Lunar Mons

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List of Lunar Peaks and Mountain Ranges

IAU-named Peaks and Mountain Ranges

Mons Agnes
Mons Ampère
Mons André
Mons Ardeshir
Mons Argaeus
Mons Bradley
Mons Delisle (near crater Delisle)
Mons Dieter
Mons Dilip
Mons Esam
Mons Ganau
Mons Gruithuisen Delta (near crater Gruithuisen)
Mons Gruithuisen Gamma (near crater Gruithuisen)
Mons Hadley
Mons Hadley Delta
Mons Hansteen (near crater Hansteen)
Mons Herodotus (near crater Herodotus)
Mons Huygens
Mons La Hire
Mons Maraldi (near crater Maraldi)
Mons Marilyn (once known as Secchi Theta, and during the hey-days of Project Apollo it was known as Mount Marilyn)
Mons Moro (near the impact site of Ranger 7 in Mare Cognitum)
Mons Penck
Mons Pico
Mons Piton
Mons Rümker
Mons Usov
Mons Vinogradov
Mons Vitruvius (near crater Vitruvius) (the north-northeastern part of this mountain was once known as the East Massif, this during the mission of Apollo 17 in december 1972)
Mons Wolff
Mont Blanc
Montes Agricola
Montes Alpes
Montes Apenninus
Montes Archimedes (near crater Archimedes) (once known as Montes Lomonosov, see The Moon by A.V.Markov)
Montes Carpatus
Montes Caucasus
Montes Cordillera
Montes Haemus
Montes Harbinger
Montes Jura
Montes Pyrenaeus
Montes Recti
Montes Riphaeus
Montes Rook
Montes Secchi (near crater Secchi)
Montes Spitzbergen
Montes Taurus
Montes Teneriffe

Discontinued IAU names

Mons Euler (near crater Euler)
Mons Serao (discontinued?)
Montes D'Alembert
Montes Doerfel
Montes Hercynii
Montes Leibnitz
Montes Sovietici
Piton Gamma (near Mons Piton)
Riphaeus Boreus, etc. (subdivisions of Montes Riphaeus)
Ural (near Montes Riphaeus)

Greek lettered domes, hillocks, hills, small mountains, "islands", and peninsulae

In addition to the names listed here, the original IAU Nomenclature of 1935 included several hundred isolated lunar peaks designated by the name of a nearby crater followed by a Greek letter. Although some of these historic names remain useful, the system was dropped by the IAU in 1973 (IAU Transactions XVB) and (with the exceptions noted above) such names are no longer official.
2017... a new approach...
Near the end of December 2016, the dedicated explorer and investigator of not-so-recent moon maps and lunar atlases (Danny Caes) decided to search all the Greek lettered domes, hillocks, hills, small mountains, "islands", and peninsulae mentioned in the legendary Times Atlas of the Moon (1969) and in the 44 charts of the System of Lunar Craters (1966), to add all of them in the revised descriptions of the 76 online charts of Antonin Rukl's moonatlas.
According to Danny, this kind of (discontinued) nomenclature (the Greek letters) must be included on the Nomenclature overlay of the extremely interesting online ACT-REACT QUICK MAP of the LROC-site! (Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera). This way, a simultaneous use of both the ACT-REACT QUICK MAP and several not-so-recent lunar atlases and moonmaps could be very handy!

Other historic names

Montes Alani (Hevelius's name for the northern rim of Mare Crisium).
Montes Corax (Hevelius's name for the south-southwestern rim of Mare Crisium).
(for alphabetic list of Hevelius's "mountain" nomenclature, see page Names of Hevelius).
Mount Glaisher (named by John Lee, see page 221 in Ewen A. Whitaker's Mapping and Naming the Moon).
Coxwell mountains (near Mare Crisium, named by William Radcliff Birt, see page 221 in Ewen A.Whitaker's Mapping and Naming the Moon).
Percy mountains (western rim of Mare Humorum, named by William Radcliff Birt, see page 221 in Ewen A. Whitaker's Mapping and Naming the Moon).
Montes Foucault (see page Foucault, at *Nomenclature*).
Stag's Horn mountains (the southern "appendix" of Rupes Recta/ Straight Wall).

Van Langren's disallowed names

Mons S.Xaverii (the eastern wall of Cassini). See page 197 of E.A.Whitaker's Mapping and Naming the Moon (section -B- of Van Langren's nomenclature).
Montes Austriaci (Montes Apenninus). See page 200 (section -F-).

Unofficially named lunar peaks, mountains, and mountainous regions; printed on Rand McNally's moonmap, and on the same moonmap in Patrick Moore's Atlas of the Universe (1983)

- Andreus Hills (the cluster of hills east of Gassendi)(between Gassendi and NASA's The Helmet). The name Andreus Hills was also printed on the early version of Phillip's moonmap.
- Gambart Hills
- Golubiz Cluster (the system of hills between Campanus and Kies)(including the Kies Pi dome?) . This name was not included on the map in Patrick Moore's Atlas of the Universe (1983).
- Leon Hills (the system of hills north of Wichmann)(the remains of the incomplete crater Wichmann R).
- Lothrop Hills (the cluster of hills near Euler, also called The Euler Group by Harold Hill). The name Lothrop Hills was also printed on the early version of Phillip's moonmap.
- Lower Alps Highlands
- Lower Apennine Highlands
- Mitika Peak (the hillock between Jansen F and Jansen K).
- Northern Highlands
- North Riphaeus Range (northern part of Montes Riphaeus, with the Montes Ural).
- Plato Uplands
- Schroter Hills
- Southern Highlands
- Stag's Horn mountains (southern "appendix" of Rupes Recta).
- Taenarium Range (near Promontorium Taenarium).

