IAU Transactions XVB
(the following is excerpted from the book published by D. Reidel in 1974)
Note: see Ashbrook, 1974 for a pre-publication news story about changes adopted at this meeting, some of which do not appear in the final text.
G. CONTOPOULOS General Secretary of the Union
Edited by A. JAPPEL Executive Secretary
(from pp. 110-112:)
Chairman: D. H. Menzel, Members: B. Levin, H. Masursky. Prof. Levin was unable to attend.
The Working Group held two open sessions on 22 August afternoon and 25 August morning. The attendance was around 15-20 members.
The WG had been entrusted with the responsibility of defining the system of nomenclature for the craters and topographic features at smaller scale than the telescopic resolving power and to apply it on the new detailed lunar cartographic program. In order to meet this assignment, the WG had particularly intensive activity during the past three years, to arrive at a proposal reaching a general consensus. After several meetings in 1971 to explore the field, it held formal sessions on 17-18 May 1972 in Madrid, on 27 November 1972 in Paris, on 9-10 March 1972 in Houston, on 21-23 May 1973 in Constance, plus working sessions at the IUCM General Assemblies of 15 November 1971 and 28 November 1972.
The Chairman, D. H. Menzel, summarized the work done, presented the scheme proposed for the designation of small lunar features and opened the proposal to discussion. A 2-hours discussion followed in which at least 10 participants expressed comments, remarks, first on the general scheme, then on more precise points. The Chairman ended the session by proposing that although the general spirit of the first draft remained unchanged, he would prepare for the second session of the WG an improved version of the draft, accounting for the new balance of consensus on details resulting from the advices of the participants.
At the second session, the new draft of the resolution was presented to the audience. Again, about 10 members participated actively in the improvement of certain aspects, although clearly the consensus on the general principles was already reached at the beginning of the discussion. A final proposal was then agreed upon to be presented for adoption at the General Assembly of the Commission, and adopted with unanimity of the voting members, as follows:
Resolution on Lunar Nomenclature
"Commission 17 recommends for adoption the following resolutions concerning lunar nomenclature.
(1) The abundant data secured by space vehicles have made possible new programs of lunar mapping, which require a more precise and detailed system of nomenclature than the current system originated by Mädler. The revised system employs a geometrical grid of Regions and Provinces.
(2) In the new system, parallels of latitude and meridian arcs divide the lunar surface into 144 Regions, as in the NASA Lunar Aeronautical Charts (LAC), on the scale 1:1000000, Figure 1. (For details see Robert Carder, The Moon, IAU Symposium 14, p. 17). Each region is subdivided into sixteen Provinces, as in the NASA Lunar Topograhic Orthophotomaps (LTO), on the scale 1:250000. Each Province carries a code designation, consisting of its LAC Region number, followed by a letter A, B, C, or D and a number 1, 2, 3, or 4. For example, Figure 2 illustrates the coding for Province 39 A 1.
(3) Consistent with standard cartographic practice, each Region and each Province will also bear the name of some prominent feature (preferably a crater) within it. Names of Provinces will not duplicate those of Regions.
(4) A grid system may be used for further identification of features within a given Province. Abscissae are indicated by one of the capital letters A-Z (I and 0 are omitted), from west to east. Ordinates are indicated by one of the lower-case letters a-z (i and o omitted), from south to north. This letter system is primarily for identification and reference and will not generally be used on the maps.
(5) The Greek letters previously indicating lunar elevations will be dropped. Craters previously designated by Roman capital letters will progressively be assigned new and distinctive names. To facilitate cross correlation between the current and the new system, the old names should be listed on the larger-scale maps. At an appropriate time a complete cross-reference table will be prepared.
(6) Elevated regions will generally require new designations. Ridges, previously unnamed, will be called Dorsum, plural Dorsa. Rimae and Rima systems will receive new and more appropriate designations. Crater chains will be designated Catena, such as Catena Davy.
(7) Whereas previously assigned lunar names have been, with few exceptions, those of distinguished deceased scientists, future assignments may also contain the names of distinguished, deceased contributors to human culture and knowledge, such as writers, painters, musicians, etc., chosen on an international basis. Exclused, however, are political, military, and religious figures, as well as modern philosophers.
(8) Very small features requiring identification for some special reason may be assigned, with IAU approval, first names, male or female, from an international list. Excluded, however, are names having more than three syllables.
(9) For operational purposes, such as designating areas specially explored or sampled, Apollo missions have assigned names to certain features in the vicinity of the respective landing sites. The list* was corrected and revised by the Working Group in consultation with the astronauts and Principal Investigators of the Apollo missions. The IAU requests that future lists of this type be submitted to the IAU in advance of the mission.
