Montes Teneriffe

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Montes Teneriffe

(current IAU spelling; originally Teneriffe Mountains)

Lat: 47.1°N, Long: 11.8°W, Diam: 182 km, Height: 1.45 km, Rükl: 11

Table of Contents

[#Montes Teneriffe Montes Teneriffe]
[#Montes Teneriffe-Images Images]
[#Montes Teneriffe-Maps Maps]
[#Montes Teneriffe-Description Description]
[#Montes Teneriffe-Description: Elger Description: Elger]
[#Montes Teneriffe-Description: Wikipedia Description: Wikipedia]
[#Montes Teneriffe-Additional Information Additional Information]
[#Montes Teneriffe-Nomenclature Nomenclature]
[#Montes Teneriffe-LPOD Articles LPOD Articles]
[#Montes Teneriffe-Bibliography Bibliography]
external image normal_montesteneriffe2005-03-20a.jpg
Mario Weigand Plato is in the upper right corner with brightly lit Mons Pico in the lower right. The remaining peaks are part of Montes Teneriffe. Of those visible here, the "branching chain" in the center is presumably Birt and Lee's "Alta Vista", with the "isolated rock" to its upper left designated "Chajorra" and the one to its upper right (towards Plato) "Rambleta".


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(LAC zone 25A1) LAC map Geologic map


Description: Elger

(IAU Directions) THE TENERIFFE MOUNTAINS.--On the north side of the Mare Imbrium, west of Plato, there is a beautiful narrow range of bright outlying heights, which include many isolated objects of considerable altitude, one of the loftiest rising about 8,000 feet.

Description: Wikipedia

Montes Teneriffe

Additional Information

  • Depth data from Kurt Fisher database
    • Viscardy, 1985: 1.45 km
    • Cherrington, 1969: 1.88 km
  • Montes Teneriffe Epsilon (long. -14.577°, lat. 47.817°) rises between 2000m and 2300m above the mare (Boint, 2001).
  • Measurements and profiles of the Montes Teneriffe were published by Steve Boint in the Spring 2007 issue of Selenology: Journal of the American Lunar Society. - fatastronomer fatastronomer


  • Named after the terrestrial island (note that the lunar spelling differs from the terrestrial one by having two "f's").
  • This feature was named, jointly with Piazzi Smyth, in honor of that astronomer's experiments there testing Newton's hypothesis that the deleterious effects of the Earth's atmosphere could be lessened by observing from the tops of high mountains: "(Piazzi Smyth) is almost the only crater in a somewhat irregular line of detached rocks which are designated the Teneriffe Mountains, the principal of which is the isolated rock "Pico" named by Schröter." (Lee, 1864)
  • This feature is Catalog number 1111 in Mary Blagg's Collated List where it is noted that it was named only in Neison, 1876. In Named Lunar Formations the name is attributed to Birt.
  • The name was Latinized to Montes Teneriffe in 1964.
  • The modern IAU name apparently encompasses a region less extensive than the one envisioned by Birt and Lee, who included in it the modern Mons Piton.

  • Lee (1864) also suggested naming the individual peaks (note the change, not corrected for in the quote, in lunar directions since this was written): "These mountains are each designated by a Teneriffian appellation. A fine rock, equal to "Pico," and westward of "Piazzi Smyth," is called "Piton"; those south and north of "Pico," "Guajara" and "Rambleta"; a fine branching chain east of "Rambleta," "Alta Vista"; and a rock N.E. of "Rambleta," "Chajorra." "
  • Birt (1864) gives the name Petora, but omits Piton. Since Piazzi Smyth is explained there as "a small crater near Kirch, it is between Petora and Guajara" it sounds like Birt is using Petora as an alternative spelling for Lee's Piton.
    • Note: Piton, Alta Vista, Chajorra, Guajara, and Rambleta all figure prominently in Piazzi Smyth's book. There does not appear to be any mention of Petora or the earlier name Pico, however in his book Johann Schröter repeatedly compares his Pico to the "Pico aus Tenerifa," so it is presumably a reference to what Piazzi Smyth calls "the Peak of Teneriffe" (the modern Teide?). - JimMosher JimMosher

LPOD Articles

Good night Moon


  • Birt, W. R. Recently named Lunar Craters. Astronomische Nachrichten, volume 61, p.213 (1864)
  • Lee, J. 1864. "On the Lunar "Mare Smythii," the walled Plain "Rosse," the "Percy Mountains," and the newly named Craters, "Phillips," "Wrottesley," "Chevallier," and "Piazzi Smyth." Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science 1863 Meeting. Notices Section (at end), pp. 7-9.

This page has been edited 1 times. The last modification was made by - tychocrater tychocrater on Jun 13, 2009 3:24 pm - afx3u2