Rima Dawes
[hide]Rima Dawes - the "bow wave" or "bow shock" NE and SE of crater Dawes itself
Lat: 17.5°N, Long: 26.6°E, Length: 15 km, Depth: km, Rükl: 24 |
LO-V-070M Rima Dawes is the depression to the northeast of the 18-km diameter Dawes (the deeply shadowed crater in the lower left).
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Description: Wikipedia
Additional Information
Rima Dawes looks very much like a "bow wave" or "bow shock" immediately east of Dawes itself. It's as if crater Dawes is moving eastward through the northern part of the Sea of Tranquillity. See also http://bit.ly/2v3uqWo
- Named from nearby crater. (Dawes)
- This name was provisionally assigned on Topophotomap 42C3(S4) (1976). It was "approved as assigned" in 1985 (IAU Transactions XIXB).
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