(10) The complete corrected list of the adopted names is published in Appendix 1. The list contains the name of M. Minnaert, who died shortly after the 1970 General Assembly. It contains also the name of Abbot (C. G.), who is still living.** It was assigned to honor Abbot's 100th birthday."
(* Copies are available at the office of Dr H. Menzel.)
(** C. G. Abbot died after the XVth General Assembly.)
(appendices from pp. 207-217 follow)
A large number of names of craters and other features on the Moon and Mars, were accepted by the IAU General Assemblies X (Moscow, 1958), XI (Berkeley, 1961), XII (Hamburg, 1964), XIV (Brighton, 1970), and XV (Sydney, 1973).
The names were suggested by the appropriate IAU Commissions (16 and 17). In particular the Lunar names accepted at the XIVth and XVth General Assemblies were recommended by the `Working Group on Lunar Nomenclature' under the Chairmanship of Dr D. H. Menzel. The Martian names were suggested by the `Working Group on Martian Nomenclature' under the Chairmanship of Dr G. de Vaucouleurs. At the XVth General Assembly a new `Working Group on Planetary System Nomenclature' was formed (Chairman: Dr P. M. Millman) comprising various Task Groups, one for each particular subject. For further references see: IAU Trans. X, 259-263, 1960; XIB, 236-238, 1962; XIIB, 203-204, 1966; XIIIB, 99-105, 1968; XIVB, 63, 129, 139, 1971; Space Sci. Rev. 12, 136-186, 1971.
Because at the recent General Assemblies some small changes, or corrections, were made, the complete list of Lunar and Martian Topographic Features is published here.
(note: the following list is complete only with respect to changes made since 1958. Names in the earlier nomenclature do not seem to be included unless the feature location was changed. - Jim Mosher)
Table 1: Lunar Craters
58S, 174E | |
6N, 55E | |
34S, 85E | |
2N, 117E | |
32S, 69E | |
17S, 173E | |
18N, 93E | |
24S, 111E | |
1.4N, 22.1E | |
68S, 131W | |
19N, 108W | |
l0S, 172W | |
85S, 85E | |
42S, 144W | |
16N, 171E | |
69S, 173W | |
37N, 158E | |
1.5N, 25E | |
55S, 91W | |
26N, 104E | |
10N, 145W | |
33N, 88W | |
39N, 97W | |
64N, 165E | |
44S, 82W | |
21S, 123E | |
4N, 94E | |
165, 103E |
19N, 83W | |
54S, 151 W | |
20S, 70E | |
5N, 80E | |
26N, 16E | |
24S, 158E | |
30S, 86E | |
29S, 151 W | |
24N, 90W | |
41N, 129E | |
2S, 125E | |
13S, 152E | |
61N, 90E | |
22N, 96W | |
61S, 164W | |
18S, 128W | |
23N, 143E | |
19S, 176E | |
25N, l05W | |
64S, 164W | |
56S, 165W | |
30S, 174E | |
59N, 148W | |
38S, 113E | |
31N, 148W | |
26N, 132W | |
13N, 86W | |
75S, 90W |
from p. 208
34S, 125E | |
64N, 87W | |
39S, 149W | |
54S, 170W | |
46N, 88E | |
18N, 9E | |
54S, 178E | |
18N, 24E | |
42N, 103W | |
74S, 172W | |
17N, 158W | |
75N, 87W | |
44N, 137E | |
