Lunar observers Part 4
[hide]Lunar observers and photographers (and illustrators - selenographers)
Part 4: S to Z
Part 1: A to F
Part 2: G to L
Part 3: M to R
Saari, John (Boeing Scientific Research Laboratories).
Sacco, (contemporary Spanish astronomer).
Salimbeni, Piergiovanni (LPOD).
Salque, Bruno (see: Jerome Grenier's website).
Salway, Mike (LPOD).
Sanchez, Anthony G. (LPOD).
Santacana, Guido (ALPO).
Santiago, Mario (LPOD).
Sartory, Peter
Sbarufatti, Gerardo (LPOD).
Scanlan FRAS, David
Schedler, Johannes (LPOD).
Scheiner, Christopher (1614 sketch of the moon).
Schillings, Benoit (LPOD).
Schmidt, Johann F. Julius (1825-1884).
Schmitt, Harrison (Harrison Hagan "Jack" Schmitt, Apollo 17 astronaut).
Schroter, Johann Hieronymus (1745-1816).
Schwabe, (see pages 119-120 in T.W.Webb's Celestial Objects for Common Telescopes, Volume 1; The Moon) (this could have been Samuel Heinrich Schwabe who noticed the regular variation in the number of sunspots, and might also have been an occasional observer of the moon) (in Celestial Objects for Common Telescopes a certain Schwabe is mentioned because this was one of the observers of Gruithuisen's so-called "city" near Schroter).
Schwarzenbach, Hans (Hallwag moonmap)(I wonder if H.Schwarzenbach was also a telescopic lunar observer. - DannyCaes May 5, 2012).
Scott, David (David Randolph Scott, Apollo 15 astronaut).
Secchi, Pietro Angelo (1818-1878).
Seip, Stefan (LPOD).
Selene-Kaguya (Japanese unmanned lunar orbiter).
Seronik, Garry (LPOD).
Sérot, Jocelyn (LPOD contributor, ILUJ maintainer, moon imager).
Shepard, Alan (Alan Bartlett Shepard, Jr., Apollo 14 astronaut).
Shirani, Mohammed ((LPOD).
Shlaer, Robert (Daguerreotypist, -Sky and Telescope- september 1992).
Shorthill, Richard (Boeing Scientific Research Laboratories).
Siarkiewicz, Ken
Simmons, Dennis (LPOD).
Sirsalis, Hieronymus (Gerolamo Sersale; 1584-1654).
Slack, (see page 105 in T.W.Webb's Celestial Objects for Common Telescopes, Volume 1; The Moon), see also Ingall.
Smart 1 (ESA lunar probe).
Smith, Gene (LPOD).
Sofologis, Stefanos (LPOD).
Sonnvik, Jan (LPOD).
Spellman, Robert (LPOD).
Spix, Lambert (LPOD contributor, Sky-Scout).
Spradley, (Rectified Lunar Atlas, Hartmann/ Kuiper/ Whitaker).
Stafford, Thomas (Thomas Patten Stafford, Apollo 10 astronaut).
Stankiewicz, Rick (LPOD).
Stardust (space probe; LPOD).
Steavenson, W.H.
Steenkamp, John (-Astronomy- magazine).
Stephens, Paul (Philip's moon observer's guide).
Storey, Dave (LPOD contributor).
Stuart, Leon (the 'Lunar Flare' of 15-11-1953).
Stuart, R.J. (-Astronomy- magazine).
Stuyvaert, (1902 unfinished moonmap).
Sussenbach, John (LPOD).
Swigert, Jack (John Leonard "Jack" Swigert, Jr., Apollo 13 astronaut).
Taelman, Nico (Flemish connoisseur of Martian pans created by the Opportunity and Spirit rovers, and also an occasional moon photographer).
Talbot, Tom (LPOD).
Tapscott, J.W.
Tarsoudis, George (LPOD).
Therin, Gerard (-Astronomy- magazine).
Thompson, Dana (ALPO).
Thompson, Tommy (LPOD).
Thornton, (English selenographer).
Tkachyk, Brian (-Astronomy- magazine).
Tost, Wilfried (Berlin, Germany).
Trouvelot, Etienne Leopold (1827-1895).
Trypsteen, Marc (Vereniging Voor Sterrenkunde, V.V.S.).
Tuomi, Tenho (RASC Saskatoon— Isabel Williamson Lunar Observing Certificate)
Turner, Ralph (3D-models of the lunar surface, made during the Ranger era).
Urry, Russ (LPOD).
Van De Haar, Peter (LPOD).
Vandebergh, Ralf (LPOD).
Vandenbohede, Alexander (Vereniging Voor Sterrenkunde, V.V.S.).
Vandenbulcke, Geert (Vereniging voor Sterrenkunde, V.V.S.).
Van Den Eijnde, Peter (Vereniging Voor Sterrenkunde, V.V.S.).
Van Der Jeugt, Antoine (extremely dedicated Flemish connoisseur of the history of telescopic observations, especially of the Moon and Mars).
Van Langren, Michel Florent (Langrenus, 1600-1675).
