Rükl 38
[hide]Rükl Zone 38 - NEPER
Neighboring maps on the Rükl Nearside Map:
38 |
Photographic Map
(This map is based on an Earth-based photograph that has been computer-corrected to zero libration. The vertical white lines indicate the left and right boundaries of the Rükl rectangle)
Background image source
Nearside Named Features
- Ameghino (southeast of the crash site of Luna 18 and the landing site of Luna 20).
- Apollonius (J.Hewelcke's Mons Sanctus, together with the IAU's Firmicus).
- Auzout
- Auzout Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Delta (four sections of the southeastern rim of Mare Crisium, near Auzout) (see the greenish map of the moon in the Dutch classic Op Ontdekking in het Maanland by A.J.M.Wanders) (these four Greek lettered sections are not mentioned on chart SLC A4 from the System of Lunar Craters, 1966).
- Back (once called Febrer by H.P.Wilkins).
- Banachiewicz
- Barker's Quadrangle (unofficial name, also called the Trapezium).
- Bitterroot Meadows (a very rare unofficial name for a region near Apollonius, printed on an ancient British moonmap of uncertain origin) (who made it?).
- Boethius
- Bombelli
- Camoens (a disallowed name for the officially unnamed crater south of Schubert C, see Lunar Topographic Orthophotomap 63-C3).
- Cartan
- Condon
- Condorcet (could this have been Melchior a Briga's Nic Parthenius? See his map from 1747 on pages 90-91 in E.A.Whitaker's Mapping and Naming the Moon).
- Daly
- Dorsa Dana
- Dorsum Termier
- Doyle (a disallowed name for Schubert C, see Lunar Topographic Orthophotomap 63-C4).
- Dubyago
- Fahrenheit
- Firmicus (Van Langren's Ramirii) (J.Hewelcke's Mons Sanctus, together with the IAU's Apollonius).
- Hansen
- Jansky
- Jenkins
- KAMP (Apollo 11's Command Module Pilot (Michael Collins) seems to have called a crater in or near Mare Spumans "KAMP", in honour of his family (Kate, Ann, Michael, and Pat). Source: John Moore, see discussion at LPOD 25-10-2009).
- Knox-Shaw
- Krogh
- Lacus Daly (an unofficial name from D.Caes for a small low-albedo region north-northeast of Daly, see LAC 62 (page 124) in the Clementine Atlas).
- Lacus Minor Occidentalis (J.Hewelcke's disallowed name for the low-albedo areas Hansen B and west of it).
- Lacus Perseverantiae
- Lacus Risus Felis (an unofficial name from C.A.Wood, see description below Additional Information).
- Lev (a minor feature name which is not yet depicted on present maps, Lev is the small craterlet very near the crash site of Luna 23 and the landing site of Luna 24, about halfway between Fahrenheit and Mons Usov at the southeastern "corner" of Mare Crisium).
- Liouville
- Luna 15 (crash-landed on July 21, 1969, but it's not certain if Luna 15's impact site is really located at the southeastern "corner" of Mare Crisium, in what is sometimes called Barker's Quadrangle) (Luna 15's so-called landing site is depicted on Antonin Rukl's original printed version of his Chart 38, but... Wikipedia shows coordinates 17° North/ 60° East for Luna 15, which is near the lower left corner of Rukl's Chart 27).
- Luna 16 (soft-landed on September 20, 1970, west of Webb in Sinus Successus, near the upper left corner of Chart 49) (Antonin Rukl's small pocket moonatlas Moon, Mars, and Venus shows the landingsite of Luna 16 near the lower left corner of Chart 38) (Luna 16 by the LRO).
- Luna 18 (crash-landed on September 11, 1971, northwest of Ameghino).
- Luna 20 (soft-landed on February 21, 1972, very near the crash site of Luna 18, northwest of Ameghino).
