Unofficial Names of Hugh Percy Wilkins
[hide]List of Hugh Percy Wilkins' and Patrick Moore's "new" nomenclature
(Based on New Names in the 300 in. Lunar Map in Appendix II to the 1961 edition of Wilkins and Moore)
Or... Who's Who in English and Spanish astronomy and moon observing...
Some of these names are detectable on the HALLWAG moonmap made by Hans Schwarzenbach (Switzerland).
An alphabetical exploration and investigation of Wilkins' and Moore's lunar nomenclature by the "Sherlock Holmes of the moon": Danny Caes
See also: Historia de la Observacion Lunar (several names of Spanish lunar observers mentioned in the part 'Siglos XIX y XX').
And also: Nombres Espanoles en la Luna TAMANO (pdf).
- ABINERI (Strabo A).
Keith W. Abineri, 1920-2007. English selenographer.
Erroneously printed as "Abinen" in the alphabetic gazetteer (of lunar nomenclature) for Hans Schwarzenbach's moonmap in Patrick Moore's Moon Flight Atlas (1969).
- ALLER (Langrenus K. Nowadays: Atwood). Name detectable on the HALLWAG moonmap.
Ramon Maria Aller Ulloa (1878-1966). Contemporary Spanish astronomer.
- ALTER (Albategnius G).
Contemporary American astronomer (possibly Dinsmore Alter, 1888-1968).
The I.A.U.'s Alter is on the moon's farside.
- AMUNDSEN (+090/-989) (this is the first one of two names (Amundsen/ Scott) of which the location was restored in the Rectified Lunar Atlas, 1963).
Roald Engelbregt Gravning Amundsen (1872-1928), Norwegian polar explorer.
- ANTONIADI (Hekataeus B).
Eugene Michel Antoniadi (1870-1944), Greek astronomer and observer of the planet Mars.
The location of the I.A.U.'s Antoniadi is on the moon's farside.
- ARMENTER (vague: near the present day Struve H).
Federico Armenter De Monasterio (Barcelona, 1886-1959). Spanish solar physicist.
- ARTHUR (Anaximander C).
Contemporary English amateur astronomer (possibly D.W.G. Arthur a.k.a. David Dai Arthur).
- ATATURK (Romer A).
Mustafa Kemal Ataturk (1881-1938). Founder of modern Turkey.
This was F.C.Lamech's Stephanides (Théodore Stephanides). Ataturk is not mentioned in Whitaker. The name Ataturk was printed near the lower margin of page 86 in Wilkins's book The Moon. (see also description at *Nomenclature* in page Romer).
- AYMAT (Sharp B). Name detectable on the HALLWAG moonmap.
Antonio Aymat Mareca. Spanish astronomer (SADEYA: Sociedad Astronomica De Espana Y America).
According to Google, there should be a book called Nuestra Amiga la Luna, (or: Notre Amie la Lune, 1943) by Pierre Rousseau, with notes by Antonio Aymat Mareca (see also Google images; cover of the book).
- BALL, L.F. (Endymion B).
Contemporary English Selenographer. Discovered the triplet at Encke M.
- BARANGE (Marius A) (called Simpilii by Van Langren).
Albert Barangé Camp. Spanish astronomer.
- BARCROFT (Dollond B).
David P. Barcroft. Contemporary American astronomer.
- BARKER (Sasserides A).
Contemporary English selenographer. Possibly Robert Barker (1873-1966), see also Barker's Quadrangle.
- BARTLETT (vague: somewhere near Madler’s Square in Mare Frigoris).
J. Bartlett. Contemporary American selenographer.
Additional note:
This name (Bartlett) was also used by John Westfall and the ALPO (without succes). Bartlett should have been the crater which is nowadays officially known as Mendel J (since 2006).
- BAUM (Sven Hedin E? Sven Hedin F?).
Richard M. Baum (1930-). Contemporary English selenographer.
For photograph of R.M.Baum, see page 308 in Epic Moon (Sheehan/ Dobbins).
- BENITEZ (Pontanus A? Pontanus C?). Name detectable on the HALLWAG moonmap.
Spanish astronomer (1879-1954)(Director del instituto de la marina y del observatorio de San Fernando).
- BERTAUD (Sirsalis A). Name detectable on the HALLWAG moonmap (called Ossolinski by Van Langren).
