Guide to NASA SP-362 Apollo Over The Moon
[hide]Guide to NASA SP-362: Apollo Over The Moon; A View From Orbit
The book Apollo Over The Moon; A View From Orbit (NASA SP-362) is one of the most valuable sources for those who want to know how small regions on the moon's surface really looked when Apollo astronauts were orbiting the moon in their spacecraft. This book is a collection of the most interesting photographs made during the last three scientific missions of Project Apollo (Apollo 15, 16, and 17; the "J"-missions). Most of the photographs were made with the mapping (metric) Fairchild cameras and the panoramic Itek cameras aboard the SIM-bays (Scientific Instruments Modules) of the CSM's Service Modules. There are also Hasselblad photographs, some of them made during the early lunar missions (Apollo 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14). The list below is a handy guide to all the printed photographs (Figures 16 to 247). Compilation and additional research: Danny Caes and Jim Mosher.
Chapter 2: Regional Views
16: near and far side of the moon (maps).
17: eastern face of te moon.
18: Humboldt, King, Pasteur region.
19: Kohlschutter, Mare Moscoviense (at horizon).
20: Van De Graaff.
21: Lauritsen (foreground), Mare Australe.
22: mozaic of Mare Smythii.
23: overview Apollo 11 site, morning terminator.
24: overview Apollo 16 site (Descartes).
25: southern part Ptolemaeus, Alphonsus, Arzachel, Alpetragius, Lassell.
26: Euclides, Montes Riphaeus, western part Mare Cognitum.
27: the eastern "shore" of Mare Serenitatis, with Le Monnier, Posidonius.
28: the western "shore" of Mare Serenitatis.
29: overview Apollo 15 site (Montes Apenninus, Mons Hadley, Rima Hadley).
30: Prinz, Aristarchus, Herodotus.
31: Schiaparelli, Seleucus, Oceanus Procellarum.
Chapter 3: The Terrae (Part 1 of 2).
32: near and far side of the moon (maps).
33: near Tsiolkowsky.
34: mozaic of Mare Crisium.
35: Rima Bode and Mare Vaporum.
36: Montes Haemus, Lacus Odii, Bowen.
37: southwestern part Montes Apenninus.
38: southwestern part Montes Apenninus.
39: the Taurus-Littrow valley's South Massif and its Light Mantle.
40: the North Massif and Apollo 17's CDR Eugene Cernan.
41: a boulder track on the North Massif.
42: one of the high, steep peaks in the Montes Apenninus.
Chapter 3: The Terrae (Part 2 of 2).
43: stereo-pair of Mons Hadley (made at Apollo 15's site).
44: Fra Mauro, Bonpland, Parry.
45: Catena Abulfeda and Descartes' Bright Albedo Spot.
46: Apollo 16 site and environs.
47: Apollo 16 site and environs.
48: Ptolemaeus' northwestern part (and part of the Imbrium sculpture).
49: Halley, Hind, Hipparchus C, and also Ritchey.
50: Maraldi and environs.
51: Lyell A (the LTO's "Abduh"), Franz, Lyell.
52: Maraldi close-up.
53: Albategnius.
54: Ptolemaeus.
55: Ptolemaeus.
56: Catena Mendeleev.
Chapter 4: The Maria (Part 1 of 3).
57: near and far side of the moon (maps).
58: mozaic of the southern part of Mare Serenitatis.
59: Rimae Plinius and Brackett (the Hi-Res of it is the color version which is also depicted on the cover of Brian Eno's album APOLLO; ATMOSPHERES AND SOUNDTRACKS).
60: Mons Argaeus and environs.
61: color-scheme of Apollo 17's landing site.
62: topographic contour map of Apollo 17's landing site.
63: Dorsum Gast and surroundings.
64: between Timocharis and Beer/ Feuillee.
65: area north of Euler.
66: Mons La Hire and Wilkins' Mount Whipple.
67: Lambert and the Lambert Gamma hill, which was the LTO's "Mons Undest" (typographically incorrect, because it should be Mons UNDSET!).
Chapter 4: The Maria (Part 2 of 3).
68: the region between Herigonius and Wichmann (Dorsa Ewing, Scheele).
69: hills north of Ranger 7's impact site (at the eastern part of Mare Cognitum).
70: area southeast of Kunowsky.
71: Seleucus E and environs.
72: the western part of Montes Agricola, and a bit of Oceanus Procellarum.
73: Messier G and environs.
74: the eastern "shore" of Mare Serenitatis, with Posidonius, Le Monnier, Littrow. (overview of Figures 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, and 81).
75: part of Dorsa Aldrovandi, west of Clerke.
76: part of Dorsa Aldrovandi, west of Clerke.