36S, 125W | |
10S, 91E | |
41S, 134W | |
1S, 113E | |
42N, 86W | |
12N, 110W | |
21N, 175E | |
85N, l0E | |
61S, 171W | |
13N, 31E | |
48S, 168E | |
6N, 46E | |
45N, 152E | |
55N, 100W | |
20N, 81E | |
38N, 118E | |
20N, 40E | |
52N, 144W | |
435, 127E | |
52S, 113E | |
46S, 87W | |
39S, 155W | |
59S, 96E | |
37N, 175E | |
44N, 171 E | |
19N, 112E | |
41S, 110W | |
6S, 150E | |
50N, 101 W | |
55N, 179W | |
36N, 132W | |
3N, 140W | |
12S, 137E | |
34S, 133W | |
47N, 174E | |
47S, 163E | |
38S, 119E | |
22N, 29E | |
38S, 126E | |
30N, 164W | |
1.3N, 23.7E | |
56N, l05E | |
23N, 113W | |
21N, 122W | |
0, 168W |
53N, 176E | |
0, 172E | |
54N, 115W | |
67N, 90W | |
47S, 150E | |
68S, 148W | |
11S, 165W | |
23S, 92E | |
16N, 56E | |
20S, 157E | |
6S, 180 | |
52N, 164E | |
17N, 84W | |
5N, 57E | |
11S, 123E | |
25N, 180 | |
27S, 138W | |
16N, 15E | |
10N, 44E | |
38S, 175W | |
67S, 134W | |
50N, 177W | |
77S, 162W | |
7S, 140E | |
16S, 121E | |
16S, 143E | |
55S, 99W | |
70N, 74W | |
80N, 38E | |
24N, 110E | |
20S, 177W | |
3S, 166E | |
10N, 151W | |
13S, 129E | |
31S, 98E | |
13S, 160W | |
35N, 122W | |
10N, 97E | |
39S, 91W | |
33S, 157W | |
80S, 80W | |
5N, 70E | |
5N, 170E | |
65N, 103E | |
45N, 179E | |
61N, 121W | |
21N, 99E | |
18N, 58E | |
22N, 72W | |
25N, 99E | |
5N, 159W | |
41N, 172W | |
17N, 88W | |
63S, 142W | |
5S, 110E | |
26S, 121W | |
55N, 108W | |
9N, 101 W |
from p. 209
63N, 176W | |
36S, 134E | |
6N, 98E | |
47N, 142W | |
28N, 109E | |
10S, 134W | |
35N, 153W | |
36N, 160W | |
43N, 100E | |
59S, 125E | |
45S, 105W | |
31 N, 140E | |
20S, 122E | |
18N, 126W | |
23S, 135E | |
4N, 112E | |
27N, 172W | |
58S, 133W | |
15N, 109E | |
34S, 94W | |
23N, 142W | |
43N, 145W | |
0, 98E | |
23N, 36E | |
26N, 52W | |
25N, 171E | |
13S, 127W | |
80N, 110W | |
37N, 119W | |
36N, 147W | |
20S, 149E | |
22N, 5E | |
15S, 153W | |
65N, 144E | |
10S, 97E | |
80S, 110E | |
48S, 157E | |
17N, 131 E | |
14S, 158E | |
23S, 124W | |
36S, 99E | |
18S, 84E | |
3S, 76E | |
64S, 75E | |
14N, 97E | |
36N, 103E | |
2S, 138E | |
15N, 89E | |
25S, 105W | |
40N, 161E | |
3S, 108W | |
43S, 88W | |
4N, 133E | |
2N, 127E | |
13N, 130W | |
48S, 149W | |
665, 128E | |
45N, 129W |
40S, 89E | |
48S, 94W | |
11N, 117E | |
25N, 3E | |
48S, 135E | |
2S, 84E | |
74S, 90E | |
43S, 84E | |
33N, 114E | |
3N, 135E | |
6S, 80W | |
19N, 147W | |
29N, 122W | |
13N, 176W | |
65N, 83E | |
32N, 111 W | |
11S, 167E | |
3N, 77W | |
22N, 102W | |
SN, 152E | |
48S, 161W | |
13N, 152W | |
86N, 88W | |
13N, 104E | |
0, 129W | |
54S, 174E | |
75N, 144W | |
18S, 108E | |
21N, 41E | |
71N, 146W | |
6S, 93E | |
15N, 137E | |
34N, 122E | |
18S, 94W | |
28S, 151 E | |
24N, 12E | |
9S, 87E | |
18S, 124W | |
22N, 87E | |
31N, 57W | |
37N, 169E | |
20N, 5W | |
14N, 91E | |
