Lat: 40.4°N, Long: 23.1°W, Diam: 24 km, Depth: 1.91 km, Rükl: 10 |

Left: LO-IV-134H The bands in the upper right corner are a defect in the development of the Lunar Orbiter film.
Right: François Emond Helicon (left) & Le Verrier (right)
LPOD Photo Gallery Lunar Orbiter Images Apollo Images
The distinct couple Helicon and Le Verrier was also captured on several of Apollo 15's orbital Fairchild photographs (Revolution 35).
AS15-M-1552 is one of those photographs. Helicon and Le Verrier are noticeable near the central part of the curved horizon (the "right" part on the LPI's online version)(looking North). - DannyCaes Dec 18, 2007
(take a look at the HIGH RESOLUTION version: the Print Resolution JPG, 3.1 MB).
(LAC zone 24B4) LAC map Geologic map
Description: Elger
(IAU Directions) HELICON.--The companion ring-plain on the W. It is 13 miles in diameter, and is very similar, though not quite so deep. There is a crater on the S.W. wall, and, according to Neison, another on the outer slope of the N. border. Webb records a central crater. If Helicon is observed when on the morning terminator, it will be seen to be traversed by a curved ridge which cuts through the walls, and runs up to a bright crater S.W. of LEVERRIER. It appears to be a "fault," whose "downthrow," though slight, is clearly indicated by an area of lower ground on the W. There is a great number of small craters in the neighbourhood of this formation.
Description: Wikipedia
Additional Information
- Depth data from Kurt Fisher database
Westfall, 2000: 1.91 km
Viscardy, 1985: 1.91 km - Satellite crater Helicon B is on the ALPO list of bright ray craters.
- TSI = 30, CPI = 20, FI = 15; MI =65 Smith and Sanchez, 1973
- A curious ghost-like crater touching the southern part of a bowl-shaped crater's rim, west-southwest of Helicon, was discovered by Maurice Collins, see LPOD Small Mystery. The pinpoint coordinates of it on the online LRO's ACT-REACT Quick Map are: LATITUDE 39.78, LONGITUDE -24.64.- DannyCaes Aug 19, 2012
- Helicon (fl. c. 361 B.C.) was a Greek astronomer and mathematician, a native of Cyzicus and a friend and disciple of Plato. He was for some time a resident at the court of Dionysius the Younger, and was presented by him with a talent of silver for having correctly predicted an eclipse of the sun.
- According to Whitaker (p. 212), this crater was labeled "Helicon Cyzicenus" on Riccioli's map. The modern name was obtained by dropping the "Cyzicenus". - JimMosher
- Frankly, there's no "Cyzicenus" in Riccioli's/Grimaldi's map. It shows only Helicon. - DannyCaes Feb 12, 2016
- On the odd looking moonmap made by Johann Hewelcke (1647), the couple of craters Helicon and Leverrier seem to have been one and the same formation called Insula Erroris (a ring of small mountains).
LPOD Articles
Out the Porthole
Small Mystery (curious formation west-southwest of Helicon).