Lunar observers Part 2

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Lunar observers and photographers (and illustrators - selenographers)


Part 2: G to L

Part 1: A to F
Part 3: M to R
Part 4: S to Z

Gaddis, Lisa (USGS, LPOD).
Galilaei, Galileo (1564-1642).
Galileo (unmanned interplanetary probe, moon flyby and lunar photographs en-route to Jupiter).
Gant, (American selenographer).
Garcia, Antonio Lasala (LPOD contributor, Instant Aging).
Gassendi, Pierre (1591-1655).
Gator, Will (LPOD).
Gaudibert, C.M. (see: E.A.Whitaker's -Mapping and Naming the Moon-, p.149,150).
Gerling, (see page 124 in T.W.Webb's
Celestial Objects for Common Telescopes, Volume 1; The Moon) (Q: could this have been Christian Ludwig Gerling, 1788-1864 ?).
Ghent, Rebecca (LPOD).
Gibbons, Clive (-Astronomy- magazine).
Gilbert, William (1540-1603; first naked-eye sketch of the moon's surface).
Gillis, Jef (LPOD).
Giordano, Achille (LPOD).
Gliba, George W. (Lunar Eclipse Veteran, -Sky and Telescope-).
Gomes-Casseres, Benjamin (-Sky and Telescope- magazine).
Goncalves, Ivan (LPOD).
Gondola, Tony (Sky Insight).
Goodacre, Walter (1856-1938).
Goodall, Mike (Philip's moon observer's guide).
Gordon, Richard (Richard Francis Gordon, Jr., Apollo 12 astronaut).
Goryachko, Yuri (LPOD contributor, member of the Astronominsk team).
Gould, B.A.
Graff, Eric (LPOD).
Grafton, Ed.
Graham, David (Philip's moon observer's guide).
Green, (English selenographer).
Greenacre, James A. (TLP observation at Aristarchus/ Cobra Head).
Grego, Peter (SPA Lunar Section / BAA Lunar Section / TLO / LPOD / Philip's Moon Observer's Guide / The Moon and How to Observe It).
Grenier, Jerome (LPOD).
Grimaldi, Francesco (1618-1663).
Grover, (see page 114 in T.W.Webb's
Celestial Objects for Common Telescopes, Volume 1; The Moon).
Grubb, T.
Gruenfeld, C. (and Hayward, R.)(lunar hemisphere sculptors).
Guertin, J. (-Astronomy- magazine).
Guest, George (RASC New Mexico—Isabel Williamson Lunar Observing Certificate).
Gruithuisen, Franz von Paula (1774-1852).

Haas, (American selenographer).
Haise, Fred (Fred Wallace Haise, Jr., Apollo 13 astronaut).
Hall, (LPOD).
Hallowes, (English selenographer).
Handy, Richard (LPOD).
Harriot, Thomas (1560-1621)(first telescopic sketch of the moon's surface).
Hartmann, William K. (astro artist of many moon-related paintings and illustrations).
Hatfield, Henry -Commander- (see: Patrick Moore's moonbooks).
Hauet, (French selenographer, 1878-1933).
Hawke, Ray B. (LPOD).
Hays, Robert (ALPO).
Hayward, R. (and Gruenfeld, C)(lunar hemisphere sculptors).
Hell, Maximilian, father (1720-1792).
Hempel, Rolf (LPOD)
Herring, Alika (-Sky and Telescope- magazine).
Heutz, Stefan (site ASTRONOMIESEITEN).
Hevelius (Johannes Howelcke, 1611-1687).
Higgins, Wes (LPOD).
Hill, Harold (author of the book A PORTFOLIO OF LUNAR DRAWINGS).
Hill, Rick (ALPO, LPOD).
Hinode solar optical telescope (LPOD)(lunar limb photography during partial solar eclipse).
Hire, Philippe de la (1640-1718).
Holden, E.S. (Lick Observatory Atlas of the Moon).
Hooke, Robert (1635-1703)(see also: Christopher Wren).
Hoste, Dominiek (Vereniging Voor Sterrenkunde, V.V.S.).
House, Steve (-Astronomy- magazine).
Howe, T.E. (Map of Plato? See: W.R.Corliss's Mysterious Universe, page 204).
Huygens, Christiaan (1629-1695).
Hyde, Mick (LPOD).