77: part of Dorsa Aldrovandi, halfway between Le Monnier and Clerke.
78: part of Dorsa Aldrovandi, at Le Monnier's southern rim (the promontory Le Monnier Alpha).
79: part of Dorsa Aldrovandi, west of Clerke.
Chapter 4: The Maria (Part 3 of 3).
80: stereo view of the South Massif, the Lee/ Lincoln Scarp, and the North Massif, west of Apollo 17's landing site.
81: the Lee Scarp, the Lincoln Scarp, and the South Massif's Light Mantle, west of Apollo 17's landing site.
82: wrinkle ridges at Mare Serenitatis' western part.
83: part of the Lambert R ridge system (south of Lambert itself).
84: part of the Cloverleaf-shaped cluster of craters on Aitken's floor.
85: an unnamed crater northeast of Aitken.
86: part of Montes Riphaeus.
87: area south-southwest of Vetchinkin.
88: the bright ray-craterlet Lassell D and the extremely dark unnamed craterlet nearby (once nicknamed "Cinder Cone" by the crew of Apollo 16).
89: the strange keyhole shaped doublet northwest of Aristarchus.
90: possible volcanic cones and an elongated depression southwest of Mons Argaeus.
91: the eastern part of Mare Cognitum.
92: stereo-image of the extremely dark Mons Moro in Mare Cognitum.
93: 130 kilometres southwest of Euler.
94: part of the Fra Mauro/ Bonpland/ Parry junction.
95: a possible collapsed dome in the southeastern part of Mare Crisium.
Chapter 5; Craters (part 1 of 6) (mostly Ray Craterlets).
96: near and farside of the moon (maps).
97: Gagarin.
98: very young impact-raycraterlet on the rim of Gagarin.
99: overview of surroundings at very young impact-raycraterlet on the rim of Gagarin.
100 extreme close-up of very young impact-raycraterlet on the rim of Gagarin.
101: part of ejectablanket of very young impact-raycraterlet on the rim of Gagarin.
102: Linné.
103: craterlets near Mandel'shtam.
104: detail of Figure 103.
105: Apollo 16's South Ray crater and Baby Ray crater.
106: topographic map of Apollo 16's South Ray crater.
107: stereo image of fresh impact-raycraterlet on the northeastern part of Chaplygin (this ray-craterlet is unofficially called Chappy by Mark Robinson, LROC).
Chapter 5: Craters (part 2 of 6) (mostly Ray Craterlets).
108: bright impact-raycraterlet near Hume and Hirayama.
109: bright impact-raycraterlet north of Apollo 17's site (in the eastern part of Mare Serenitatis).
110: dark streak at the slopes of Lobachevsky.
111: 270° (3/4ths) ejecta-craterlet on the floor of Daguerre.
112: 270° (3/4ths) ejecta-craterlet southeast of Banting in Mare Serenitatis.
113: butterfly- or wing-shaped ejectablanket between Hill and Macrobius, near Lacus Bonitatis and Esclangon.
114: bright impact-raycraterlet west of Romer R.
115: Messier and Messier A, and stereo-view of Messier A (oblique close up).
116: bright craterlet on the rim of Gibbs.
117: bright craterlet between Brewster and Littrow F.
118: close up of Kant P.
119: bright radial streaks ("spokes") on the inner slopes of Isidorus D. (see also the LPOD of april the 13th, 2008). A much more "vertical" look at Isidorus D's radial streaks is seen in AS16-P-5274 (high sun!).- DannyCaes Jan 2, 2009
120: impact-site of Apollo 14's S-IVB stage on the western part of Mare Cognitum.
121: impact-craterlet of Apollo 14's S-IVB stage.
122: impact-site of Ranger 7 on the eastern part of Mare Cognitum.
123: impact-site of Ranger 9 on the floor of Alphonsus.
Chapter 5: Craters (part 3 of 6)
124: area south of Heinrich (Timocharis A).
125: Pytheas, Montes Carpatus, and Copernicus (near the curved horizon, looking south).
126: area east/southeast of Euler (note the hill Euler Gamma in the image's lower left corner, with the half-submerged craterlet on its south-eastern slope! There's a drawing of that hill and its half-submerged craterlet on page 53 of Harold Hill's A Portfolio of Lunar Drawings).
127: chain and cluster of craterlets at 23° North/ 25° West (east of Euler).
128: clusters of craterlets on the eastern flank of Ptolemaeus.
129: detail of Figure 128.
130: Davy, Davy Y (with Catena Davy in it) and northern environs.
131: geologic map of Catena Davy.
132: crater chain northeast of Ptolemaeus.
133: area north of Albategnius (+ northern half of Albategnius itself).
134: crater chain north of Tsiolkowsky/ Prager.
