Rükl 62
[hide]Rükl Zone 62 - SCHICKARD
Neighboring maps on the Rükl Nearside Map:
62 |
Photographic Map
(This map is based on an Earth-based photograph that has been computer-corrected to zero libration. The vertical white lines indicate the left and right boundaries of the Rükl rectangle)
Background image source
Named Features
- Clausius (J.Hewelcke's Montana Pharan).
- Dark V (a nickname from D.Caes for the officially unnamed "V"-shaped lake at 36 degrees South/ 35 degrees West, south-southwest of Lepaute).
- Dorsum Clausius H (an unofficial name from D.Caes for the wrinkle ridge near Clausius H, in the long lobate scarp south of Vitello and east of Lacus Excellentiae).
- Dorsum Vitello R (an unofficial name from D.Caes for the short wrinkle ridge in Lacus Vitello R, south of Vitello itself) (note: this short wrinkle ridge is part of the long lobate scarp east of Lacus Excellentiae) (see photograph in LROC RDR Product Lunar Lobate Scarps).
- Drebbel
- Fons Tadnos (J.Hewelcke's disallowed name for the two dark patches on the floor of Schickard).
- Inghirami
- Lacus Excellentiae (Van Langren's Lacus Masii, J.Hewelcke's Montana Pharan, Riccioli's Kristmannus) (note: there's an unnamed lobate scarp east of Lacus Excellentiae, south of Vitello) (this scarp needs investigation).
- Lacus Vitello R (an unofficial name from D.Caes for the low-albedo region immediately south of Vitello) (contains the craterlet Vitello R, and part of the unnamed lobate scarp mentioned above).
- Lee
- Lehmann
- Lepaute
- Mons Nitriae (J.Hewelcke's disallowed name for the dark spots at Lepaute D).
- Mons Troicus (J.Hewelcke's disallowed name for the northeastern part of the wall of Schickard).
- Nobelarii (Van Langren's disallowed name for the low-albedo crater Drebbel E, northeast of Lehmann).
- Quaresini (Van Langren's disallowed name for the hill Lee Eta) (see page 196 in E.A.Whitaker's Mapping and Naming the Moon) (if I only knew the pinpoint location of Lee Eta...) (I wonder if there will ever be Greek letter designations on the LROC's Act-React Quick Map...).
- Schickard (note: the dark spots on the floor of Schickard were called Savedrae and Vici by Van Langren).
- SMART-1 (impacted on September 3, 2006, slightly west of Lacus Excellentiae).
- Terra Caloris (Riccioli's discontinued name for the whole of Chart 62).
- Unexpected remains of a possible basin (see this page).
- Vitello (Van Langren's Bickeri).
Lettered Crater Locations
(click on the thumbnails to view full-sized images; use browser BACK button to return to this page)
Full zone with lettered craters
Lettered craters by quadrants
(the dashed white lines are the centerlines of the Rükl zones)
North West |
North East |
South West |
South East |
Additional Information
- Other online descriptions of features in this Rükl map section:
Dark V
- Note the dark "V"-shaped figure at 36°30' South/ 35° West (an unnamed lacus) which is noticeable during and after Full Moon.- DannyCaes Nov 20, 2008