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Lat: 9.09°S, Long: 84.5°E, Diam: 27.38 km, Depth: km, Rükl: 49

external image normal_kreiken.jpg

external image normal_Kiess-Region_LO-IV-009M_LTVT.JPG

Left: LROC image WAC No. M119306005ME. Calibrated by LROC_WAC_Previewer.
Right: LO-IV-009M This is an area that is poorly represented in any of the Lunar Orbiter images that are readily available on-line. The IAU-named features visible in this rectified version of a photo taken with the medium resolution camera are: Kiess, Widmannstätten, Kreiken, Dale, Elmer and two lettered satellites of Kästner.


LPOD Photo Gallery Lunar Orbiter Images Apollo Images

  • AS12-54-7986 shows the somewhat irregular crater Kreiken near the frame's upper margin.
    • Research: Danny Caes


(LAC zone 81C1) LTO map




Additional Information


  • Named for Egbert Adriaan Kreiken (November 1, 1896 - August 16, 1964), a Dutch teacher and astronomer. For most of his life he served as an educator, working in the developing countries of Indonesia, Liberia, and Turkey. Over a forty year career he would publish a number of papers on astronomy, including studies of stars and stellar systems.
  • This name appears on LTO-81C1 (for which it served as the chart title). It does not appear to replace any previous IAU-approved designation. Although it appears in the cumulative list of approved names printed in IAU Transactions XVB, when and how it came to be approved is not entirely clear from the IAU record. Biographical information was unofficially reported in Ashbrook, 1974. - Jim Mosher

LPOD Articles


Named Featues -- Prev: Krasovskiy -- Next: Krieger