6S, 173W | |
82S, 114E | |
26N, 153W | |
28N, 119E | |
15S, 129W | |
23S, 117E | |
22N, 163W | |
9N, 89E | |
56S, 91 E | |
425, 96E | |
26N, 94E | |
27N, 144W | |
25N, 7E | |
35S, 147E | |
15N, 116W |
from p. 210
11S, 71E | |
73N, 166E | |
6N, 116E | |
12S, 113W | |
10S, 162E | |
16N, 138W | |
14S, 112E | |
2N, 147W | |
36N, 123E | |
6S, 84E | |
57S, 118E | |
5N, 120E | |
69N, 157W | |
33S, 141W | |
37N, 142W | |
5N, 80E | |
43S, 150E | |
15N, 154E | |
10N, 114W | |
25N, 153E | |
15S, 115E | |
20N, 159E | |
17S, 90W | |
5S, 157W | |
14N, 118E | |
31N, 129W | |
22S, 101 E | |
53N, 128W | |
30S, 80W | |
4N, 176W | |
9S, 84E | |
35N, 167W | |
53S, 104E | |
42N, 155W | |
8N, 134W | |
38N, 142E | |
41 N, 107W | |
23S, 70W | |
43S, 101E | |
14S, 64E | |
31S, 131E | |
42N, 119W | |
9S, 132E | |
10S, 119G | |
44N, 162E | |
52N, 87W | |
36S, 129W | |
32N, 180 | |
28N, 97W | |
275, 96E | |
8N, 43E | |
46S, 140W | |
48S, 108E | |
8N, 165W | |
30S, 179W | |
38S, 178E | |
62S, 150W | |
3N, 102W |
19N, 148E | |
29N, 116W | |
1N, 109W | |
24S, 143E | |
19S, 114W | |
43N, 154E | |
70N, 99W | |
17S, 123E | |
9N, 113E | |
18S, 147W | |
27N, 98E | |
34N, 100W | |
6S, 129E | |
82N, 107W | |
37S, 143W | |
13S, 103W | |
15N, 37E | |
9S, 121W | |
7S, 97E | |
39S, 152E | |
27N, 89E | |
65S, 162E | |
51 N, 84E | |
18N, 149W | |
415, 169W | |
22N, l05E | |
6N, 162E | |
22N, 169W | |
9S, 145E | |
295, 140W | |
53N, 63W | |
14S, 94W | |
30N, 98E | |
16S, 171 W | |
47N, 93W | |
15N, 167W | |
22N, 127W | |
11S, 149W | |
14N, 96W | |
24N, 123E | |
115, 113E | |
49S, 110W | |
6N, 141 E | |
75N, 116W | |
12N, 125E | |
72N, 129W | |
6N, 121W | |
77N, 170E | |
47N, 121E | |
9N, 156E | |
31S, 113E | |
25N, 162W | |
56S, 145W | |
67S, 179E | |
18N, 155W | |
16N, 101E | |
19S, 165W | |
9N, 103E |
from p. 211
47N, 160W | |
37N, 178W | |
5N, 127E | |
22N, 175W | |
21N, 90W | |
61S, 97E | |
20N, 154E | |
81 N, 93E | |
25S, 177E | |
36N, 94W | |
27S, 125E | |
26S, 85W | |
32N, 52W | |
72N, 120W | |
33N, 134E | |
35N, 151E | |
45S, 171W | |
15N, 101 W | |
66N, 114W | |
71S, 161W | |
4N, 91E | |
32N, 167E | |
39S, 162E | |
31S, 157E | |
18N, 114W | |
20N, 117E | |
58N, 102W | |
35S, 166W | |
435, 169E | |
26S, 175W | |
11 N, 122E | |
63N, 95W | |
4S, 140E | |
10N, 164E | |
23S, 163E | |
50N, 150W | |
26N, 109W | |
34S, 103E | |
37N, 171W | |
74N, 70W | |
14S, 141 W | |
12S, 105E | |
17S, 133E | |
45S, 136E | |
29S, 142E | |
44N, 145E | |
89N, 30E | |
13N, 106W | |
3N, 87E | |
24S, 106E | |
10S, 128E | |
47N, 176W | |
42N, 129W | |
45N, 108E | |
37N, 115W | |
61 S, 88E | |
28S, 86W | |
63S, 113W |
20S, 140E | |
35S, 119E | |
58S, 135E | |
82N, 175E | |
25S, 155W | |
42S, 111E | |
57S, 161E | |
79N, 145W | |
26N, 115E | |
76N, 54W | |
17N, 99E | |
