Unofficial Names (M to R)
[hide]Part 3 of the ABC of Unofficial Lunar Nomenclature, Discontinued Nomenclature, disallowed names, proposed names, and nicknames
M to R:
- MacDonald (H.P.Wilkins' name for Aristarchus F).
- Maclear, Fossa (the LTO's name for a region near Maclear).
- Madler "2" (W.R.Birt's name for an unlocated formation, other than J.F.J.Schmidt's Madler!).
- Mädler's square (a rectangle-shaped formation near Fontenelle).
- Magnitsky (the Sternberg Institute's name for a crater (?) at the northeastern section of farside crater Mach).
- Mairan Tholus (D.Caes' name for the dome-like hill Mairan T).
- Malvasia (J.H.Schroter's name for Schlüter).
- Mandela (the name Mandela or Nelson Mandela International Peace Crater has been proposed for Plana G, in honor of Nelson Mandela, by the Luna Society International, but this has not been approved by the IAU).
- Man in the moon/ Face of Man in the Moon (a nickname for a group of dark mare-regions on the Full Moon's disc)(this is probably the most ancient nickname for a lunar surface feature, observable with the naked eye or small scopes).
- Mann (the LTO's name for Zhiritsky Z).
- Terra Mannae/ Land of Manna (G.B.Riccioli's name for the cratered area between Mare Fecunditatis and Mare Nectaris).
- Mare Pacificus (aka Orientale Dark Mantle Ring Deposit).
- Marginis Basin
- Marginis Swirl (the curious Reiner-Gamma type swirls near Mare Marginis, Goddard, and Ibn Yunus).
- Mariane (F.C.Lamech's name for an unlocated formation).
- Marius Hills
- Markov's Triangle (D.Caes' nickname for the isosceles triangle of three craterlets east-southeast of Markov, at 52° North/ 54° West).
- Mattingly (on the moon's Far Side, NASA-related).
- Maw (or: The Maw)(Ch.Wood's nickname for the curious football-shaped gouge at the centre of Mare Pacificus)(see LPOD The Maw).
- Mayer, F.C. (J.H.Schroter's name for an unlocated formation).
- Melloni (J.Schmidt's name for a formation near Hansteen and Billy, which could be H.P.Wilkins's "Burrell").
- Mendeleev Basin
- Mendel-Lippmann Valley, or: Vallis Mendel-Lippmann (D.Caes' name for the valley (or catena?) between the western rims of Mendel and Lippmann).
- Mendel-Rydberg Basin
- Menelaus, Fossae (the LTO's name for a region near Menelaus).
- Mercury (the IAU's Heaviside).
- Messier, Fossa (the LTO's name for a region near Messier and Messier A).
1 - Michelin Man, aka Bibendum (nicknames from Ch.Wood (?) for a certain section in the Andreus Hills east of Gassendi).
2 - Michelin Man, aka Bibendum (nicknames from D.Caes for a cluster of craterlets east of Lansberg).
- Mickey Mouse (Akkana Peck's nickname for the trio Fra Mauro-Bonpland-Parry).
- Milankovic Valley, or: Vallis Milankovic (D.Caes' name for the valley west-northwest of Milankovic).
- Millas (H.P.Wilkins' name for Parrot C).
- Miller - name used for the IAU's Lexell A on Fauth's 1932 sectional map of "Hörbiger" (Deslandres).
- Milne Basin
- Milton (the LTO's name for Purkyne S).
- Mini Egg-In-A-Nest (D.Caes' nickname for Thebit-L and its central peak, and also for Lockyer-G)(see also: "Egg-In-A-Nest", which is Alpetragius's central peak).
- Mini Schiller (D.Caes' nickname for the small elongated craterlet between Kirch and Piazzi Smyth in Mare Imbrium, see LPOD Mini-Schiller).
- Mishqui Basin (only on Rand McNally's moonmap; south of Mare Crisium, northeast of Abbot).
