IAU Transactions XVIIB
(the following is excerpted from the book published by D. Reidel in 1980)
Edited by
General Secretary of the Union
(from pp. 285:)
(Committee of the Executive Committee)
Establishing an international system of nomenclature for the topographic features on the surfaces of planetary bodies is an exercise that requires assistance from many sources and depends on the cooperation of many individuals. The Working Group for Planetary System Nomenclature (WGPSN) has five nomenclature task groups reporting to it, and these groups prepare the detailed lists of names for the consideration of the WGPSN, which in turn makes recommendations to the Executive Committee of the IAU. The names of those who have been directly involved in preparing this present report (approved at the 17th General Assembly of the IAU in Montreal, Canada, 1979) are listed in IAU Trans. Vol. 17A, pp. 113-114, 1979. The current membership in the nomenclature groups is listed in this volume, p. .
During the three years following the 16th General Assembly in Grenoble, France the WGPSN has held three meetings:
- Fourth Meeting - Washington, D.C., U.S.A., June 1 and 2, 1977;
- Fifth Meeting - Innsbruck, Austria, June 2, 1978;
- Sixth Meeting - Montreal, Canada, August 13 and 15, 1979.
In addition to the items reported in IAU Trans. Vol. 17A, pp. 113-114, 1979, the following nomenclature rules and terminology have been approved:
- Commemorative names of persons recently deceased shall not be assigned to topographical features on planetary bodies until after a minimum period of three years from the date of death.
- The following temporary nomenclature shall be used to announce the discovery of new satellites - year/first letter of primary/arabic number - for example, Janus would have been originally announced as 1966 S l. A name should be assigned to a satellite only after the orbit has been uniquely determined. Roman numerals are reserved for established members of satellite system, thus an alternative designation for Janus is S X.
- Five Latin terms have been added to the 25 listed in IAU Trans. Vol. 16B, pp. 321-369, 1977, for use in nomenclature on the surfaces of planetary bodies (plurals are given in brackets)
- FLEXUS (Flexus) a very low curvilinear ridge with a scalloped pattern
- LINEA (Lineae) a dark or bright elongate marking, may be curved or straight
- MACULA (Maculae) a dark spot, may be irregular
- REGIO (Regiones) a large area marked by reflectivity or colour distinctions from adjacent areas
- TERRA (Terrae) a rolling or rough upland area
In addition to the 30 approved Latin terms, referred to above, the following two terms have been generally used in specific cases
- OCEANUS a very large, dark area on the moon
- SOLITUDO a classical, dark-hued albedo feature on Mercury. ----
(from pp. 286:)
Table 1. 54 names, approved as assigned to features on the lunar surface. Positions have been given in degrees of latitude and longitude.
ALDER, Kurt 1902-1958 48.6S 177.4W German chemist
ANUCHIN, Demitrii N. 1843-1923 49.OS 101.3E Russian geographer,anthropologist
ARYABHATA 476-c550 06.2N 035.2E Indian astronomer, mathematician
BARKLA, Charles G. 1877-1944 10.75 067.2E British physicist
BLACKETT, Patrick M.S. 1897-1974 37.3S 115.6W English physicist
BOK, Priscilla F. 1896-1975 20.2S 171.6W American astronomer
BORN, Max 1882-1970 06.0S 066.8E German physicist
BRONK, Detlev W. 1897-1975 26.1N 134.5W American physiologist
CARREL, Alexis 1873-1944 10.7N 026.7E French surgeon, physiologist
CARRILLO, Flores N. 1911-1967 02.2S 080.9E Mexican engineer
