
From The Moon
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Many early scientists were Jesuit priests and since the map of the Moon that was accepted as the basis of nomenclature was was made by a Jesuit (Riccioli), an unusually large number of Jesuit scientists are honored with lunar craters. - tychocrater tychocrater Sep 15, 2007

  1. Asclepi
  2. Bettinus
  3. Billy
  4. Blancanus
  5. Boscovich
  6. Cabeus
  7. Casatus
  8. Clavius
  9. Curtius
  10. Cysatus
  11. De Vico
  12. Fényi
  13. Furnerius
  14. Grimaldi
  15. Gruemberger
  16. Hagen
  17. Hell
  18. Kircher
  19. Kugler
  20. Malapert
  21. C. Mayer
  22. McNally
  23. Moretus
  24. Petavius
  25. Poczobutt
  26. Riccioli
  27. Riccius
  28. Scheiner
  29. Schomberger
  30. Secchi
  31. Simpelius
  32. Sirsalis
  33. Stein
  34. Tacquet
  35. Tannerus
  36. Triesnecker
  37. Zucchius
  38. Zupus

This page is based on a list of 35 Jesuit astronomers honored on the Moon prepared by the late Joseph F. MacDonnell, of Fairfield University. MacDonnell included two unofficial names used by Wilkins and Moore, but missed several others.

This page has been edited 1 times. The last modification was made by - tychocrater tychocrater on Jun 13, 2009 3:24 pm