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T nomenclature (from the IAU and from unofficial sources)

Italics indicate farside features.

-Caes- T, the (the T shaped Irregular Mare Patch NNW of Arago D, SW of Arago E)
-Schroter- T. Mayer (Tobias Mayer)
T. Mayer, Rima
-Hewelcke- Tabor, Mons (the very bright nimbus at Deslandres QA)
-Riccioli- Tacitus
-Schroter- Tacquet
-Van Langren- Tacquetti (IAU: Promontorium Laplace Alpha)
-Hewelcke- Tadnos, Fons (two dark floor patches in Schickard)
-Hewelcke- Taenarium, Promontorium
-Rand McNally- Taenarium range (see Promontorium Taenarium)
-Hewelcke- Taigetus, Mons (IAU: Guericke)
Tai Wei (Chang'e-3 site)
Taizo (craterlet SW of Mons Hadley Delta)
-Hewelcke- Tancon, Mons (IAU: Colombo)
-NASA- "Tangor" (location unknown) (Saenger?)
-Riccioli- Tannerus
-rille seeker- Tannerus, Rima / Rimae (on the floor of Tannerus)
-Hewelcke- Taraciniae, Insulae (nimbus of Hortensius and bright spot west of it)
-Hewelcke- Tarantinus, Sinus (SE part of Mare Insularum)
-Riccioli- Taruntius
Taruntius, Catena
-LTO- Taruntius, Fossae
Taruntius, Rimae (on the floor of Taruntius)
-NASA- Tasaday (Apollo-17 site)
-Van Langren- Tassis (IAU: Geber)
-LTO- Tasso (Purkyne U)
-Krieger- Tatra (see Carpatus, Montes)
-Hewelcke- Taurica chersonnesus (Montes Taurus and area south of it)
-Hewelcke- Taurus, Mons (ray east from Tycho)
-Hewelcke- Taurus, Montes
-NASA- Taurus-Littrow Valley (Apollo-17 site)
-Van Langren- Taye (IAU: Boscovich)
-Maedler- Taylor (Van Langren's Ulloae)
-NASA- Tecumseh (Apollo-15 site)
-Hewelcke- Techisandam, Mons (IAU: Curtius and Moretus)
-Wood- Tee shaped depression (see discussion below)
-Menzel, 1971- Teisserenc
-LTO- Telemann, Rima (part of Rimae Prinz)
-NASA?- Telemann Unit (unofficial name, region NW of Aristarchus Plateau)
-Krieger- Tempel
-Van Langren- Temperantiae, Terra
Temporis, Lacus (Fauth's Mare Horologii)
-Menzel, 1971- Ten Bruggencate
-Birt- Teneriffe, Montes
-Copeland- Tennis Racquet (Natasha)
-NASA- Ten O'Clock boulder / 10 O'Clock boulder (Apollo-17 site)
Tereshkova (first woman in space, Vostok-6)
Termier, Dorsum
-NASA- Terrace (Apollo-15 site)
-Menzel, 1971- Tesla
-LTO- Tetrazzini, Fossa (at Palus Putredinis)
Tetyaev, Dorsa
-NASA- Texas (IAU: Gagarin)
-Van Langren- Thales (IAU: Burg)
-Riccioli- Thales
-Hewelcke- Thambes, Mons (vague bright area NE of Hermann)
-Riccioli- Theaetetus
Theaetetus, Rimae
-Van Langren- Thebit (IAU: Luther Zeta)
-Riccioli- Thebit
-Riccioli- Theon Junior
-Riccioli- Theon Senior
-Riccioli- Theophilus
Thera, Dorsum
-Van Langren- Theresae Hispa. Inf. (IAU: Calippus Theta, Eta, Omega)
-Gassendi- Thersite (or Homuncio) (IAU: Mare Serenitatis, etc.)
-Menzel, 1971- Thiel
-Menzel, 1971- Thiessen
-Cherrington- Thin cheese (Wargentin)
-Van Langren- Thomae D. Sab. (IAU: Kepler)
-Menzel, 1971- Thomson
-Wilkins- Thornton (-328/ +937)
-Hewelcke- Thospitis, Lacus (IAU: Fracastorius)
-Copeland- Three rocks (the Gruithuisen domes)
-NASA- Thud Ridge (A-11 region)