Contemporary French astronomer (this could be Charles Bertaud, see also asteroid 4603 Bertaud and the accompanying text on page 374 in Lutz D. Schmadel's Dictionary of Minor Planet Names: 'Named in honor of Charles Bertaud, under whose leadership at Meudon the discoverer (Christian Pollas) began his astronomical work. Well known as an observer of comets, supernovae, and particular stars, he was one of the initiators of the project that led to the construction of the Schmidt telescope at Caussols').
In several moonbooks and lunar maps this name was erroneously printed as "Bertauld".
Christian Pollas has his own asteroid: 4892 Chrispollas.
- BOLTON (-103/-0.88).
Scriven Bolton (1888-1929), English selenographer and illustrator.
- BURRELL (very vague: somewhere near Hansteen and Sirsalis).
B. Burrell. Contemporary English selenographer.
According to dedicated observers of the moon, this formation is gradually "disappearing".
Could it have been one of the swirls related to the formation Reiner Gamma? Perhaps this was also J.F.J.Schmidt's Melloni? See also Burrell-Melloni - a curious case of observation.
- BUSS (vague: somewhere to the northwest of Riccioli)(?).
English spectroscopist.
- CARAMUEL (in vicinity of present day Bartels). Note: Caramuel (or Caramuelis) was one of the original names on Van Langren's map of 1645, for the high-albedo spot near Descartes (see page 195 in E.A.Whitaker's Mapping and Naming the Moon).
Juan Caramuel y Lobkowitz. Spanish scientist and archbishop of Otranto (1606-1682). Contemplated naming lunar features after contemporary learned persons (see Whitaker, pp. 34-35).
- CLARKSON (Gassendi A). Name detectable on the HALLWAG moonmap (called S.Marci by Van Langren).
Roland L.T. Clarkson. English selenographer (1889-1954) (Roland Lebeg Townley Clarkson).
- COMAS SOLA (vague: somewhere between Vieta and Lagrange). Name detectable on the HALLWAG moonmap. It could be Vieta A (+ Vieta B) or even the dark Basaltic Lava Areas to the southwest of Fourier (see H.Hill’s A PORTFOLIO OF LUNAR DRAWINGS, page 156/157). Another unofficial name for the basaltic lava areas was Honey Lake.
Josep Comas i Sola. Spanish astronomer (1868-1937).
In the early seventies, the German avant-garde synthesizer group Tangerine Dream recorded a rather chaotic piece called Fly and Collision of Comas Sola.
One of the craters on Mars is officially named Comas Sola.
- COOKE (Eimmart C). Name detectable on the HALLWAG moonmap.
S. R. B. Cooke. English amateur astronomer.
- CORTES (Demonax A).
Martin Cortes. Spanish explorer.
Possibly Martin Cortes de Albacar (1510-1582). Spanish cosmographer.
- DE BERGERAC (Carlini D).
Hercule-Savinien de Cyrano de Bergerac (1619-1655), French dramatist and duelist.
A crater on the moon's farside is nowadays officially known as Cyrano.
- DUBLIER (Alphonsus D).
Contemporary Spanish astronomer.
- DYSON, MOUNT (Pytheas Beta).
Sir Frank Watson Dyson (1868-1939), English astronomer and Astronomer Royal.
Apollo 17's orbital panoramic ITEK-camera frame AS17-P-3090 shows Mount Dyson (Pytheas Beta) pretty well.
Mount Dyson (Pytheas Beta) should not to be confused with the IAU's officially named crater Dyson on the moon's farside.
- EDDINGTON (Reinhold B). Name detectable on the HALLWAG moonmap.
Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington (1882-1944). British astrophysicist.
The I.A.U.'s official Eddington is nowadays part of the Eddington-Struve-Russell complex at the nearside's western limb.
- EINSTEIN (Simpelius D).
Albert Einstein (1879-1955). German-born theoretical physicist.
The I.A.U.'s official Einstein is nowadays a crater at the nearside's western limb.
- EMLEY (Capuanus E).
E. F. Emley. Contemporary English selenographer.
Mentioned on page 151 of Patrick Moore's book New Guide To The Moon (1976); E. F. Emley's investigations and detections of possible "behind the limb" raycraters from observations of diverging rays at the nearside's libration zones.
- ESQUIVEL (beyond Nansen).
Pedro Esquivel. Spanish geographer (circa 1550).
- FEBRER (Schubert B, nowadays officially known as Back).
Joaquin Febrer Carbo. Contemporary Spanish astronomer.
- FISHER (Vitruvius B).