135: system of rimae and a crater chain at 18°10' North/ 26° East (north-northwest of Dawes).
136: irregular rimae in the southern part of Mare Tranquillitatis.
137: Euler.
Chapter 5: Craters (part 4 of 6)
138: Euler and surroundings.
139: Euler close up.
140: Necho (nicknamed "The Bright One", and unofficially called Roosa)(Apollo 14's CMP Stuart "Stu" Roosa).
141: Detail of Necho ("The Bright One"/ Roosa).
142: Timocharis close up.
143: Carrel (Jansen B) close up.
144: Dawes close up (note the thin ray-like "spokes" on Dawes' inner slopes!).
145: Bessel close up.
146: southern wall of Pytheas.
147: Proclus close up.
148: the Dobrovolsky and Shirakatsi pair (stereo image and oblique view).
149: King.
150: King (oblique view).
151: the curious fork-shaped central peak of King.
Chapter 5: Craters (part 5 of 6) (the "King part").
(note: almost the entire volume of part 5 is devoted to crater King)(Figures 152 to 163).
164: Copernicus.
165: Aristarchus.
166: Theophilus, Cyrillus, Catharina.
Chapter 5: Craters (part 6 of 6)
167: northern half of Theophilus, and northern environs.
168: Theophilus' central peak.
169: Langrenus (high sun).
170: Tsiolkowsky (oblique).
171: artificial Terrestrial crater of 100 meter diameter and 6.5 meter deep.
172: Tsiolkowsky.
173: Tsiolkowsky's central peak.
174: detail of Figure 173 (note the boulders on the slopes of Tsiolkowsky's central peak!).
175: apronlike expanse northwest of Tsiolkowsky.
176: stereo image of subject seen in Figure 175.
177: topographic contour map of subject in Figures 175 and 176.
178: Aitken.
179: Archimedes, Aristillus, Autolycus, Palus Putredinis (and regions north, to Montes Alpes).
180: Humboldt, Catena Humboldt, Barnard.
181: Gassendi (oblique close up).
182: Letronne, Winthrop (vertical, sunrise).
183: Hipparchus, Halley, Hind (and regions north of Hipparchus).
Chapter 6: Rimae (part 1 of 3) (Sinuous Rimae).
184: moon's near side (map).
185: Aristarchus Plateau, Vallis Schroteri, Aristarchus, Herodotus.
186: Vallis Schroteri's central part (close up).
187: Vallis Schroteri's western part (close up).
188: Vallis Schroteri's Cobra Head (close up).
Note: in the online version, Figures 189 and 190 were changed to "190" and "189".
189: Le Monnier KA and a snake-shaped rima.
190: Terrestrial volcanic crater and lava channel in Idaho, USA.
191: Prinz, Rimae Prinz, Aristarchus.
192: Krieger and environs (rimae).
193: Rima Prinz II (detail of Figure 192).
194: 2 rimae south of Krieger (detail of Figure 192).
Chapter 6: Rimae (part 2 of 3) (Sinuous Rimae).
195: Montes Agricola during local sunrise.
196: sinuous rilles and depressions near the northwest part of Aristarchus.
197: chain of teardrop-shaped craterlets near Gruithuisen K.
198: Rima Bradley.
199: Delisle, Diophantus, Mons Delisle, Rima Diophantus, Artsimovich, Fedorov, Samir, Louise (note the curious guitar/bottle-shaped craterlet between the odd-looking Fedorov and Mons Delisle!).
200: between Diophantus and Euler.
201: detail of Figure 200.
202: Rima Hadley and environs.
203: Rima Hadley and the Trophy Point, Apollo 15's James Irwin at the Lunar Roving Vehicle.
204: Rima Hadley, Saint George, Julienne, part of Hill 305, the North Complex with Pluton.
205: detail of Rima Hadley, west of Bridge crater (note Rima Hadley's boulders and rocky outcrops!).
206: detail of Rima Hadley's central part.
207: Posidonius' western half.
Chapter 6: Rimae (part 3 of 3) (Straight Rimae).
208: near and far side of moon maps showing location of figures.
209: Goclenius and its rilles.
- The trio of interlocking craters in the upper left is Colombo A (top), Magelhaens A, and Magelhaens, with Gutenberg D on the right.
210: Humboldt and the unnamed rilles of its fractured floor.
- None of the craters on the southeast floor (including the classic concentric crater on the left), are named.
211: Alphonsus and environs, looking southward (Arzachel, Alpetragius, Lassell, etc...).
212: map of details in Alphonsus.
213: map of details in Alphonsus.
- The two craterlets whose profiles are shown in the following figure are Ravi (B B') and Monira (A A'). José appears in the map just above the distance scale, but its profile is not given. It's not entirely obvious from the photos that José is surrounded by a dark halo, but then the halo around Monira is not that obvious either. - JimMosher
214: sketches of crater profiles (of craters in Figure 213).