CORI, Gerty T.R. 1896-1957 50.6S 151.9W Czechoslovakian/American biochemist
DE MORAES, A. 1916-1970 49.4N 141.5E Brazilian astronomer
DIDEROT, Denis 1713-1784 20.4S 121.5E French philosopher
DOERFEL, Georg S. 1643-1688 69.15 107.9W German astronomer
FEDOROV, A.P. 1872-1920 28.2N 037.0W Russian rocket engineer
FINSEN, Niels R. 1860-1.904 42.OS 177.9W Danish physician
GUILLAUME, Charles E. 1861-1938 45.4N 173.4W Swiss physicist
HARGREAVES, Frederick J. 1891-1970 02.2S 064.1E English Astronomer
HARKHEBI circa 300 BC 39.9N 099.8E Egyptian astronomer
HEINRICH, Wladimir W. 1884-1965 24.8N 015.4W Czechoslovakian astronomer
HOPMANN, J. 1890-1975 50.85 160.3E Austrian astronomer
(from pp. 287:)
KARRER, Paul 1889-1971 52.1S 141.8W Russian/Swiss chemist
KEPINSKI, F. 1885-1966 28.6N 126.8E Polish astronomer
LINDSAY, Eric M. 1907-1974 07.0S 013.0E (replaces Dollond C) Irish astronomer
LIPPMANN, Gabriel 1845-1921 55.5S 114.6W French physicist
LIPSKIY, Yu.N. 1909-1978 02.2S 179.5W Soviet astronomer
MENZEL, Donald H. 1901-1976 03.4N 036.9E American astronomer
OLIVIER, Charles P. 1884-1975 59.1N 136.5E American astronomer
PIKEL'NER, S.B. 1924-1975 47.9S 123.3E Soviet astronomer
PLANTE, Gaston 1834-1889 10.2S 163.3E French physicist
POCZOBUTT, O.M. 1728-1810 57.5N 099.3W Polish astronomer
RICHARDSON, Owen W. 1879-1959 31.1N 100.3E English physicist
SABATIER, Paul 1854-1941 13.2N 079.0E French chemist
SHIRAKATSI, Anania c620-c685 12.2S 128.5E Armenian geographer
SIKORSKY, Igor L 1889-1972 66.1S 103.2E Russian/American aeronautical engineer
STEARNS, Carl L. 1892-1972 34.8N 162.6E American astronomer
TAMM, Igor 1895-1971 04.45 146.4E Soviet physicist
THEILER, Max 1899-1972 13.4N 082.9E South African bacteriologist
TISELIUS, Arne 1902-1971 07.0N 176.5E Swedish biochemist
TUCKER, Richard H. 1859-1952 05.6S 088.2E American astronomer
VERTREGT, M. 1897-1973 19.7S 170.9E Dutch chemist, space scientist
VIRCHOW, Rudolph L.K. 1821-1902 09.8N 083.7E German pathologist
VIRTANEN, Artturi I. 1895-1973 15.5N 176.7E Finnish biochemist
VON BEHRING, Emil A. 1854-1917 07.8S 071.8E German bacteriologist
(from pp. 288:)
VON BEKESY, Georg 1899-1972 51.9N 126.8E Hungarian physicist
WALLACH, Otto 1847-1931 04.9N 032.3E German chemist
WILDT, Rupert 1905-1976 09.0N 075.8E German/American astronomer
ZWICKY, Fritz 1898-1974 15.9S 167.6E Swiss astrophysicist
MAWSON, Douglas 1882-1958 09.0S 050.5E to 06.0S 054.0E English/Australian geologist
TETYAEV, Mikhail M. 1882-1956 16N 067E to 22N 062E Soviet geologist
PERSEVERANTIA Lake of Persistence 07.5N to 08.0N 061.0E to 062.5E
USOV, Mikhail A. 1883-1933 12.0N 063.2E Soviet geologist
VINOGRADOV, Alexander P. 1895-1975 22.4N 032.5W (replaces Euler Beta) Soviet geochemist and cosmochemist
SUCCESSUS Gulf of Success 00 to 03N , 057E to 060E
For three crater chains the designations listed below are recommended for printing on current lunar maps. These provide a cross-reference to the earlier Soviet lunar maps; GDL standing for Gas Dynamics Laboratory, GIRD for Group for the Study of Reaction Motion, and RNII for Rocket Research Institute.
- Catena LEUSCHNER 16N 123W to 02N 109W
- (G D L)
- Catena MICHELSON 03N 126W to 05S 114W
- (G I R D)
- Catena LUCRETIUS 04S 126W to IDS 119W
- (R N I I)
(from pp. 288:)
(Topophotomap names)
Table 2. 95 first names of men and women, approved as assigned on an international basis to small features on large-scale map sheets of the lunar surface. No name on this list refers to any particular person. Locations are given in degrees, minutes, and in some cases seconds, of latitude and longitude. Where no Latin term is listed the feature is a crater.