Clyde Fisher (1878-1949). American astronomer, author of the book The Story of the Moon (1943).
- FRESA (Lagrange B).
Italian astronomer (Alfonso Fresa?).
- GANT (Archimedes A. Nowadays: Bancroft).
James Quincy "Doc" Gant (1906-1989). Dermatologist and contemporary American selenographer.
Additional note:
This name (Gant) was also used by John Westfall and the ALPO (without succes). Gant should have been the crater which is nowadays officially known as Pilatre (since 1991).
- GARCIA-GOMEZ (Alpetragius B: to the east-northeast of Lassell).
Contemporary Spanish astronomer.
- GINER (Posidonius P). Name detectable on the HALLWAG moonmap.
Tomas Giner Galbis (1864-1954), Contemporary Spanish astronomer.
- GRAHAM (Peirce B. Now: Swift).
19th century English astronomer.
Could be Andrew Graham (1815-1908), Irish astronomer/computer, discoverer of asteroid 9 Metis.
- GRANOLLACHS (Gauricus A?)
Vernet Granollachs (1421-1487/88), or Bernat de Granollacs, see:
(although the name Granollachs was not included in Wilkins' and Moore's book THE MOON, it was on a Spanish website dedicated to all the Spanish names in Wilkins' list!).
This is a rather strange case, something to investigate.
- GREEN (-011/-100)(rather difficult to locate: somewhere at the western part of the moon's limb).
Samuel Morris Green (1921-1944). English selenographer, died in action.
Orbituary notices
Not to be confused with the IAU's Green on the moon's far side!
- HAAS (Pico E). Name detectable on the HALLWAG moonmap.
Walter H. Haas (1917-2015), contemporary American selenographer. Founder of ALPO (see: Sky and Telescope, december 1993, page 100).
Obituary Notice; (Special LPOD Walter Haas).
Note: this was also F.C.Lamech's Dupont.
- HALLOWES (vague: somewhere to the southeast of Zeno)(?).
English selenographer.
- HARE (Bailly B) (called Bartolus by Riccioli).
E. E. Hare. Contemporary American astronomer.
- HARRIS (Riccioli E).
English engineer (1906-).
Could this be Milton Harris? (1906-1991).
In Burnham's Celestial Handbook, a certain D.E.Harris is mentioned on page 1886 (the case of Simeis 147), and a certain D.L.Harris on page 1947 (the case of the Ursa Major Moving Cluster).
- HAUET (Wurzelbauer D) (called Nirenbergeri by Van Langren, Mons Prophetarum by J.Hewelcke).
French selenographer (1878-1933).
- HILL (Lockyer H).
Harold Hill (1920-2005). Contemporary English selenographer, author of the book A Portfolio of Lunar Drawings (1991).
The I.A.U.'s official Hill was once known as Macrobius B.
- IBANEZ (Marinus K).
Francisco Ibanez (1825-1891). Spanish mathematician.
Carlos Ibanez de Ibero, marques de Mulhacen (??). 1825-1891.
- INCOGNITO, MARE (vague: 'behind' Wilkins' Liddiard, or: east of Gauss).
- INGALLS (Riccioli C).
A. Ingalls. Contemporary American astronomer.
The I.A.U.'s official Ingalls is nowadays the name of a crater on the moon's farside.
- JIYAH (Mersenius D). Name detectable on the HALLWAG moonmap.
Abraham Ben Jiyah (1070-1105). Spanish astronomer. Author of Esfera Del Mundo.
Erroneously printed as "Jiyaii" on page 231 of Tony Dethier's Maanmonografieen, V.V.S. (Vereniging Voor Sterrenkunde), 1989.
- JUAN (very vague: somewhere to the south of Mare Orientale).
Jorge Juan y Santacilia (1713-1773). Spanish Geographer.
- KROSIGK (Tobias Mayer G).
German astronomer.
This could be Bernhard Friedrich Baron von Krosigk ( -1714), who is briefly mentioned in Wikipedia's biography of the German astronomer Maria Margarethe Kirch.
See also the German Wikipedia page Bernhard Friedrich Freiherr von Krosigk (1656-1714).
Krosigk is also mentioned on page 31 of the Dutch moonbook Op Ontdekking in het Maanland by A.J.M.Wanders (1949).
See also the Wikipedia page Johann Wilhelm Wagner (Wilkins's WAGNER, Tobias mayer C).
- LANDERER (Mersenius B).
José Joaquin Landerer Climent (1841-1922). Spanish astronomer.