- Luna 23 (unsuccessfully "soft-landed" on November 6, 1974, about halfway between Fahrenheit and Mons Usov at the southeastern "corner" of Mare Crisium).
- Luna 24 (soft-landed on August 18, 1976, very near the landingsite of Luna 23, about halfway between Fahrenheit and Mons Usov at the southeastern "corner" of Mare Crisium) (for Luna 20, 23, and 24: Soviet Union Lunar Sample Return Missions).
- Mare Crisium (Van Langren's Mare Caspium (de Moura)) (occupying the upper left section of Chart 38) (J.Hewelcke's Palus Maeotis).
- Mare Marginis (J.Hewelcke's Lacus Major Occidentalis).
- Mare Smythii
- Mare Spumans (with Mare Undarum this was Van Langren's Regius Fluvius and J.Hewelcke's Paludes Amarae).
- Mare Undarum (with Mare Spumans this was Van Langren's Regius Fluvius and J.Hewelcke's Paludes Amarae).
- Mishqui Basin (a disallowed name for the flat area north of Abbot, the name Mishqui Basin is printed on the moonmap of Rand McNally).
- Mons Usov
- Montes Corax (a disallowed name from Hevelius for the southern part of Mare Crisium's rim).
- Neper
- Nobili
- North Valley (an informal name from D.North for the valley which runs along craters Condorcet, Auzout, Firmicus, and Apollonius) (see Hitchhiker's Guide to the Moon).
- Olblatt (a disallowed name from J.H.Franz for Hansen B).
- Peek
- Petit
- Pirandello (a disallowed name for an officially unnamed crater east of Peek in Mare Smythii, see Lunar Topographic Orthophotomap 63-C3).
- Pomortsev
- Promontorium Agarum (once called Cape Cyrillus by... J.F.J.Schmidt? See Collated List of Neison/ Schmidt/ Madler).
- Promontorium Auzout (an informal name from H.Hill, see his book A Portfolio of Lunar Drawings).
- Respighi
- Sabatier
- Sarmatiae Asiaticae pars (J.Hewelcke's disallowed name for the region south of Mare Crisium).
- Sarmatiae Europaeae pars (J.Hewelcke's disallowed name for the east-northeastern limb area).
- Schubert
- Shapley
- Sinus Successus (probably Van Langren's Sinus Erathostenis).
- Stewart
- Tacchini
- Termier's Ghost (a nickname from D.Caes for the ghost crater near the southeastern part of Dorsum Termier, see LROC article Ghost Crater in Southern Mare Crisium).
- Terra Vigoris (Riccioli's discontinued name for the whole of Chart 38) (sans Mare Crisium at upper left and Mare Fecunditatis at lower left).
- Theiler
- Townley
- van Albada
- Virchow
- Wildt
Farside Named Features
(The following features are not formally included in the present Rükl rectangle, but they are adjacent to it and their centers are less than 10° beyond the mean limb -- so they may be seen here in whole or in part with a favorable libration)
Lettered Crater Locations
(click on the thumbnails to display full-sized images; use browser BACK button to return - the dashed white lines are the midpoints of the Rükl zones)
Full zone with lettered craters
Lettered craters by quadrants
North West |
North East |
South West |
South East |
Additional Information
- Other online descriptions of features in this Rükl map section:
Lacus Risus Felis
- The northern part of this map and the southern part of Map 27 are occupied by a system of three dark regions which are unofficially known as Lacus Risus Felis (Charles Wood's smiling cat between Mare Crisium and Mare Marginis).- DannyCaes Nov 20, 2008
Apollo zone
- This region (west and northwest of Mare Smythii) and the adjacent southern region at Map 49 was the most photographed area during the whole Apollo program. It is also the moon's most crowded area (literally swimming in IAU nomenclature). A look at page 102 of Antonin Rükl's original Atlas Of The Moon shows the impressive list of names for this region.- DannyCaes Nov 4, 2008
- Stereo view