Copeland, 1953
[hide]Leland S. Copeland: Queen of the Untravelled Seas (1953)
(glossary entry)
This article is primarily a somewhat fanciful tour of the Mare Imbrium region conducted by a (it is assumed amateur) lunar observer. The author expresses the view, popular in that day, that impact craters on the Moon would likely be less than a mile in diameter, so that the larger features were most likely the result of vulcanism. In addition to two normal-sized photos and a two-page fold-out, the article is illustrated by John Russell's portrait of the "Moon Maiden" Promontorium Heraclides as an angel, complete with wings; John Nasmyth's drawing of Mons Pico as a small, but very steep, multi-spired peak; and the author's own small, but careful, map of Mare Imbrium with a number of "new" underlined names added to the standard IAU nomenclature. The underlined names serve as stops on the tour, and having caught the eye of Danny Caes have been added to the appropriate the-Moon Wiki pages.
Additional Information
- The names that have caught Danny's attention are underlined on Copeland's chart, and, as noted in the caption the underscoring means those names are "peculiar to this discussion" -- that is they are meaningful only in the context of the article, and probably not otherwise known. The author chose them as a way of "suggesting the appearance of the formations so named". - Jim Mosher
- In Seeing in the Dark, Timothy Ferris describes Copeland as "an assiduous amateur deep-sky observer prominent in the first half of the twentieth century". He is possibly the same Leland S. Copeland who, between 1926 and 1928, contributed a number of stories to Hugo Gernsback's fantasy/science fiction journal Amazing Stories.
LPOD Articles
- Copeland, Leland S. 1953. Queen of the Untraveled Seas. Sky and Telescope, volume 12, pages 66-69.