- LA PAZ (Byrgius A: this is one of the brightest and most distinct ray-craters!) (called Malvezzi by Van Langren).
Contemporary American astronomer, probably Lincoln LaPaz.
Additional note:
This name (La Paz) was also used by John Westfall and the ALPO (without succes). La Paz should have been the name of the crater which is nowadays officially known as Pingré S.
- LENHAM (Kies A).
Contemporary English selenographer (possibly Alan Pennell Lenham (1930-1996), see also asteroid 6287 Lenham).
- LIDDIARD (vague: to the northeast of Gauss).
English electrical engineer (1894- ).
- LOWE (Riccioli A)(Schluter).
Could be Edward Joseph Lowe (1825-1900), English botanist and astronomer (although Wilkins mentioned: American astronomer).
- LOWER (Hansen B).
Sir William Lower (1570-1615), English astronomer, selenographer, and Member of Parliament.
About William Lower, see also pages 76-77 in Patrick Moore's New Guide to the Moon (1976):
Sir William Lower lived in the Welsh village of Treventy. Lower was a shadowy, elusive figure. He was certainly expelled from Oxford University in 1591, following a celebration which was presumably anything but teetotal; from 1601 to 1611 he sat in Parliament, first as member for Bodmin and then for Lostwithiel; he was knighted in 1603, and after his marriage to one Penelope Perrot, daughter and heiress of Thomas Perrot of Treventy, he retired to the seclusion of Wales to spend much of his time in studying astronomy. Very little is known about his work, but he did leave a graphic description of the full moon as resembling a tart that his cook had made - 'there some bright stuffe, there some dark, and so confusedlie all over'. This does not sound ultra-scientific, and I have been unable to discover any observations by Lower which were of true value; but at least he looked at the moon, and we may suppose that he went on doing so until he died in 1615. I would not suggest that Lower is important in the story of selenography or lunar study, and I mention him here only because most astronomical historians ignore him completely.
- LYOT (Ptolemaeus A, the bowl shaped crater on the floor of the walled plain Ptolemaeus)(note: Ptolemaeus A is now officially known as Ammonius).
Bernard Ferdinand Lyot (1897-1952), French astronomer.
Lyot is nowadays the name of a crater near the moon's southeastern limb, at Mare Australe.
- MACDONALD (Aristarchus F). Name detectable on the HALLWAG moonmap.
English amateur astronomer (Thomas Logie McDonald?).
Wilkins's Porthouse (Carlini B) is also the I.A.U.'s official McDonald.
- MILLAS (Parrot C).
Josep Maria Millas Vallicrosa (1897-1970). Spanish philosopher.
Parrot C (Wilkins's Millas) was also Lamech's Muller and Hevelius's Mons Cadmus.
Near Parrot C appeared the mysterious name Loro Basin (thus printed on the large greenish RAND MC.NALLY moonmap).
- MOORE (Agatharchides A). See also LPOD Moore.
English selenographer and popularizer of astronomy (1923-2012).
- NAJERA (very vague: close to the limb and not far from Galvani).
Antonio De Najera. Spanish scientist (circa 1650).
Page 150 of Patrick Moore's book New Guide To The Moon (1976) shows two small libration maps of the Gerard-Harding area, with crater Najera north of Gerard.
- NANSEN (+087/+980).
Fridtjof Nansen (1861-1930), Norwegian explorer.
The officially I.A.U.-named Nansen is a different crater of which its location is also near the moon's northpole.
- NOVELLAS (Agatharchides P).
Francesc De Paula Novellas Roig (1874-1940). Spanish astronomer and chemist.
- O’KELL (Atlas-E or Williams).
English amateur astronomer (1861-1947)(Samuel O'Kell?).
There has always been some confusion between Williams, Atlas E, and Wilkins' O’Kell (see the HALLWAG moonmap).
- O'NEILL (+730/+260).
Probably John J. O'Neill, the discoverer of the so-called Bridge of O'Neill between Promontoria Lavinium and Olivium at the western part of Mare Crisium's rim.
- ORUS (Petavius B).
Joan J. Orus. Spanish astronomer.
Orbital Hasselblad photograph AS12-50-7458 is a wonderful orbital close-up photograph of Orus, made during the mission of Apollo 12.
- PALUZIE (very vague: somewhere to the east of Messala).
Antoni Paluzie i Borrell (1899-1984). Contemporary Spanish selenographer.
- PEARY (+030/+999).
