UFO appearances are nothing else than descriptions of ball-lightning. Seems reasonable to me if the less-known natural phenomenon Earthlights (Earthquake lights) is also included (see Michael Persinger and others), and all of the so-called appearances of daylight saucers ("discs of metal") are excluded.
Note: I'm watching the skies since 1964, and I must say, my (always alert) eyes have never caught things which look like disc-shaped metal-made objects!
In other words, the phenomenon known as UFO (or UFOs) is not-at-all some sort of extraterrestrial intervention. It is a geophysical (natural) phenomenon, related to certain interactions of earth's internal stress (earthquake areas) and magnetic fluctuations in earth's atmosphere. The result: strange looking nocturnal light phenomena of which their weird quicksilvery motions are too complicated to comprehend (there's absolutely nothing about these geophysical phenomena in schoolbooks). And because they look so very much out-of-this-world, many people think they come from distant planets somewhere in another solar system... Add the disastrous effect of science-fiction movies, and you know all about the hopeless situation of sober cork-dry people who want to aim the attention of the "believers" toward the geophysical (or geomagnetic) explanation of nocturnal lights!
- DannyCaes Sep 24, 2016 (as always: cork-dry).
By the way,
The abbreviation "U.F.O." is only the most known one in a list of related abbreviations.
There's also:
I.F.O. (Identified Flying Object) (airliners, airplanes, balloons, blimps, birds, dangerous dishes and saucers thrown out by angry housewives).
U.B.O. (Unidentified Bright Object) (alas... geophysically explainable Earthlights or Earthquake lights are still seen as Unidentified Bright Objects...).
I.B.O. (Identified Bright Object) (such as: the Full Moon) (unfortunately many people can't or won't see the difference between the sun shining through semi-translucent clouds and the nocturnal Full Moon!).
U.S.O. (Unidentified Submarine Object) (some sort of submarine lifeforms create very unusual sounds, see W.R.Corliss's archives).
I.S.O. (Identified Submarine Object) (the huge amount of litter derived from industrial plastic in earth's oceans could be seen as Identified Submarine Objects).
(see list in the pocket-book UFOs, a scientific debate (edited by Carl Sagan and Thornton Page), Cornell University / W.W.Norton & Company, 1972).
Could this Benediks (mentioned above) have been Carl Axel Fredrik Benedicks?