215: colored geologic map of details in Alphonsus.
- The red blobs in the pink area to the right of center are now known as Ravi, Monira, José and Soraya. This map is more detailed than the one normally shown, I-566.
216: rilles and dark-halo craterlets on the floor of Alphonsus.
- The quartet of dark-haloed craters Soraya, José, Monira, and Ravi appears in the lower left foreground. The larger crater below Ravi is not named. The dark-haloed crater in the distance (near the top of the figure) is Alphonsus R, with Alphonsus Y just above it and Alphonsus A to its right (cut by the upper margin).
217: Rima Ariadaeus.
- The 13-km diameter crater on the left, just south of the dropped section of ridge, is Silberschlag, while the one in the lower right foreground is 8-km Ariadaeus B. The crater on the north side of Rima Ariadaeus is 7-km Silberschlag A. The hills are unnamed.
218: Rima Fresnel I.
219: curved rilles west of the Aristarchus plateau.
- The figure is centered near 25.16°N/54.48°W. The distance from the 1.6-km diameter crater in the upper right to the 1.1-km one to the left of center at the bottom is 33 km. The area is 145 km northwest of Herodotus, a little beyond the western end of Vallis Schröteri, and between Herodotus B and L (closer to the latter). It is nicely shown in LO-IV-157H. - JimMosher
220: fresh and young fractures described as being near Littrow.
- The center of this north-up figure is at pixel (2075, 270) in the LPI version of AS17-P-2313 (presented there with north to the right). The selenographic coordinates of this point in LTO-42C2 are 21.055°N/29.245°E, 24.5 km southwest of Clerke. The scale is incorrect. The distance indicated as "25 km" was probably meant to read "2.5 km", although it seems shorter. The crater in the lower right is about 0.6 km in diameter. The center-to-center distance between it and the prominent 0.5-km crater to the left of center is 2.25 km. The broad structure in the lower right is a segment of an approximately 1.3 km wide trench, or graben, directed towards Clerke and formerly known as Rima Littrow III. The wider angle view of the LPI version makes it apparent that there is a shallow, approximately 0.5 km wide, depression extending south from the central crater and joining into the main (large) rille in a "y" shape, a structure that is echoed in the finer rilles. The very narrow groove that is the subject of the caption seems to run along the east edge of this broader channel, which is the older rille referred to in the caption. The west wall of this broader groove accounts for the bright linear streak seen running south from the crater. - JimMosher
221: small grooves west of Apollo 17 landing site.
- The center of this figure is near pixel (2263, 93) in the LPI version of AS17-P-2313 (presented there with north to the right). The selenographic coordinates of this point in LTO-42C2 are 21.565°N/28.780°E, a region about 28.5 km due west of the inner south rim of Clerke. The narrow groove highlighted by the black arrows at the top of the figure is at 21.625°N/28.760°E on the LTO. The center-to-center distance from the largest crater in the lower left to the largest crater in the upper right is 3.5 km, consistent with the scale printed at the bottom. - JimMosher
Chapter 7: Unusual Features (part 1 of 2).
222: near and far side of the moon (maps).
223: close-up of Aratus CA + stereo view.
224: chain of depressions on the floor of Le Monnier (Catena Le Monnier). See also LPOD Close-Up of a Rille
225: elongated depression at 24°30' North/ 18° West (east-southeast of Lambert), see also Figure 67.
226: rimless depression at 26°30' North/ 8°45' East (western part of Mare Serenitatis).
227: Aratus D and Dorsum Gast.
228: Brayley G and its remarkable "swimming pool" look.
229: "8"-shaped craterpair near Guericke (Guericke S and J).
230: Lacus Solitudinis and Bowditch.
231: Bowditch.
232: Ina, the D-shaped depression at Lacus Felicitatis.
233: stereo close-up of Ina.
234: diagram of Ina's formation.
Chapter 7: Unusual Features (part 2 of 2).
235: tiny weird depressions in the western part of Mare Serenitatis.
236: Zwicky N (the LTO's Ibn Hayyan).
237: Mandel'shtam Q.
238: lozenge-shaped crater on the floor of Barbier.
239: a bowl-shaped craterlet with central "dome" in Gagarin.
240: circular depression of 4 kilometer diameter in Gagarin.
241: Brackett, see also Figure 59.
242: Finsch.
243: weird-shaped depression near Pytheas G.
244: Jansen R.
245: Torricelli.
246: Bonpland D and part of Dorsum Guettard.
247: swirl-field near Mare Marginis.
Additional Information
LPOD Articles
April the 13th, 2008: Isidorus D (Figure 119).