Robert Edwin Peary (1856-1920), American explorer.
The officially I.A.U.-named Peary is a different crater of which its location is also near the moon's northpole.
- POLIT (very vague: Wilkins' Hallowes H; somewhere to the north or northeast of Mercurius, near Boss).
Isidre Polit i Boixareu (1880-1958). Spanish phycisist.
- PORTER (Clavius B).
Russell Williams Porter (1871-1949). American artist, engineer, amateur astronomer, and explorer.
- PORTHOUSE (Carlini B. Now: the I.A.U.'s official McDonald).
William Porthouse. English amateur astronomer.
- PRATDESABA (Brisbane G).
Josep Pratdesaba i Portabella (1870-1967). Spanish astronomer and scientist.
This name (Pratdesaba) is mentioned on page 240 of Harold Hill's book A Portfolio of Lunar Drawings (at the last page of the book: The Lyot Region).
- RAURICH (Hekataeus D).
Salvador Raurich i Ferriol (1869-1945). Spanish astronomer (and musician).
Or was it perhaps Nicholas Roerich? (1874-1947, famous Russian explorer). Note: in 1926 or 1927, Nicholas Roerich seems to have observed a strange huge egg-shaped object in the skies above the Altai mountains (source: Altai-Himalaya: a travel diary, Frederick A. Stokes).
- RECORDE (Alhazen E). Name detectable on the HALLWAG moonmap.
Robert Recorde, (ca. 1512-1558), Welsh physician and mathematician. Recorde introduced the "equals" sign (=) and also the "plus" sign (+) in 1557.
- REESE (Pico B). Name detectable on the HALLWAG moonmap.
Elmer J. Reese. Contemporary American planetary observer.
- RENART (Wurzelbauer D).
Dionis Renart i Garcia (1878-1946). Catalan sculptor and astronomer (president of the lunar section of Barcelona's Astronomical Society).
On certain moonmaps, the name Renart is sometimes printed as "Renato".
- REYPASTOR (Faraday G; between Faraday and Cuvier). Name detectable on the HALLWAG moonmap.
Julio Rey Pastor (1888-1962). Spanish mathematician and historian of science.
- RHODES (vague: on the limb north of Philolaus).
Might be Rhodes of Greece, or was it a person called Rhodes?
- RODES (in vicinity of present day Bartels).
Lluis Rodes i Campdera (1881-1939). Catalan astronomer.
- An article on page 107 of the book Earthquakes, Tides, Unidentified Sounds, and related phenomena (William R. Corliss, The Sourcebook Project, 1983), is probably about Lluis Rodes i Campdera (Father Luis Rodes) and his investigations on the possible influence of the moon's perigee on the frequency of earthquakes.
- ROMANA (Fracastorius D). On the HALLWAG moonmap this name (Romana) is printed near Polybius A.
Antoni Romana i Pujo (1900-1981). Contemporary Spanish astronomer.
- RUSSELL (within Wilkins' Paluzie).
John Russell (1745-1806). 19th century English painter and amateur astronomer, friend of Sir William Herschel.
- SACCO (Scoresby A).
Contemporary Spanish astronomer.
Or... could it have been Federico Sacco? (1864-1948, Italian geologist). See:
The name Federico Sacco is mentioned in the page Lunar Maps, at the year 1907 (moonmap by Federico Sacco, research Robert Garfinkle).
- SAHEKI (Grimaldi B).
Tsuneo Saheki. Contemporary Japanese astronomer (discovered a bright starlike spot on Mars, december 1951; see: Sky and Telescope December 1993, page 100).
- SANTACRUZ (vague: Birt's Abel?).
Alonzo De Santa Cruz (1505-1567). Spanish astronomer, cartographer, map maker, instrument maker, historian, and teacher.
- SCOTT (+080/-990) (this is the second one of two names (Amundsen/ Scott) of which the location was restored in the Rectified Lunar Atlas, 1963).
Robert Falcon Scott (1868-1912). English polar explorer.
- SHACKLETON (Gioja A)(which is a crater near the moon's northpole).
Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton (1874-1922). Anglo-Irish polar explorer.
The officially I.A.U.-named Shackleton is a crater at the moon's southpole.
- SISEBUTO (Azophi A).
Sisebuto, Spanish king, reigned A.D. 612-621.
- SMITH (Vendelinus C).
C. F. O. Smith (1874-1949). English amateur astronomer.
Not to be confused with the IAU's officially named crater Smith on the moon's farside.
