Mons Gruithuisen Gamma
[hide]Mons Gruithuisen Gamma
(current IAU name; former IAU name: Gruithuisen Gamma)
Lat: 36.59°N, Long: 40.72°W, Diam: 19.65 km, Height: km, Rükl: 9 | ||
Middle: SMART-1 This space-based view, with north roughly to the left, appears to have been taken from over Gruithuisen Zeta (the scab-like hill). Mons Gruithuisen Gamma is partially visible in the lower left corner with Mons Gruithuisen Delta and Gruithuisen B above it. The northern rim of 15-km diameter Gruithuisen is visible near the top of the right margin. Right: LROC NAC M104783697 image of the eastern portion of Gruithuisen Gamma (see Bibliography paper below).
LPOD Photo Gallery Lunar Orbiter Images Apollo Images
- Lunar Orbiter 5's Frame 183 shows both Gruithuisen Gamma and Delta, and also the chain of teardrop-shaped craterlets near the concentric crater Gruithuisen K (near the photograph's upper left corner).
- Somewhere very near the upper left corner of Lunar Orbiter 4's photograph LOIV-145-h1, immediately west of Mons Gruithuisen Gamma, should be the location of the 33th item in C.A.Wood's list of Concentric Craters (1978).
- Research Lunar Orbiter photographs: Danny Caes
(LAC zone 23C2) LAC map Geologic map
(IAU Directions) GRUITHUISEN DELTA AND GAMMA.--On the N. of this bright crater, in N. lat. 36 deg., W. long. 40 deg., rises a fine mountain, delta, nearly 6000 feet in height, and on the N.W. of it the larger mass gamma, almost as lofty.
Additional Information
- IAU page: Mons Gruithuisen Gamma
- Age estimate of 3.85 to 3.7 billion years based on crater counts (Wagner et al, 2002, Stratigraphic sequence and ages of volcanic units in the Gruithuisen region of the Moon. J. Geophys. Res. 107, E11, 5104 ).
- According to C.A.Wood's list of Concentric Craters, there should be one immediately west of Mons Gruithuisen Gamma.
- Unexplored Areas of the Moon: Nonmare Domes A White Paper submitted to the Planetary Science Decadal Survey 2013-2022 - astrokat Aug 8, 2010. Primary Author: Sarah E. Braden, School of Earth and Space Exploration, Arizona State University
- Diviner IR data identifies this as one of the most silica-rich volcanic regions of the Moon. (Glotch et al, , 2010).
- Named after the nearby crater. (Gruithuisen)
- In the original IAU Nomenclature of Named Lunar Formations this feature was known as Gruithuisen Gamma. Although all such Greek-lettered names were discontinued in IAU Transactions XVB (1973), this name was restored (with the addition of the Latinized "Mons" prefix) in IAU Transactions XVIB (1976). - JimMosher
- In his informal 1953 tour of Mare Imbrium, Leland Copeland referred to the Gruithuisen mountains as the Three Rocks. Research: - DannyCaes Feb 23, 2008
- Mons Gruithuisen Gamma; the dome-like mountain, is nicknamed The Topsy-Turvy Bathtub by Danny Caes and others. Note that this nickname is not new! It seems to be one of the early telescopic observers of the moon. And indeed: through telescope it looks very much like a bathtub! (Topsy-Turvy on the lunar surface). - DannyCaes Feb 23, 2008
LROC Articles
LPOD Articles
Lunar 100
L49: Volcanic domes formed with viscous lavas.
- Braden, S.E. et al (2010). Morphology of Gruithuisen and Hortensius Domes: Mare vs NonMare Volcanism from the 41st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2010).
- Glotch, T.D. and others (2010) Highly Silicic Compositions on the Moon. Science 329 no. 5998 pp. 1510-1513.
- Wood, C.A. 3/2007. Odd Lunar Domes. S&T 113(3):55-56
- Hill, Harold. 1991. A Portfolio of Lunar Drawings, pages 90, 91.
Named Features -- Prev: Mons Gruithuisen Delta -- Next: Gruithuisen