C. Herschel
[hide]C. Herschel
Lat: 34.5°N, Long: 31.2°W, Diam: 13 km, Depth: 1.85 km, Rükl: 10 |
LOIV 139 H1 The small mountain on the west, mentioned by Elger, was once known in the IAU nomenclature as C. Herschel Zeta. The long ridge on which C. Herschel stands, also mentioned by Elger, is Dorsum Heim.
LPOD Photo Gallery Lunar Orbiter Images Apollo Images See also: Prominence Epsilon; the somewhat table-mountain shaped hillock to the west-northwest of the small bowl-shaped crater C. Herschel E (west of C. Herschel itself).
- Three oblique north-looking metric/mapping Fairchild-camera photographs made during the mission of Apollo 15 (erroneously included in the LPI's list of the equatorial crater Herschel) show crater C. Herschel during local sunrise. - DannyCaes Jun 5, 2010
(LAC zone 24D3) USGS Digital Atlas PDF
LAC map Geologic map
Description: Elger
(IAU Directions) CAROLINE HERSCHEL.--A bright and very deep ring-plain about 8 miles in diameter on the Mare Imbrium, some distance W.N.W. of CARLINI. On the S.W. lies a larger crater, Delisle B, which has a small but obvious crater on its N. rim, and casts a very prominent shadow at sunrise. Caroline Herschel stands on a long curved ridge running N.W. from Lambert towards the region W. of Helicon, and, according to Schmidt, has a central peak. On the W. is a bright mountain with two peaks; some distance N. of which is a large ill-defined white spot, with another spot of a similar kind on the E. of it, nearly due N. of Caroline Herschel.
Description: Wikipedia
Additional Information
Depth data from Kurt Fisher database
- Arthur, 1974: 1.85 km
- Westfall, 2000: 1.85 km
- Viscardy, 1985: 1.85 km
- Cherrington, 1969: 1.46 km
- Named for Caroline Lucretia Herschel (March 16, 1750 – January 9, 1848), a German-born English astronomer who worked with her brother, Sir William Herschel. Her most significant contribution to astronomy was the discovery of several comets. In particular, the periodic comet 35P/Herschel-Rigollet bears her name.
- This feature is Catalog number 1602 in Mary Blagg's Collated List, where the name is noted as Delisle C in Beer and Mädler and Caroline Herschel in Neison, 1876.
- The name had previously been printed as Herschel, Miss (#478) in the British Association list as published in Webb (1873).
- It entered the IAU nomenclature of Named Lunar Formations as Caroline Herschel, with the name attributed to Birt.
- The name was shorted to C. Herschel (or possibly Herschel, C.) by Kuiper.
- Not to be confused with Herschel and J. Herschel.
- List of lunar features named for women.
- C. Herschel Epsilon and C. Herschel Zeta (two prominent hills between C. Herschel and the Gruithuisen mountains, aka Gruithuisen Gamma, Delta, and Zeta) (see Charts 15 and 16 in the Times Atlas of the Moon).
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