Sheet 38B2/S1 (1:50,000)
Aloha 29 45 20N 053 54 W
Rima Cleopatra 30 00 N 054 00 W
Sheet 39A1/Sl (1:50,000)
Rocco 28 54 N 045 01 W
Ruth 28 42 N 045 05 W
Sheet 39A3/S1 (1:50,000)
Ivan 26 51 N 043 16 W
Vera 26 19 N 043 44 W
Sheet 39B2/Sl (1:25,000)
Isabel 28 10 N 034 05 W
Louise 28 28 N 034 13 W
Samir 28 29 N 034 18 W
Walter 28 02 N 033 50 W
Sheet 39B2/S2 (1:25,000)
Boris 30 31 N 033 31 W
Gaston 30 53 N 033 58 W
Linda 30 41 N 033 23 W
Sheet 39B3/S1 (1:50,000)
Courtney 25 08 N 030 49 W
Dorsum Thera 24 30 N 031 25 W
Catena Yuri 24 24 N 030 24 W
Rima Zahia 25 00 N 030 28 W
Sheet 39C2/S1 (1:50,000)
Akis 20 02 N 031 46 W
Ango 20 29 N 032 21 W
Jehan 20 42 N 031 53 W
Natasha 20 00 N 031 19 W
Catena Pierre 19 46 N 031 52 W
Rosa 20 19 N 032 21 W
Rima Wan-yu 20 00 N 031 27 W
Sheet 40A1/S1 (1:50,000)
Annegrit 29 26 N 025 39 W
Charles 29 53 N 026 23 W
Mavis 29 45 N 026 22 W
Sheet 40A4/Sl (1:10,000)
Artemis 25 01 N 025 23 W
Felix 25 04 30N 025 24 30W
Verne 24 56 30N 025 24 30W
Sheet 41A3/S1 (1:50,000)
Ann 25 06 N 000 03 W
Ian 25 43 N 000 24 W
Kathleen 25 20 N 000 49 W
Michael 25 03 N 000 12 E
Patricia 24 57 N 000 24 E
Rima Vladimir 25 10 N 000 45 W
Sheet 41B4/S1 (1:50,000)
Julienne 26 02 N 003 07 E
Sheet 41B4/S2 (1:50,000)
Carlos 24 55 N 002 17 E
Sheet 41B4/S3 (1:50,000)
Bela 24 40 N 002 15 E
Jomo 24 25 N 002 25 E
Taizo 24 42 N 002 11 E
Sheet 41C3/S1 (1:10,000)
Agnes 18 39 N 005 19 20E
Dag 18 42 N 005 15 20E
Ina 18 38 40N 005 17 30E
Osama 18 36 N 005 15 30E
Sheet 42A4/S1 (1:10,000)
Christel 24 32 N 011 04 E
Yoshi 24 33 10N 010 58 40E
Sheet 42A4/S2 (1:10,000)
Krishna 24 30 20N 011 15 50E
Manuel 24 27 20N 011 20 30E
Sung-mei 24 36 N 011 16 40E
Sheet 42C3/S1 (1:10,000)
Isis 18 56 40N 027 28 40E
Mary 18 55 N 027 23 E
Robert 19 01 20N 027 26 30E
Sheet 42C3/S2 (1:10,000)
Catena Brigitte 18 31 N 027 32 l0E
Jerik 18 31 N 027 37 30E
Rima Marcello 18 36 N 027 42 30E
Osiris 18 38 20N 027 38 30E
Rima Reiko 18 32 40N 027 42 10E
(from pp. 290:)
Sheet 42C3/S3 (1:50,000)
Rima Carmen 19 53 N 029 20 E
Ching-te 20 00 30N 029 57 30E
Rima Rudolf 19 43 N 029 37 E
Stella 19 54 N 029 45 E
Sheet 61A2/Sl (1:50,000)
Diana 14 18 N 035 40 E
Mons Esam 14 33 N 035 44 E
Grace 14 13 N 035 54 E
Sheet 61D2/Sl (1:50,000)
Donna 07 13 N 038 18 E
Sheet 65C1/Sl (1:50,000)
Mons Andre 05 04 N 120 35 E
Mons Ardeshir 05 01, N 121 01 E
Mons Dieter 04 54 N 120 21 E
Mons Dilip 05 35 N 120 51 E
Mons Ganau 04 50 N 120 30 E
Sita 04 34 N 120 46 E
Sheet 65C1/S2 (1:50,000)
Carol 08 28 N 122 20 E
Ewen 07 41 N 121 26 E
Kasper 08 17 N 122 05 E
Melissa 08 05 N 121 46 E
Romeo 07 30 N 122 38 E
Shahinaz 07 32 N 122 24 E
Sheet 77D1/Sl (1:10,000)
Alan 10 56 30S 006 09 10W
Delia 10 55 l0S 006 06 30W
Harold 10 53 S 006 03 W
Osman 10 58 40S 006 14 W
Priscilla 10 57 40S 006 11 40W
Susan 11 00 20S 006 17 IOW
Sheet 77D3/Sl (1:50,000)
Chang-ngo 12 41 S 002 09 W
José 12 41 S 001 39 W
Monira 12 33 S 001 42 30W
Ravi 12 31 S 001 57 W
Soraya 12 52 S 001 37 W
Sheet 100C1/S1 (1:50,000)
Bawa 25 17 S 102 34 E
Edith 25 46 S 102 20 E
Fairouz 26 05 S 102 57 E
Karima 25 56 S 102 59 E
Rima Siegfried 25 55 S 102 45 E
Sheet 102A1/S1 (1:50,000)
Kira 17 43 S 132 50 E