IAU nomenclature: Väisälä Valera (Luna-17 site) Valier van Albada Van Biesbroeck Van de Graaff Van den Bergh van den Bos Van der Waals Van Gent Van-Gu (see Wan-Hoo) Van Maanen v'an Rhijn Van Serg (Apollo-17 site) Van Vleck Van Wijk van't Hoff Vaporum, Mare Vasco da Gama Vasco da Gama, Rimae Vashakidze-/ Vasya (Luna-17 site) V'avilov (aka Fratres Vavilovi) Vega Vendelinus Vening Meinesz-/ Ventris Vera Veris, Lacus Vernadskiy Verne Vertregt Very Vesalius Vestine Vetchinkin Victory (Apollo 17 site) Vieta Vil'ev Vinogradov, Mons (aka Mons Euler) Virchow Virtanen-/ Vitello Vitruvius Vitruvius, Mons (aka East Massif, Apollo-17) Vitya (Luna-17 site) Viviani Vlacq Vladimir, Rima Vogel Volkov Volta Volterra von Baeyer von Behring von Békésy von Bingen (see Hildegard) von Braun Von Cotta, Dorsum Von der Pahlen Von Kármán Von Neumann Von Zeipel Voskresenskiy
Unofficial nomenclature: V (Lunar V, see Ukert) Vaisala (-180/ +990) Valentine Dome (Linné Alpha) (see link below list) Valentine Dome rille (running through Valentine Dome) Valerii (IAU: Playfair) Vallis Alpes, Rima (in Vallis Alpes) Vally (or Wally) (IAU: Bilharz) Vanini (Paschen U) van't Hoff, Vallis (the valley ENE of van't Hoff) Vaporum's elongated craterlet (13°N / 1°E) Vasco da Gama R, Rimae (on the floor of Vasco da Gama R) Vasilchenko (IAU: Klute) Venetum, Mare (IAU: Mare Humorum) Ventorum, Insula Verdi, Rima Vergil (Stark R ?) Vermiform Valley (south of Mare Crisium) Vernet (Gutenberg G) Vici (dark spot in Schickard) Vigoris, Terra Vincetti S., Promontorium (IAU: Promontorium Heraclides) Virgil (Bessarion E) Vitae, Terra Vitello X, Rima (SSE of Vitello X) Vlacci (IAU: Capella) VLADISLAI IV Reg. Pol. (IAU: Tycho) Volta, Rimae (on the floor of Volta) Voltaire (Pasteur T) von Braun (IAU: Doppler) von Braun, Rimae (on the floor of Von Braun) Vossii (IAU: Cepheus) Voutzinas (Fracastorius B) Vulcania, Insula (IAU: Eratosthenes) Vulleri (IAU: Alhazen Alpha) Valentine Dome: http://the-moon.us/wiki/Valentine+Dome