- Mister Peanut/ Mr.Peanut (W.Higgins' nickname for the remarkable peanut shaped system of craterlets between Guericke and Kundt, just eastward of Guericke's eastern rim)(an orbital close-up of Mister Peanut is seen in AS16-P-5408).
- Mitika Peak (only on Rand McNally's moonmap, the hillock between Jansen F and Jansen K).
- Miyamori Valley (a so-called "valley" between Riccioli and Lohrmann)(named "Miyamori Valley " by Japanese lunar observer Sakuzo Miyamori). See also LPOD Not a Valley
- MOCR ("Mission Operations Control Room")(Apollo 17 site).
- Moenum (F.v.P.Gruithuisen's name for an unlocated formation).
- Moletius (G.B.Riccioli's name for Fra Mauro Lambda).
- Montaigne (the LTO's name for a crater south of Wyld J, which is the LTO's "Cervantes").
- Montes Foucault (unofficial named used for "the mountains just west and north of Foucault crater" in the Lunar II list of The Astronomical League).
- Montesquieu (the LTO's name for Hirayama S).
- Montes Sovietici.
- Moon Maiden, aka "Cassini's Moon Maiden" (Promontorium Heraclides during (and after) local sunrise).
- Moore (P.Moore's and H.P.Wilkins' name for Agatharchides A). See LPOD Moore.
- Morehouse (the Sternberg Institute's name for a crater (?) at or near farside crater Ingalls).
- Moreux (F.C.Lamech's name for Gambart C).
- Morinus (G.B.Riccioli's name for bright area)(I have to investigate that name).
- Morotcha (only on Rand McNally's moonmap: something (a craterlet? a hillock?) in the northern part of Mare Vaporum). See also LPOD A New Look, which could show the exact location of "Morotcha", near the lower-right corner of this photograph.
- Moscoviense Basin
- Moulton Valley, or: Vallis Moulton (D.Caes' name for the short shallow valley west of Moulton).
- Moulures (D.Caes' nickname for the many arc-shaped formations in the part of Mare Frigoris between La Condamine and J.Herschel)(also called "Frigoris Handcuffs").
- Moumouris (F.C.Lamech's name for Aratus A, which is today's Galen).
- Mount Clementine (near moon's South Pole).
- Mount Marilyn (Apollo 10/ Apollo 11 flight path). Lunar Orbiter 1's Frame 1041 shows the prominent triangle-shaped Mount Marilyn near the bottom of the photograph.
- Mount Sirsalis (Ch.Wood's name for a mountain-like elevation near Sirsalis, see also: Sirsalis Beta).
- Mouse, The (a formation at the Lacus Mortis region, nicknamed "The Mouse" by C.Wood).
- Mozart, Lacus (the LTO's name for a dark mare-like region near Kathleen in Palus Putredinis).
- Mozart, Rima (the LTO's name for a rille near Kathleen in Palus Putredinis).
- Mozhaisky (the Sternberg Institute's name for farside crater Guthnick).
- Mueller (on the moon's Far Side, NASA-related).
- Mulerius (G.B.Riccioli's name for the IAU's Metius).
- Muller (F.C.Lamech's name for Parrot C, which was H.P.Wilkins's "Millas").
- Muller Chain, or: Catena Muller (D.Caes' name for the pronounced chain of depressions west of Muller).
- Munosius (G.B.Riccioli's name for the IAU's Wolf).
- Mutus-Vlacq Basin
- Mylius (J.H.Schroter's name for an unlocated formation).
- Myriame (F.C.Lamech's name for Eudoxus A).
- Najera (H.P.Wilkins' name for a formation near Galvani).
- Natasha hills (C.Wood's name for the cluster of hills and hillocks near Natasha, also called the Lothrop hills/ the Euler group). See LPOD 22-3-2009
- Navigators' Group (very vague and uncertain, probably one of W.R.Birt's names for a certain location, needs investigation!).
- Near Cape (within Le Monnier, near the Luna 21/ Lunokhod 2 landingsite, see LPOD 19-12-2008).