Ingall, (see page 105 of T.W.Webb's
Celestial Objects for Common Telescopes, Volume 1; The Moon), see also Slack.
Irwin, James B. (James Benson Irwin, Apollo 15 astronaut) Note: a certain J.B.Irwin is mentioned on pages 415 and 1606 of
Burnham's Celestial Handbook, I have to find out who this J.B.Irwin really is, or was...- DannyCaes Jun 14, 2015. Burnham
s J.B.Irwin was probably John Henry Barrows Irwin, 1909-1997.

Jacques, Vincent (LPOD).
Jamison, Eric (-Sky and Telescope- magazine).
Jeffrey, Brian (Philip's moon observer's guide).
Jennings, Anthony (M.A.S.).
Jerry-Desloges, (LPOD).
Johnson, Andrew (B.A.A. Lunar Section).
Jones, Jane Houston (online page SKETCHES AT THE EYEPIECE).

Kagey, John (LPOD).
Kaufman, Rob (LPOD).
Kazanas, John (LPOD).
Keene, Stephen (LPOD).
Keill, John (1671-1721).
Kepler, Johannes (1571-1630).
Key, (see page 109 in T.W.Webb's Celestial Objects for Common Telescopes, Volume 1, The Moon).
Kidd, Simon (LPOD).
Kimmel, Bob (Lunar Eclipse Veteran, -Sky and Telescope-).
Kitt, Michael T.
Klein, Hermann Joseph (1844-1914).
Knott, John (Liverpool Astronomical Society).
Knott, (see several pages in T.W.Webb's Celestial Objects for Common Telescopes, Volume 1; The Moon) (Q: was this the same Knott as the one on page x of Sky Catalogue 2000.0 Volume 2 ? See Table 1: Double Star Designation Codes, G.Knott) (probably George Knott, 1835-1894).
Kopal, Zdenek (1914-1993).
Kolovos, George (TLP at Palus Somnii, 1985 May the 23th).
Konig, Rudolf (1865-1927).
Konopliv, A.S. (LPOD).
Kozyrev, N.A. (discoverer of possible TLP in Alphonsus).
Krieger, Johann Nepomuk (1865-1902).
Kuiper, Gerard P. (1905-1973).

Ladanyi, Tamas (LPOD).
Laffon, Larry (LPOD).
Lagalla, Giulio Cesare (1576-1624).
Lakomiak, Carol (LPOD).
Lamech, Felix Chemla (1894-1962).
Lammel, Stefan (LPOD).
Lasséré, Michel (Chérubin d'Orleans, 1613-1697).
Laveder, Laurent (LPOD).
Lawrence, D.J. (LPOD).
Lawrence, Peter (Pete?) (LPOD).
Lazzarotti, Paolo (LPOD).
Leclerc, (assistant of J.D.Cassini, together with a certain Patigny).
Lee, John (1783-1866).
Leech, Tom (LPOD).
Legault, Thierry (LPOD).
Lena, Raffaello (GLR group, domi lunari).
Lenham, (English selenographer).
Leong, Tan Wei (LPOD).
Leroy, Jean-Louis (LPOD).
Libert, Claude (Vereniging Voor Sterrenkunde, V.V.S.).
Lipscomb, Peter (LPOD).
Lipsky, Jury N. (1909-1978, Russian Selenographer).
Lloyd, Peter (Sky Insight).
Loewy, M. (1833-1907)(see also: Puiseux, P.).
Lohrmann, Wilhelm (1796-1840).
Lomeli, Ed (LPOD).
Longeville, L. (see: MAANMONOGRAFIEEN by Tony Dethier, Vereniging Voor Sterrenkunde, 1989).
Longshaw, Nigel (LPOD, Philip's moon observer's guide).
Lord, Melody (LPOD).
Lotzmann, Ulli and Christian (father-and-son team, known from the APOLLO LUNAR SURFACE JOURNAL, Eric M. Jones).
Lovell, James (James "Jim" Arthur Lovell, Jr., Apollo 8 and Apollo 13 astronaut).
Lower, (English selenographer).
Lunar Orbiter, aka L.O. (orbital unmanned lunar photomappers of the mid sixties).
Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter
Lyot, Bernard (?).