Lick Observatory
[hide]Lick Observatory
(a lunar place)
Additional Information
- Observatory website
- Wikipedia article
- Lick was among the first institutions to issue a photographic lunar atlas, a project backed by then Director Edward S. Holden.
- Lunar photos taken with the Lick refractor grace the pages of the several atlases and guides by Dinsmore Alter.
- Close-up photographs of the Moon taken with the 120-inch Shane reflector appeared as occasional "In Focus" centerfolds in Sky and Telescope magazine, the first, showing the Aristoteles-Eudoxus region, appearing in the January, 1963 issue (see explanation on p. 20). The date, time and features illustrated in each image given in the accompanying "In Focus" featurette. At the focus used for these images, the Moon's image was reportedly 36 inches in diameter.
LPOD Articles