- Palus Nebularum
- Nechville (Zdenek Kopal's proposed name for the farside crater which is officially known as Coulomb).
- Nectaris Basin
- Neutra (J.N.Krieger's and R.Konig's name for a region in the Montes Carpatus, near their Sinus Pietrosul).
- Neutra Streifen (J.N.Krieger's and R.Konig's name for a region in the Montes Carpatus, near their Sinus Pietrosul).
- Nielsen's Keyhole (D.Caes' nickname for the keyhole-shaped doublet northwest of Nielsen).
- Nielsen-Rumker, Dorsa (D.Caes' name for the officially unnamed, yet VERY pronounced dorsa between Nielsen and Mons Rumker).
- Niepce Valley, or Vallis Niepce (D.Caes' name for the valley (or system of valleys) near Niepce and Niepce F).
- Terra Nivium/ Land of Snows (G.B.Riccioli's name for the cratered area between Mare Vaporum, Sinus Aestuum, and Sinus Medii).
- Noether (the LTO's name for Cauchy D).
- Noether E Valley, or Vallis Noether E (D.Caes' name for the valley at the northern rim of Noether E).
- Noether T Valley, or Vallis Noether T (D.Caes' name for the valley which runs through the southern half of Noether T).
- Northern Highlands (only on Rand McNally's moonmap).
- North Polar Range (T.G.Elger's name for the mountainous region near the moon's north pole).
- North Riphaeus Range (only on Rand McNally's moonmap).
- North Valley (or: Vallis North/ Vermiform Valley, thus named by David North)(south of Mare Crisium).
- Nose (The Nose)(D.Caes' nickname for the nose-shaped hillock Lambert Gamma).
- Novalis (the LTO's name for a crater south of the IAU's Elmer).
- Novellas (H.P.Wilkins' name for Agatharchides P).
- Mare Novum
- Nubium Basin
- Object A (Mare Ingenii)("Object A" was mentioned in V.A.Firsoff's book The Old Moon And The New, 1969).
- O'Kell (H.P.Wilkins' name for Atlas E).
- Olblatt (Hansen B)(a curious nickname by J.H.Franz).
- Oncoming Hills (within Le Monnier, near the Luna 21/ Lunokhod 2 landingsite, see LPOD 19-12-2008).
- O'Neill, "bridge of" (located between Promontorium Lavinium and Promontorium Olivium).
Optical feature names -- many short-lived, but repeatable, effects of light and shadow ("clair-obscur" effects) on the Moon, such as the Lunar X, have been given pet names (sometimes recognized only by a handful of observers) -- the names usually describe the appearance of the effect, and the same name can be used by different observers for different things -- nearly all these names refer to specific surface features, but they are applied to those features only when they have a specific appearance -- none of these are official IAU names -- click the link for a separate list
- Oriani
- Orientale Basin
- Orientale dark mantle ring deposit (also called Mare Pacificus).
- Origanus (G.B.Riccioli's name for the Darney Tau + Chi bright spot).
- Oris (name used repeatedly by Gillis and Spudis for a crater at 53°S/72°E in their 1998 paper describing far-side mare basalts. Appears to be a reference to Brisbane Z. Origin of, and reason for, non-standard name unknown. Noticed by Stephen J. Saber).
- Orus (H.P.Wilkins' name for Petavius B).
- O.Schmidt (the Sternberg Institute's name for nearside crater Schmidt).
- Osymandies (G.B.Riccioli's name for the IAU's Mercurius).
- The Owl (the Aristarchus/ Herodotus/ Vallis Schroteri complex).
- Mare Pacificus (also called Orientale dark mantle ring deposit).
- Pacman (D.Caes' nickname for the 270 degree (3/4'ths) ejectablanket around a tiny oblique impact craterlet southeast of Banting).
- Paine (the IAU's Beijerinck).
- Paluzie (H.P.Wilkins' name for a formation near Riemann and the limb).
- Parrot Valley, or: Vallis Parrot (D.Caes' name for the valley-like "groove" at the south-southeastern part of Parrot).