- STEAVENSON (Reichenbach A). Name detectable on the HALLWAG moonmap.
William Herbert Steavenson (1894-1975). Contemporary English amateur astronomer.
- THORNTON (vague: north of Wilkins' Arthur)(near Desargues).
F. H. Thornton. Contemporary English selenographer.
- TREWMAN (vague: could be Schwabe)(or N.E. of Schwabe).
Contemporary English electronic specialist (could this be Harry Frederick Trewman?).
- VAISALA (vague: different locations!)(near Catena Sylvester).
Yrjo Vaisala (1891-1971). Contemporary Finnish astronomer and discoverer of asteroids.
The I.A.U.'s official Vaisala was once known as Aristarchus A.
- VERNET (Gutenberg G? Goclenius G?). Name detectable on the HALLWAG moonmap.
Possibly Joan Vernet i Gines (1923-2011). Contemporary Spanish astronomer.
- VIRGIL (Bessarion E).
Publius Vergilius Maro, aka Virgil (70-19 B.C). Roman poet.
- WAGNER (Tobias Mayer C).
This is a rather strange case, because in Percy Wilkins's book THE MOON, Section 5, he (Wilkins) mentioned a certain Wagner who seems to have been a Hanoverian physiologist (Rudolf Wagner 1805-1864), but I think this was some sort of error, because it should have been Johann Wilhelm Wagner (1681-1745); a German astronomer who was active at the observatory of Bernhard Friedrich Freiherr Baron von Krosigk (see KROSIGK in this alphabetic list).
It should be mentioned that this astronomer's name (KROSIGK) was once seen at the crater which is nowadays known as Tobias Mayer G.
The astronomers J.W.Wagner and B.v.Krosigk are also mentioned on page 31 of the Dutch moonbook Op Ontdekking in het Maanland, by A.J.M.Wanders (1949).
Discovery of the curious R.Wagner/ J.W.Wagner case (and confusing error in Wilkins's book): Danny Caes
Wagner is also the name of a small crater in the Taurus-Littrow Valley (the landing site of Apollo 17). "Named for the great German composer whose works represent one on the high points in the development of Grand Opera; honoring Wagner as a representative of the composers whose works were a true flourishing of this art form in the middle to late 19th Century." (source: APOLLO LUNAR SURFACE JOURNAL, Eric M. Jones).
- WATTS (Kästner B).
Could this be the American astronomer Chester Burleigh Watts? (1889-1971), which is the same person of the IAU's officially named crater Watts (north of Taruntius).
- WHIPPLE, MOUNT (La Hire Alpha).
Possibly John Adams Whipple (1822-1891). American photographer, one of the early photographers of the moon.
Apollo 17's orbital panoramic ITEK-camera frame AS17-P-3099 shows Mount Whipple (La Hire Alpha) near the rightmost margin.
Apollo 15's orbital color Hasselblad camera photograph AS15-96-13029 shows a post sunrise close up of Mount Whipple.
- WHITAKER (+910/-480).
Possibly Ewen A. Whitaker (1922-2016). Contemporary English astronomer.
- WRIGHT (Licetus F? Lilius-F?). Name detectable on the HALLWAG moonmap.
Frederick Eugene Wright (1877-1953). American optician and geophysicist.
Note: the crater which is officially known as Wright is situated at the southwestern lunar limb, between Montes Rook and Montes Cordillera, close to Shaler
(none).Many thanks to Claude Libert! (one of the most dedicated Belgian observers and photographers of the moon and member of the V.V.S. Vereniging Voor Sterrenkunde). Without Claude I would not have known the existence of Wilkins' and Moore's nomenclature-gazetteer in their book THE MOON!
I also have to thank the internet wizards who have created the extremely interesting Wikipedia pages which contain the biographies of ancient unknown and obscure moon observers! - DannyCaes Apr 13, 2013
As mentioned at the top section of this page, some of these names are included on the well known blue-greyish colored HALLWAG moonmap, the large greenish RAND MC.NALLY moonmap, the beige PHILIP'S moonmap, the blue-brown FALK-moonmap (in V.A.Firsoff's moonatlas), in Patrick Moore's NEW GUIDE TO THE MOON, Harry De Meyer's and Tony Dethier's MAANMONOGRAFIEEN (V.V.S., 1969 and 1989), and perhaps in many more lunar atlases and moonbooks...
See also:
E. A. Whitaker's book Mapping and Naming the Moon