Landing Sites
Landing Sites
This page provides links to the-Moon Wiki pages describing the Apollo land sites and the lunar feature names associated with them, as well as feature names associated with several other lunar landings.
Additional Information
- There are many web resources related to the Apollo flights, as well as several that provide a graphic orientation as to the exact locations on the Moon at which the landings were made. Three good examples of the latter, which "drill down" from distant to very close-range aerial photos, are:
- The Landing Site pages in the LPI's Apollo Missions presentation.
- James R. Zimbelman's Apollo Landing Sites slide show.
- Exploring the Apollo Landing Sites by Dan Durda.
List of Sites
Apollo 11 Site
Apollo 12 Site
Apollo 13
- (intended landing site same as that visited by Apollo 14)
Apollo 14 Site
Apollo 15 Site
- Apennine Front
- Bridge
- Dune
- Earthlight
- Elbow
- Index
- Last
- North Complex
- Plain
- Rhysling
- South Cluster
- Spur
- St. George
- Terrace
Apollo 16 Site
- Baby Ray
- Cinco
- End
- Flag
- Gator
- Halfway
- Kiva
- North Ray
- Palmetto
- Plum
- Ravine
- Smoky Mountains
- South Ray
- Spook
- Spot
- Stone Mountain
- Stubby
- Trap
- Wreck
Apollo 17 Site
- Bear Mountain
- Bowen-Apollo
- Bronté
- Camelot
- Cochise
- Emory
- Falcon
- Family Mountain
- Hess-Apollo
- Horatio
- Lara
- Light Mantle
- Mackin-Apollo
- Nansen-Apollo
- North Massif
- Powell
- Scarp
- Sculptured Hills
- Shakespeare
- Sherlock
- Shorty
- South Massif
- Steno-Apollo
- Taurus-Littrow Valley
- Tortilla Flat
- Trident
- Van Serg
- Victory
- Wessex Cleft
Luna 2
Luna 9
Luna 16
Chang'e-3 (touch down: december the 14th, 2013)
Near craterlet Laplace FA, south of Montes Recti and the (quite easy to observe) crater Laplace F.
Surveyor Missions
There were seven Surveyor missions; five were successful. Surveyors 2 and 4 failed. Each consisted of a single unmanned spacecraft designed and built by Hughes Aircraft Company.
- Surveyor 1 - Launched May 30, 1966; landed on Oceanus Procellarum, June 2, 1966
- Surveyor 2 - Launched September 20, 1966; crashed near Copernicus crater, September 23, 1966
- Surveyor 3 - Launched April 17, 1967; landed on Oceanus Procellarum, April 20, 1967
- Surveyor 4 - Launched July 14, 1967; crashed on Sinus Medii, July 17, 1967
- Surveyor 5 - Launched September 3, 1967; landed on Mare Tranquillitatis, September 11, 1967
- Surveyor 6 - Launched November 7, 1967; landed on Sinus Medii, November 10, 1967
- Surveyor 7 - Launched January 7, 1968; landed near Tycho crater, January 10, 1968
Surveyor 6 was the first spacecraft to lift off from the Moon's surface, and Apollo 12 landed within walking distance of the Surveyor 3 landing site.
LPOD Articles