Rima Sung-Mei

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Rima Sung-Mei

Lat: 24.6°N, Long: 11.3°E, Length: 4 km, Depth: km, Rükl: 23

external image normal_Aratus-CA_AS15-M-0580_LTVT.JPG
AS15-M-0580 Rima Sung-Mei is part of the larger structure known as Aratus CA. The other IAU-named features in this view, are Vallis Christel, Vallis Krishna, Rima Sung-Mei, Yoshi, Manuel and Dorsum Owen.


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(LAC zone 41C1) LAC map Geologic map LM map LTO map Topophotomap


Description: Wikipedia


Additional Information

Part of Aratus CA.
Certain digital lunar atlases show a totally wrong diameter for Rima Sung-Mei: "40 kilometer"! - DannyCaes Feb 15, 2010


Chinese female name.

LPOD Articles


APOLLO OVER THE MOON; A VIEW FROM ORBIT, Chapter 7: Unusual Features (Part 1), Figure 223 (Aratus CA).