- Parrot C Valley, or: Vallis Parrot C (D.Caes' name for the short valley between Parrot C and La Caille GA).
- Parry, Fossae (the LTO's name for a region near Parry).
- Mare Parvum
- Pascal Valley, or Vallis Pascal (D.Caes' name for the valley north of Pascal).
- Pasteur (F.C.Lamech's name for an unlocated formation on the moon's Near Side. Today's Pasteur (the IAU's) is located at the moon's Far Side).
- Pau Rima (or Rima Pau)(K.C.Pau's name for a rille just south of Manilius).
- Pavlova, Fossae (the LTO's name for a region near Clerke).
- Pear (The Pear) (D.Caes' nickname for a pear-shaped crater southeast of farside crater Icarus J, see AS8-14-2416).
- Pearl Ring (J.Lacroux's and Ch.Legrand's nickname for Gassendi).
- Percy Mountains (W.R.Birt's and J.Lee's name for the western rim of Mare Humorum).
- Perevoshchikov (the Sternberg Institute's name for a location north of Wheatstone) (which is also one of the Sternberg Institute's names).
- Petora (one of the peaks of Montes Teneriffe, thus named by W.R.Birt).
- Petrushevsky (the Sternberg Institute's name for a crater south of farside craters Butlerov and Pease).
- Phillips (the IAU's Daedalus).
- Philolaus Escarpment (only on Rand McNally's moonmap, south of Philolaus).
- Terra Photographica (W.R.Birt's name for the cratered region between Clavius, Deluc, Zach, and Cysatus). In this region, a possible ancient crater about the size of nearby Clavius was discovered by Yuri Goryachko of the Miracle Minsk Imagers. See: LPOD 8-9-2008.
- Piazzi Smyth, Dorsum (Dorsum Piazzi Smyth: D.Caes' name for the wrinkle ridge north-northwest of crater Piazzi Smyth).
- Pierot (F.C.Lamech's name for Darney C).
- Pietrosul Bucht aka Sinus Pietrosul, Pietrosul Bay (J.N.Krieger's and R.Konig's name for a region at the Montes Carpatus, north of Copernicus, adopted by the IAU, but later discontinued).
- Pillars (Ch.Wood's nickname for the elongated hills northeast of Gassendi, of which the western one is also called the Lobster or the Trilobite by A.Peck).
- Pingré-Hausen Basin
- Pirandello (the LTO's name for a ring-shaped crater east of Peek in Mare Smythii).
- Pi Symbol (S.Lammel's nickname for the curious Pi-shaped system of rilles at 18° North/ 2° East, in Sinus Fidei, slightly south of Rima Conon).
- Pit of Joy (D.Caes' nickname for the small sharp looking craterlet on top of the hillock immediately east of the officially named crater Joy).
- Plakidis (F.C.Lamech's name for an unlocated formation).
- Planck (unknown, this name was printed at the western limb region on a lightblue colored Mercator map of the moon's Far Side, in Patrick Moore's Atlas of the Universe, 1970's edition). The IAU's Planck is located at a totally different part of the moon's Far Side!
- Planck Basin
- Plato M's Bright Nimbus (D.Caes' nickname for the "lightblue"-colored bright halo around Plato M).
- Plato Uplands (only on Rand McNally's moonmap).
- Plinius, Fossae (the LTO's name for a region near Plinius).
- Plughole (inside or near "The Washbowl" at Cassini).
- Pluton (the largest crater in the North Complex, Apollo 15 site).
- Poczobutt Valley, or Vallis Poczobutt (D.Caes' name for the valley at the southern rim of Poczobutt).
- Poincaré Basin
- Pointers (the two bowl-shaped high albedo craters called Schomberger G and Simpelius J at approximately 76 degrees south/ 7 degrees east, which are quite interesting targets during Full Moon, because they (both craters) act like "pointers" to get the location of the moon's South Pole. They are a bit like the celestial "pointers" in the well-known asterism Big Dipper of the constellation Ursa Major; to get the location of Polaris, the northern pole star).