Van Loo, Frans (Vereniging Voor Sterrenkunde, V.V.S.).
Vaz Tolentino, Ricardo J. (LPOD contributor).
Vignale, Giancarlo (LPOD).
Viladrich, Christian (note by - DannyCaes Dec 27, 2016: I don't want to be a nitpicking schoolteacher, but... Christian, I see lots of errors in the names of the photographed surface formations).
Viscardy, Georges
Vergé-Borderolle, Fabrice (see: Jerome Grenier's website).
Vossinakis, Andreas (LPOD).
Wadsworth, (LPOD).
Walker, Sean (LPOD).
Warner, Brian (B.A.A. Lunar Section).
Weigand, Mario (LPOD).
Weinek, Ladislaus (Photographischer Mond Atlas).
Welther, Barbara (TLP investigations together with B.Middlehurst).
Wesley, W.M.
Westfall, John.
Wetz, Muriel (Vereniging Voor Sterrenkunde, V.V.S.).
Wheatley, Grahame (Philip's Moon Observer's Guide).
Whipple, J.A.
Whitaker, Ewen A.
Whitehead, Evelyn M. (LPOD).
Whitley, (see page 120 in T.W.Webb's Celestial Objects for Common Telescopes, Volume 1; The Moon).
Wieczorek, Mark (Lunar Topo Geoid Map, LPOD).
Wilhelms, Don
Wilkins, Hugh Percy (legendary lunar observer and creator of a huge moonmap).
Williamson, Tom (LPOD).
Wirts, Mike (LPOD).
With (see T.W.Webb's Celestial Objects for Common Telescopes, Volume 1: The Solar System, Volume 2: The Stars) (the name WITH is somewhat mysterious, it needs profound knowledge of the history of optical instruments to try to get information on the person who's name was WITH). See also the lowermost section of this page.
Witte, Wilhelmine (1777-1854; lunar globe based on Madler's map).
Wlodarczyk, Robert (ALPO).
Wood, Charles "Chuck" (chief of LPOD and Moon-Wiki sites).
Woods, David (Apollo Flight Journals).
Worden, Alfred (Alfred Merrill Worden, Apollo 15 astronaut).
Wren, Christopher (1631-1723, creator of the first moonglobe).
Young, John (John Watts Young, Apollo 10 and Apollo 16 astronaut).
Zambelli, Mark (LPOD)
Zannelli, Carmelo (LPOD).
Zerbe, Craig (LPOD).
Zinkova, Mila (LPOD).
Zlatinsky, (LPOD Nov. 15, 2006), probably the same as the discoverer of the comet known as 1914-b (Zlatinsky), see also page 236 in T.W.Webb's Celestial Objects for Common Telescopes, Volume 1: The Solar System, chapter COMETS.
Zond (series of unmanned Russian lunar orbiters).
Dear visitor of this ABC, if you are a dedicated lunar observer or photographer (or illustrator/ selenographer) and your name isn't in the list, please add it A.S.A.P.!
- DannyCaes May 1, 2012
A SADLY MISSED MEETING (LPOD November 15, 2006),_2006
In this LPOD, Chuck Wood mentioned a series of rather unknown names (and also familiar ones) related to the world of not-so-recent selenology and selenography.
It would be great to discover all sorts of online facts and sources to learn more about the rather unknown names.
The 31 names:
Beer/ Cassini/ Cherubin de Orleans/ Crouzel/ Eimmart G.C./ Flammarion/ Fontana/ Fournier/ Galileo/ Goodacre/ Scheiner/ Grimaldi/ Hall/ Hevelius/ Jarry-Desloges/ Maclear/ Madler/ Maw (this could be Dr. W.H.Maw, the observer of the small reddish spot in South on the 15th of June 1913)/ Molesworth/ Nielson/ Renart/ Rudaux/ Russell/ Sacco/ Schmidt/ Schroeter/ Scriven Bolton/ Stuyvaert (this must be Charles Emile Stuyvaert)/ Tobias Mayer/ Wadsworth/ Zlatinsky
Most of these names are mentioned in T.W.Webb's Celestial Objects for Common Telescopes, Volume 1: The Solar System.
- DannyCaes May 1, 2012
The WITH mystery
The lowermost corner (or section) of this page (Part 4 of lunar observers) is perhaps the best place to start a new little project to try to shed light on one of the many obscure mysteries in the history of optical astronomy.
Who was the telescope maker and occasional observer of the moon and the planets partially known as WITH? The name WITH is frequently mentioned throughout both Volumes 1 and 2 of T.W.Webb's Celestial Objects for Common Telescopes (Dover, 1962). For example, see footnote 1 in page 59 of the chapter MERCURY (Volume 1), which shows us something (albeit very briefly) about the 10-1/4 inch WITH-BROWNING reflector...
A Google search on the internet (WITH) is almost impossible, because WITH is not recognized as a name.
Aha!!! W.P.Sheehan and T.A.Dobbins in their EPIC MOON (page 157) let us know something about a certain George With who made a 9.25-inch silver-on-glass reflector, through which T.W.Webb observed the moon.
- DannyCaes Jul 21, 2015