56S, IOW | |
17N, 133W | |
4S, 131 E | |
60S, 141E | |
57S, 108E | |
1S, 95E | |
43N, 135W | |
14S, 180 | |
14N, 159W | |
40S, 145E | |
45N, 114E | |
29N, 90E | |
39N, I14W | |
75N, 177E | |
49S, 140W | |
40N, 88E | |
74S, 107E | |
15S, 92E | |
71 N, 175W | |
22N, 105W | |
42S, 135E | |
33N, 92W | |
57N, 163W | |
86N, 155W | |
29S, 170W | |
2S, 87E | |
27N, 75W | |
47S, 96W | |
47N, 104W | |
4N, 102E | |
10N, 177E | |
2S, 103E | |
10N, 150E | |
32N, 139W | |
25N, 21E | |
49N, 121 W | |
27S, 109E | |
26S, 117F | |
69N, 157E | |
47N, 138W | |
2S, 155E | |
6S, 83W | |
42N, 164W | |
45N, 98W | |
79S, 90E | |
75S, 133E | |
4N, 147E |
from p. 212
71N, 120E | |
82S, 45E | |
74N, 145E | |
7S, 143W | |
47N, 128E | |
33S, 152E | |
29N, 114E | |
33N, 172E | |
33S, 85W | |
10N, 57E | |
13N, 173E | |
24N, 140E | |
76N, 104E | |
19N, 117W | |
22N, 135E | |
27S, 155E | |
41 N, 109E | |
18S, 96E | |
50N, 160E | |
60N, 97W | |
22S, 169W | |
65N, 161W | |
13N, 166E | |
59S, 176W | |
26N, 3W | |
25S, 134E | |
65N, 143W | |
46N, 109W | |
7N, 179E | |
37S, 105W | |
33N, 162E | |
40S, 119W | |
52N, 88W | |
45N, 155W | |
56S, 156W | |
57N, 145E | |
6S, 165E | |
22S, 133W | |
23N, 76W | |
29S, 135E | |
37N, 109E | |
1 IN, 91W | |
52N, 112E | |
83N, 80W | |
34N, 106E | |
SN, 86E | |
9N, 53E | |
32N, 136W | |
9S, 134E | |
28N, 144E | |
38N, 125E | |
17N, 39E | |
40N, 134W | |
75N, 169W | |
33S, 166E | |
25N, 162E | |
62N, 172E | |
52S, 132W |
5S, 147W | ||
27S, 101E | ||
29N, 150E | ||
28N, 168E | ||
5N, 149W | ||
49S, 141E | ||
57N, 176E | ||
20S, 129E | ||
17N, 144E | ||
35S, 117E | ||
26N, 48W | ||
7N, 174E | ||
27S, 172E | ||
31N, 159W | ||
44S, 119E | ||
16N, 160E | ||
36N, 127E | ||
53N, 145E | ||
62N, 132W | ||
63S, 119E | ||
44N, 93E | ||
1S, 139W | ||
0, 163E | ||
5S, 158E | ||
23N, 130E | ||
26N, 25E | ||
3S, 115E | ||
34N, 94E | ||
10N, 131E | ||
6S, 144E | ||
13S, 131E | ||
54N, 85W | ||
57N, 131E | ||
25S, 133W | ||
45S, 176E | ||
40N, 153E | ||
42N, 142W | ||
28N, 88W | ||
26S, 162W | ||
11S, 139W | ||
26S, 128E | ||
63S, 124W | ||
9N, 46E | ||
50N, 124W | ||
45N, 114W | ||
41N, 122E | ||
695, 90E | ||
16N, 120W | ||
45S, 160W | ||
6S, 85E | ||
84S, 165E | ||
41N, 146E | ||
22S, 155W | ||
42N, 179W | ||
35N, 106W | ||
45N, 160W | ||
44N, 121 W | ||
32S, 86W |
from p. 213
1S, 98E | |
61N, 127E | |
59N, 161E | |
17N, 5E | |
3N, 124E | |
75S, 135W |
29S, 167E | |
18N, 168E | |
25S, 120E | |
8N, 167W | |
27N, 59W | |
59N, 105W |
Table 2: List of Reference Points on the Moon
No. |
Name |
Xi |
Eta |
Zeta |
1 |
W. Bond B |
+0.055 |
+0.906 |
+0.420 |
2 |
Rhaeticus A |
.091 |
.030 |
.995 |
3 |
Egede A |
.113 |
.782 |
.611 |
4 |
Sulpicius Gallus |
.191 |
.336 |
.924 |
5 |
Cayley |
.260 |
.069 |
.963 |
6 |
Bessel |
.286 |
.370 |
.883 |
7 |