- Polit (H.P.Wilkins' name for a formation near Boss, or Boss itself? Also called "Hallowes H").
- Pollock (W.R.Birt's and J.Lee's name for a crater between Deluc and Zach)(sometimes called "Pollek").
- Poncelet's mini-Wargentin (D.Caes' nickname for the Wargentin-like crater at the south-southeastern part of Poncelet's rim).
- Poodle-Dog on the Moon (D.Musewicz' and J.D.Sabia's nickname for a group of dark mare-regions seen during First Quarter Moon).
- Pope (the LTO's name for a crater west of Brunner).
- Popov Valley, or: Vallis Popov (D.Caes' name for the valley west-northwest of Popov).
- Porthouse (H.P.Wilkins' name for Carlini B).
- Potamos (F.C.Lamech's name for a region at Rima Ariadaeus).
- Pratdesaba (H.P.Wilkins' name for Brisbane G).
- Privolva (J.Kepler's name for the moon's Far Side).
- Procellarum Basin
- Profatius (G.B.Riccioli's name for Nicollet B's bright spot).
- Promontorium Olivium
- Terra Pruinae/ Land of Frost (G.B.Riccioli's name for the cratered area between Mare Imbrium and Sinus Roris, near Sinus Iridum).
- Pythagoras' Secondary Crater Chains (D.Caes' name for the rows of craterlets in Sinus Roris, near Pythagoras).
- Pytheas' Mob (D.Caes' nickname for the cluster of craterlets at 21°10' North/ 22° West)(west-northwest of Pytheas).
- Pytheas' Twins (D.Caes' nickname for the couple of craterlets at 21°50' North/ 22°15' West)(northwest of Pytheas).
- Quaresini (Van Langren's disallowed name for the hill Lee Eta, see page 196 in E.A.Whitaker's Mapping and Naming the Moon).
- Quesada (Van Langren's disallowed name for Milichius Gamma, see page 199 in E.A.Whitaker's Mapping and Naming the Moon).
- ? (Question Mark). The Question Mark shaped formation at (roughly) 28° East/ 5° North, in Mare Tranquillitatis. This is a typical Full Moon feature, and is (or seems to be) composed of tiny high-albedo craterlets arranged as a chain in the shape of a Question Mark (or hook). It is detectable on LAC 60 (page 120) in B.Bussey's and P.Spudis's Clementine Atlas of the Moon, at the above mentioned coordinates.
- Rabakuw (G.H.Lindop's "new name" for Bianchini W)(see: Miscellaneous Info at the bottom of the ABC's Part 4).
- Rabbit in the Moon (a nickname for a group of dark Mare-regions on the Full Moon's disc).
- Racine (the LTO's name for a crater southeast of the IAU's Ludwig).
- Rafelon (G.H.Lindop's "new name" for Plato F)(see: Miscellaneous Info at the bottom of the ABC's Part 4).
- The Railway (Rupes Recta).
- Rainbow Heights (north of Montes Jura and Sinus Iridum).
- Rambleta (one of the peaks of Montes Teneriffe, thus named by W.R.Birt).
- Ramsay, Dorsa (the LTO's name for a wrinkle ridge near Artsimovich).
- Rastorguev (the Sternberg Institute's name for a crater north-northeast of farside crater Chebyshev).
- Raurich (H.P.Wilkins' name for Hecataeus B).
- Recorde (H.P.Wilkins' name for Alhazen E).
- Recta, Rima (D.Caes' name for the straight rille south-southeast of Carrel).
- Reese (H.P.Wilkins' name for Pico B).
- Regio Paupertatis (J.P.H.Fauth's name for an unlocated region).
- Regio Sanitatis (J.P.H.Fauth's name for an unlocated region).
- Renart (H.P.Wilkins' name for a formation northeast of Heinsius).
- Reypastor (H.P.Wilkins' name for Faraday G).
