[hide]Sita (craterlet in King)
Lat: 4.6°N, Long: 120.8°E, Diam: 2 km, Depth: km, Rükl: (farside) |
This Apollo 16 view of the floor of the crater King shows the location of Sita -- a fresh impact crater with a spray of bright ejecta to the east. It appears to have hit on the steep slope of what appears to be a landslide from the south rim, terminating near the part of the central peaks known as Mons Ganau. Other IAU-named features in this view are Mons André, Mons Dieter, Mons Ardeshir, and Mons Dilip.
LPOD Photo Gallery Lunar Orbiter Images Apollo Images
(LAC zone 65C1) LTO map Topophotomap
Description: Wikipedia
Additional Information
Indian female name.
- Sita is a Minor Feature whose name was originally intended only for use in connection with Topophotomap 65C1/S1, on which it is plotted.
- Sita is also the name of an asteroid: 244 Sita- DannyCaes Mar 24, 2013
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