Luther |
.342 |
.547 |
.864 |
8 |
Dawes |
.424 |
.296 |
.85G |
9 |
Hercules G |
.435 |
.723 |
.537 |
10 |
Maury |
.510 |
.604 |
.614 |
11 |
Sina |
.518 |
.153 |
.842 |
12 |
Berzelius F |
.605 |
.542 |
.583 |
13 |
Tralles B |
.688 |
.458 |
.564 |
14 |
Taruntius A |
.758 |
.126 |
.640 |
15 |
Picard |
.789 |
.251 |
.557 |
16 |
Bode A |
-0.020 |
+0.156 |
+0.989 |
17 |
Archimedes A |
.098 |
.470 |
.877 |
18 |
Pico B |
.182 |
.724 |
.665 |
19 |
La Condamine Q |
.246 |
.795 |
.555 |
20 |
Gambart A |
.321 |
.017 |
.947 |
21 |
Carlini |
.339 |
.555 |
.760 |
22 |
Draper C |
.350 |
.293 |
.887 |
23 |
Sharp A |
.456 |
.738 |
.495 |
24 |
Diophantus |
.499 |
.463 |
.732 |
25 |
Brayley |
.561 |
.356 |
.746 |
26 |
Kepler A |
.584 |
.124 |
.802 |
27 |
Marius A |
.701 |
.218 |
.679 |
28 |
Herodotus A |
.734 |
.366 |
.572 |
29 |
Reiner A |
.778 |
.089 |
.621 |
30 |
Galilaei A |
.872 |
.203 |
.445 |
31 |
Mösting A |
-0.090 |
-0.056 |
+0.994 |
32 |
Orontius D |
.083 |
.634 |
.7G7 |
33 |
Alpetragius B |
.115 |
.261 |
.958 |
34 |
Gauricus D |
.162 |
.576 |
.822 |
35 |
Clavius J |
.164 |
.847 |
.501 |
36 |
Guericke C |
.196 |
.200 |
.959 |
37 |
Scheiner A |
.232 |
.868 |
.439 |
38 |
Hesiodus B |
.268 |
.456 |
.856 |
39 |
Fra Mauro A |
.355 |
.095 |
.930 |
40 |
Epimenides A |
.365 |
.685 |
.629 |
from p. 214
No. |
Name |
Xi |
Eta |
Zeta |
41 |
Darney C |
.425 |
.244 |
.872 |
42 |
Mee F |
.435 |
.686 |
.584 |
43 |
Herigonius |
.543 |
.231 |
.806 |
44 |
Drebbel D |
.598 |
.615 |
.514 |
45 |
Wichmann |
.610 |
.131 |
.781 |
46 |
Flamsteed A |
.674 |
.137 |
.725 |
47 |
Billy D |
.722 |
.255 |
.644 |
48 |
Vico C |
.829 |
.352 |
.436 |
49 |
Damoiseau E |
.847 |
.091 |
.524 |
50 |
Licetus H |
+0.038 |
-0.718 |
+0.695 |
51 |
Airy A |
.128 |
.293 |
.949 |
52 |
Jacobi B |
.140 |
.813 |
.562 |
53 |
Hipparchus C |
.142 |
.129 |
.981 |
54 |
Pontanus F |
.178 |
.467 |
.866 |
55 |
Nicolai A |
.296 |
.675 |
.676 |
56 |
Alfraganus C |
.309 |
.106 |
.950 |
57 |
Pons B |
.311 |
.481 |
.820 |
58 |
Janssen K |
.466 |
.720 |
.512 |
59 |
Rosse |
.545 |
.307 |
.780 |
60 |
Rheita P |
.553 |
.615 |
.564 |
61 |
Isidorus D |
.559 |
.074 |
.825 |
62 |
Reichenbach K |
.598 |
.483 |
.645 |
63 |
Gaudibert J |
.620 |
.193 |
.761 |
64 |
Biot |
.718 |
.385 |
.580 |
65 |
Messier A. |
.730 |
.035 |
.682 |
66 |
Langrenus C |
.862 |
.098 |
.497 |
67 |
Bruce |
+0.007 |
+ 0.020 |
+0.999 |
68 |
Hadley A |
.104 |
.423 |
.901 |
69 |
Cassini M |
.049 |
.660 |
.750 |
70 |
W. Bond C |
.059 |
.910 |
.408 |
71 |
Aristillus A |
.066 |
.553 |
.829 |
72 |
Hyginus D |
.074 |
.198 |
.977 |
73 |
Hyginus B |
.088 |
.132 |
.987 |
74 |
Egede B |
.098 |
.771 |
.627 |
75 |
Sulpicius Gallus G |
.104 |
.338 |
.935 |
76 |
Manilius D |
.119 |
.229 |
.967 |
77 |
Aratus D |
+0.136 |
+0.412 |
+0.899 |