- Rhodes (H.P.Wilkins' name for a formation near the northern limb, north of Philolaus).
- Richards's Ridge (very vague and uncertain, probably one of W.R.Birt's names for a formation near Fracastorius, needs investigation).
- Rima Pau (K.C.Pau's name for a rille just south of Manilius).
- Rima Vallis Alpes (D.Caes' unofficial name for the central rille in Vallis Alpes).
- Rimae Luther H (D.Caes' name for the criss-cross looking system of rilles southwest of Luther H, on the southern part of Ch.Wood's Lost Peninsula).
- Rimsky-Korsakov, Rima (the LTO's name for a rille near Diophantus).
- Ring nebula (D.Caes' nickname for the curious ring-like appearance of Lyell A ("Abduh") during Full Moon. In the centre of this ring there's a bright dot. The ring and the bright dot look very much like a typical planetary nebula!).
- Riphaeus Boreus, Major, Medius, Minor (J.N.Krieger's and R.Konig's names for regions in the Montes Riphaeus, adopted by the IAU but later discontinued).
- RNII (the Sternberg Institute's name for Catena Lucretius).
- Rodes (N°1: F.C.Lamech's name for Lalande A).
- Rodes (N°2: H.P.Wilkins' name for a formation between Bartels and Struve).
- Romana (H.P.Wilkins' name for Fracastorius D).
- Romer, Fossa (the LTO's name for a region near Romer and Le Monnier).
- Roosa (Necho on the moon's Far Side)(called "Roosa" and also nicknamed "The Bright One" by NASA and by the crew of Apollo 14)(by its CMP Stuart "Stu" Roosa).
- Rossard (F.C.Lamech's name for Cyrillus B, which is today's Ibn-Rushd).
- Rosse's Ghost (a nickname from D.Caes for the ghost-crater NNE of Rosse).
- Route 66 (D.Caes' nickname for Rima Ariadaeus, see also NASA's "US Highway Number One" for Rima Hypatia).
- Roy (F.C.Lamech's name for Hesiodus B).
- Rudaux (F.C.Lamech's name for Lansberg C).
- Ruin Basin (Apollo 10/ Apollo 11 flight path)(orbital Apollo 10 photograph of the Ruin Basin (the "8"-shaped formation at upper left): AS10-32-4845).
- Rupes Mortis, aka Lacus Mortis Fault.
- Russell (H.P.Wilkins' name for a formation within "Paluzie")(see: Wilkins's "Paluzie").
- Rynin Valley, or Vallis Rynin (D.Caes' name for the valley-shaped depression at the east-southeastern part of Rynin).
The people behind ULN (Unofficial Lunar Nomenclature), Discontinued Nomenclature, proposed names, and nicknames (past and present)
- Albin, Brian.
- Andreus (?), ("Andreus Hills", on Rand Mc.Nally's moonmap).
- Birt, William Radcliff.
- Bondo, Hendrik (the "duck" and its "ducklings" at the "Helmet", east of Gassendi).
- Boutell, Hugh G. (nicknames in the Mare Imbrium region) (see Sky and Telescope january 1953, P.66-69: Queen of the Untraveled Seas, by Leland S. Copeland).
- Božič, Aleksander (aka SandiBandi).
- Cadogan, Peter.
- Caes, Danny (mostly nicknames and unofficial names for wrinkle ridges outside the LTO-regions).
- Chappaz, Loic (example: Earhart north of Mare Serenitatis).
- Collins, Maurice (see: Shannen Ridge)(M.Collins's name for a previously unknown radial mountain ridge near Mare Imbrium)(named after M.Collins's daughter Shannen). See also LPOD The Tyranny of an Orbit and LPOD Long Radials.
- Delvaux, Ron (discoverer of the Delvau-"X" at Rupes Altai).
- Dembowski, William.
- Elger, Thomas Gwyn.
- Eskildsen, Howard.
- Fauth, Johann Philipp Heinrich.
- Flammarion, Camille.
- Forest, Rogue.