Tian Shi (Chang'e-3 site)
-Menzel, 1971- Tikhomirov
-Menzel, 1971- Tikhov
-Menzel, 1971- Tiling
-Caes- Tiling, Vallis (the valley NNE of Tiling)
-Riccioli- Timaeus
-Menzel, 1971- Timiryazev
-Van Langren- Timochari (IAU: Timaeus)
-Riccioli- Timocharis
Timocharis, Catena
-rille seeker- Timocharis E, Rima (west of Timocharis E)
-Schmidt- Timoleon (discontinued name)
Timoris, Lacus
-Caes- Tiny island (between Damoiseau E and Damoiseau G)
-Caes- Tiny white island (ESE of Pytheas K)
-Van Langren- Tirelli (IAU: Diophantus)
-Krieger- Tisserand
-Menzel, 1971- Titius
Titov (2nd human in Earth orbit, Vostok-2)
-Hewelcke- Tmolus, Mons (IAU: Taylor, Taylor A, etc.)
-LTO- Tolstoy (Hirayama Y)
-Sternberg- Topchiev (SE of Buffon)
-Caes- Topsy-turvy bathtub (Mons Gruithuisen Gamma)
-Copeland- Torch, The (Mons Delisle) (aka The baby)
-Van Langren- Torii (IAU: Mare Crisium Tau?)
-Hewelcke- Tornese, Caput de (IAU: Fra Mauro B, bright point)
-Maedler- Torricelli
Torricelli B (famous TLP site, especially in 1983)
-Caes- Torricelli B hill (southwest of Torricelli B)
-NASA- Tortilla Flat (Apollo-17 site)
Toscanelli, Rupes
-Lamech- Touchet (Maury A)
-NASA- Towers (Apollo-17 site)
-NASA- Tracy's Rock (aka Split Rock / Station 6 boulder) (Apollo-17 site)
-Maedler- Tralles
-Riccioli- Mare Tranquillitatis (Basin)
-Franz- Trans Hahn, Mare (see Hahn)
-Krieger- Transsemlja (see Riphaeus, Montes)
-NASA- Trap (Apollo-16 site)
Trapezium (Barker's Quadrangle)
-Hewelcke- Trapezus, Mons (IAU: Newcomb)
-Hewelcke- Trasimenus, Lacus (IAU: Palus Putredinis)
-Van Langren- Trautmansdorffii (IAU: Hind)
-Van Langren- Trederi (IAU: Zollner)
-Wilkins- Trewman (+321/ +919)
-NASA- Triangle, The (A-11 region)
-Copeland- Triangle, The (Delisle Alpha)
-NASA- Trident (Apollo-17 site)
-Lohrmann- Triesnecker
Triesnecker, Rimae
-Van Langren- Triestis (IAU: Petavius)
-Peck- Trilobite (aka Lobster) (hills NE of Gassendi)
-NASA- Trio, the (A-11 region)
-NASA- Triplet (Apollo-14 site)
-NASA- Tri-Pt. (Apollo-12 site)
-Hewelcke- Troicus, Mons (NE wall of Schickard)
-NASA- Trophy Point (Apollo-15 site)
-Fauth- Trouvelot
-Menzel, 1971- Trumpler
-Menzel, 1971- Tsander (Zander)
Tseraskiy (Ceraski)
-Menzel, 1971- Tsinger (Zinger)
Tsiolkovskiy-Stark Basin
Tsu Chung-Chi
-Van Langren- Tucheri (IAU: Macrobius)
-Wood- Turitella (NNW of Fra Mauro / WNW of Apollo-14 site)
-Lamech- Turner
-NASA- Turning Point Rock (Apollo-17 site)
-NASA- Turtle Mountain (Apollo-16 site)
-NASA- Twin Craters Ridge (A-11 region)
-Caes- Two arcs (Eddington P on Eddington's floor)
-Caes- Two arcs (between Campanus and Hippalus)
-Wood?- Two Headlights (Furnerius A and Stevinus A)
-Riccioli- Tycho
-Caes- Tycho, Catena (the chain of craterlets NNW of Tycho)
-Menzel, 1971- Tyndall