78 |
Godin D |
.144 |
.017 |
.989 |
79 |
Sulpicius Gallus A |
.144 |
.375 |
.916 |
80 |
Linne B |
.211 |
.507 |
.833 |
81 |
Menelaus A |
.221 |
.293 |
.929 |
82 |
Silberschlag A |
.227 |
.121 |
.965 |
83 |
Endows A |
.240 |
.717 |
.654 |
84 |
Bessel E |
.251 |
.336 |
.906 |
85 |
Linné E |
.253 |
.447 |
.856 |
86 |
Aristoteles M |
.272 |
.802 |
.529 |
87 |
Taquet |
.315 |
.286 |
.905 |
88 |
Bessel A |
.325 |
.418 |
.848 |
89 |
Deseilligny |
.328 |
.360 |
.872 |
90 |
Tacquet C |
.350 |
.233 |
.906 |
91 |
Arago B |
.355 |
.060 |
.932 |
from p. 215
No. |
Name |
Xi |
Eta |
Zeta |
92 |
Baily B |
.362 |
.776 |
.513 |
93 |
Arago D |
.378 |
.120 |
.915 |
94 |
Le Monnier C |
.411 |
.380 |
.827 |
95 |
Posidonius A |
.419 |
.525 |
.739 |
96 |
Hercules C |
.425 |
.678 |
.600 |
97 |
Janssen G |
.433 |
.162 |
.886 |
98 |
Janssen D |
.458 |
.271 |
.845 |
99 |
Maskelyne K |
.494 |
.056 |
.866 |
100 |
Römer L |
.523 |
.395 |
.755 |
101 |
Maskelyne H |
.532 |
.085 |
.842 |
102 |
Maraldi A |
.556 |
.342 |
.757 |
103 |
Maraldi B |
.580 |
.248 |
.775 |
104 |
Secchi B |
.661 |
.064 |
.746 |
105 |
Picard X |
.856 |
.227 |
.464 |
106 |
Marco Polo B |
-0.031 |
+0.295 |
+ 0.955 |
107 |
Archimedes D |
.040 |
.532 |
.844 |
108 |
Piazzi Smyth B |
.045 |
.649 |
.758 |
109 |
Bode G |
.061 |
.110 |
.992 |
110 |
Pico C |
.078 |
.733 |
.675 |
111 |
Spitzberg C |
.128 |
.542 |
.828 |
112 |
Pico D |
.142 |
.687 |
.710 |
113 |
Eratosthenes B |
.143 |
.321 |
.935 |
114 |
Schröter D |
.165 |
.079 |
.984 |
115 |
Plato E |
.180 |
.762 |
.621 |
116 |
Timocharis B |
.186 |
.467 |
.864 |
117 |
Schröter M |
-0.200 |
+0.121 |
+0.971 |
118 |
Gambart C |
.208 |
.034 |
.978 |
119 |
Le Verrier E |
.215 |
.673 |
.705 |
120 |
Stadius B |
.230 |
.205 |
.951 |
121 |
Carlini D |
.231 |
.544 |
.806 |
122 |
Timocharis A |
.240 |
.419 |
.874 |
123 |
Helicon B |
.286 |
.615 |
.734 |
124 |
Copernic H |
.311 |
.120 |
.942 |
125 |
Laplace A |
.326 |
.690 |
.642 |
126 |
La Hire A |
.349 |
.477 |
.807 |
127 |
Pytheas A |
.346 |
.349 |
.869 |
128 |
Reinhold F |
.364 |
.059 |
.929 |
129 |
Heis D |
.439 |
.524 |
.727 |
130 |
Tobias Mayer D |
.440 |
.212 |
.872 |
131 |
Hortensius C |
.446 |
.103 |
.888 |
132 |
Diophantus B |
.469 |
.485 |
.736 |
133 |
Mairan E |
.477 |
.612 |
.628 |
134 |
Euler E |
.508 |
.417 |
.751 |
135 |
Brayley D |
.509 |
.342 |
.788 |
136 |
Landsberg A |
.516 |
.003 |
.856 |
137 |
Angström |
.575 |
.498 |
.647 |
138 |
Encke E |
.644 |
.006 |
.763 |
139 |
Bessarion C |
.650 |
.276 |
.707 |
140 |
Aristarchus C |
.650 |
.469 |
.596 |
141 |
Schiaparelli A |
.813 |
.390 |
.432 |
142 |
Alphonsus H |
-0.008 |
-0.269 |
+0.962 |
from p. 216
No. |
Name |
Xi |
Eta |
Zeta |
143 |
Herschel C |
.055 |
.087 |
.995 |
144 |
Thebit E |
.074 |
.392 |
.916 |
145 |
Hell E |