- Franz, Julius Heinrich.
- Golubiz (?) ("Golubiz Cluster", on Rand McNally's moonmap).
- Gruithuisen, Franz von Paula.
- Hackman, R.J. (Apennine Bench Formation).
- Herring, Alika.
- Hevelius (Johann Hewelcke).
- Higgins, Wes.
- Hill, Harold.
- Howard, E.
- K.C.Pau.
- Keene, Stephen.
- Kepler, Johannes (Privolva; the moon's Far Side).
- Kidd, Simon (see LPOD The Beetle).
- Klein, Herman.
- Konig, Rudolf.
- Krieger, Johann Nepomuk.
- Kuiper, Gerard P. (Mare Exploratum, aka Mare Cognitum).
- Lacroux, Jean.
- Lamech, Felix Chemla.
- Lammel, Stefan.
- Langrenus (Michel Florent Van Langren).
- Larrieu, A.C. (see Larrieu's Dam near Polybius).
- Lee, John.
- Legrand, Christian.
- Leon (?), ("Leon Hills", on Rand Mc.Nally's moonmap).
- Leonardi, Piero (the Arcuate fractures south of Arago) (a.f.a.i.k., there's only one book which contains a description of these arcuate fractures south of Arago: Piero Leonardi's Volcanoes and Impact Craters on the Moon and Mars, 1970).
- Licchelli, Domenico.
- Lindop, Geoffrey Hugh (see: Spaceflight, january 1979, page 47).
- Loro (?), ("Loro Basin", on Rand Mc.Nally's moonmap).
- Lothrop (?), ("Lothrop Hills", on Rand Mc.Nally's moonmap).
- Madler, Johann Heinrich.
- Markov, V.A (see his book The Moon).
- Melosh, Jay (example: Earhart north of Mare Serenitatis).
- "Midnightman" (John C., contributor of LPOD-related discussions).
- Mishqui (?), ("Mishqui Basin", on Rand Mc.Nally's moonmap).
- Mitika (?), ("Mitika Peak", on Rand Mc.Nally's moonmap).
- Miyamori, Sakuzo. (Miyamori Valley; mentioned in Harold Hill's A Portfolio of Lunar Drawings). See also LPOD Not a Valley
- Moore, John (contributor of the Moon-Wiki project).
- Moore, Patrick (popularizer of astronomy, BBC -The Sky at Night- ).
- Murray, P. Edward (Ed Murray).
- Musewicz, Diane.
- NASA personnel and Apollo astronauts (mostly nicknames at and near the landingsites).
- North, David.
- O'Neill (Bridge of O'Neill).
- Peck, Akkana.
- Pilz, Bob ("Gassendi Archipelago", aka "Andreus hills").
- Riccioli, Giovanni Baptista.
- Riordan, Alan ("Alser's alien" - "Shoeprint" at crater Robinson).
- Robinson, Mark (LROC) (see, for example; ray-craterlet Chappy).
- Ron B(ee).
- Rukl, Antonin.
- Saber, Stephen.
- Sabia, John D.
- SandiBandi (see Božič, Aleksander).
- Schmidt, Johann F. Julius.
- Schroter, Johann Hieronymus.
- Sood, Rohan (example: Earhart north of Mare Serenitatis).
- Steavenson, W.H.
- Tarsoudis, George. See LPOD 25-12-2008; Dove of Peace; 40th anniversary of Apollo 8.
- Unknown (unofficial nomenclature on Rand McNally's moonmap, on the same moonmap in Patrick Moore's Atlas of the Universe (1983), and on the early version of Phillip's moonmap).
- Unknown (unofficial nomenclature on the Lunar Topographic Ortophotomaps).
- Westfall, John.
- "Westwind" (Bill, contributor of many LPOD-related discussions).
- Whitaker, Ewen.
- Wilkins, Hugh Percy (and colleagues).
- Wood, Charles A.
- Wood, R.W. (the mustard-colored Wood's Spot at the Aristarchus plateau).