.088 |
.567 |
.819 |
146 |
Regiomontanus E |
.095 |
.473 |
.875 |
147 |
Maginus Y |
.098 |
.786 |
.610 |
148 |
Palisa P |
.126 |
.168 |
.978 |
149 |
Mosting B |
.128 |
.047 |
.989 |
150 |
Lassell E |
.168 |
.312 |
.934 |
151 |
Lippershey T |
.174 |
.426 |
.886 |
152 |
Gauricus N |
.186 |
.536 |
.823 |
153 |
Tycho H |
.192 |
.710 |
.677 |
154 |
Turner F |
.243 |
.028 |
.969 |
155 |
Longomontanus R |
.269 |
.792 |
.547 |
156 |
Cichus K |
.274 |
.596 |
.754 |
157 |
Gould A |
.276 |
.329 |
.902 |
158 |
Opelt K |
.285 |
.235 |
.929 |
159 |
Kies D |
.288 |
.421 |
.859 |
160 |
Guericke A |
.291 |
.193 |
.936 |
161 |
Cichus H |
.321 |
.541 |
.777 |
162 |
Darney J |
-0.353 |
-0.248 |
+0.902 |
163 |
Bonpland E |
.379 |
.169 |
.910 |
164 |
Marth |
.419 |
.517 |
.746 |
165 |
Darney E |
.418 |
.215 |
.882 |
166 |
Euclides D |
.428 |
.163 |
.888 |
167 |
Ramsden A |
.434 |
.551 |
.712 |
168 |
Landsberg B |
.470 |
.043 |
.882 |
169 |
Hippalus A |
.495 |
.402 |
.770 |
170 |
Vittelo E |
.510 |
.487 |
.707 |
171 |
Hérigonius E |
.565 |
.238 |
.787 |
172 |
Gassendi Y |
.580 |
.356 |
.731 |
173 |
Gassendi L |
.623 |
.348 |
.698 |
174 |
Gassendi F |
.682 |
.259 |
.683 |
175 |
Flarnsteed D |
.704 |
.055 |
.706 |
176 |
De Gasparis B |
.707 |
.454 |
.542 |
177 |
Parrot L |
+0.015 |
-0.310 |
+0.051 |
178 |
Zach 3 |
.044 |
.842 |
.537 |
179 |
Seeliger |
.053 |
.039 |
.998 |
180 |
Albategnius C |
.064 |
.179 |
.982 |
181 |
Aliacensis G |
.069 |
.550 |
.833 |
182 |
Blanchinus K |
.080 |
.419 |
.904 |
183 |
Pickering B |
.129 |
.037 |
.991 |
184 |
Airy P |
.140 |
.275 |
.951 |
185 |
Gemma Frisius K |
.151 |
.608 |
.779 |
186 |
Ritchey C |
.157 |
.190 |
.969 |
187 |
Mutus K |
.195 |
.846 |
.495 |
188 |
- |
.196 |
.701 |
.683 |
189 |
Geber E |
.210 |
.351 |
.912 |
190 |
Dollond D |
.215 |
.143 |
.966 |
191 |
Abulfeda R |
.219 |
.221 |
.950 |
192 |
Buch B |
+0.230 |
-0.614 |
+0.755 |
193 |
Hommel M |
.232 |
.864 |
.445 |
from p. 217
No. |
Name |
Xi |
Eta |
Zeta |
194 |
Barocius E C |
.255 |
.745 |
.615 |
195 |
Zagut F |
.260 |
.505 |
.824 |
196 |
Theon Senior A |
.266 |
.003 |
.964 |
197 |
Hommel H A |
+ 0.313 |
-0.788 |
+0.529 |
198 |
Fermat E |
.320 |
.341 |
.885 |
199 |
Zagyt S |
.322 |
.551 |
.772 |
200 |
Tacitus C |
.329 |
.236 |
.916 |
201 |
Alfraganus D |
.343 |
.070 |
.936 |
202 |
Polybius D |
.418 |
.452 |
.788 |
203 |
Cyrillus G |
.432 |
.270 |
.8G0 |
204 |
Polybius L |
.438 |
.374 |
.817 |
205 |
Watt A |
.462 |
.769 |
.440 |
206 |
Neander Y |
.509 |
.568 |
.G47 |
207 |
Rheita P |
.553 |
.615 |
.562 |
208 |
Bohnenberger G |
.616 |
.295 |
.730 |
209 |
Lubbock G |
.632 |
.064 |
.772 |
210 |
Messier D |
.722 |
.062 |
.687 |
211 |
Holden V |
.838 |
.317 |
.442 |
The craters 1-66 have a diameter larger than 8 km, while the rest are smaller.