William Radcliff Birt's names for the separate peaks in the Montes Teneriffe

(see page 222 of Ewen A. Whitaker's Mapping and Naming the Moon).
- Alta Vista.
- Chajorra.
- Guajara.
- Petora.
- Rambleta.

Hugh Percy Wilkins' and Patrick Moore's unofficially named lunar peaks and hillocks

(see their book The Moon).
- Mount Dyson (Pytheas Beta).
This somewhat twin-peak'esque small hillock is depicted at location G7 on chart 21 (page 55) in the 21st Century Atlas of the Moon.
- Mount Whipple (La Hire Alpha).

Leland S. Copeland's nicknames for mountainous regions at the Mare Imbrium region

(see his article Queen of the Untraveled Seas; Sky and Telescope, january 1953, pages 66-69).
- Cluster Mountain (Mons Vinogradov).
- Flock of Sheep (Montes Spitzbergen).
- Gateway Rocks (NASA's and Apollo 15's Bennett Hill and Hill 305 or Fresnel Ridge).
- Hill Country (Montes Archimedes, aka: Alika Herring's Archimedes Island or A.V.Markov's Lomonosov mountains).
- Scattered Hills (southern part of Harold Hill's Euler Group, aka: Rand Mc Nally's Lothrop Hills).
- Tennis Racquet (Natasha and nearby hills).
- Three Rocks (the Gruithuisen domes).
- Torch (Mons Delisle).
- Triangle (Delisle Alpha).

Leland S. Copeland's nickname for Mons Herodotus

(see his article Illusions That Trap Lunar Observers; Sky and Telescope, april 1956, pages 248-251).
- Star-Tip Mountain (a very bright illuminated dot on the Aristarchus Plateau, shortly before local sunrise).

A.V.Markov's name for Montes Archimedes

(see his book The Moon).
- Montes Lomonosov (also called Archimedes Island by Alika Herring, and Hill Country by Leland S. Copeland).

NASA-named (and nicknamed) mountains and hillocks at the equatorial zone near (and east) of Apollo 11's landing site

(see Phil Stooke's LPOD).
- Boot Hill
- Bear Mountain (not to be confused with Apollo 17's Bear Mountain near Taurus-Littrow's South Massif).
- Chama Peak.
- Duke Island.
- Mount Marilyn (part of Montes Secchi).

NASA-named (and nicknamed) mountains and hillocks in the neighbourhood of Apollo 15's landingsite near Rima Hadley

- Bennett Hill, west of Mons Hadley Delta.
According to page 84 of David M. Harland's book Exploring the Moon; the Apollo expeditions, it (Bennett Hill) had been named for Floyd Bennett, the member of the flight dynamics team who devised the steep descent which had enabled Apollo 15's LM Falcon to set down at the confined Hadley-Apennine site.
- Big Rock Mountain, one of the peaks in the Montes Apenninus, see: Swann Range, Swann Mountain, and Big Rock Mountain
- Crackled Hills (?).
- Hill 22, north-northwest of Mons Hadley.
- Hill 305 (also called Fresnel Ridge), west of Mons Hadley.
- Schaber Hill, the North Complex's central hill.
- Silver Spur, the peak southeast of Mons Hadley Delta.
  • AS15-84-11250 is a 500-mm Hasselblad close-up of Silver Spur (see also page 166 in D.M. Harland's Exploring The Moon).
  • AS15-87-11748 is one of the first color Hasselblads of Silver Spur, made during the SEVA (Stand-up EVA) of David Scott.
  • AS15-88-11916 is one of the last color Hasselblads of Silver Spur, made from the location of the "VIP-site" (east of LM Falcon). Note the absence of shadows on the mountains.

- Swann Mountain, near Mons Hadley, see: Swann Range, Swann Mountain, and Big Rock Mountain
- Swann Range, in the Montes Apenninus, east of Apollo 15's site, see: Swann Range, Swann Mountain, and Big Rock Mountain

NASA-named mountains in the neighbourhood of Apollo 16's landingsite near the North Ray and South Ray craters (north of Descartes)

- Smoky Mountains, north of Apollo 16's landingsite, near North Ray Crater.
- Stone Mountain, south of Apollo 16's landing site.

NASA-named mountains in the neighbourhood of Apollo 17's landingsite at the Taurus-Littrow valley

- Bear Mountain, a small hill near the South Massif (an appendix of the South Massif).
- East Massif, east of Apollo 17's landingsite (the north-northeastern part of Mons Vitruvius).
- Family Mountain, west of Apollo 17's landingsite.
- North Massif, north of Apollo 17's landingsite.
- Sculptured Hills, east of the North Massif.
- South Massif, southwest of Apollo 17's landingsite.

One unofficially named LTO-related peak, on Lunar Topographic Orthophotomap 40-B4

- Mons Undest (Lambert Gamma). The name "Undest" was a typographical error. Should have been Undset (Sigrid Undset, Norwegian novelist, 1882-1949).

Charles Wood's unofficially named and nicknamed lunar mountains and mountain ranges

- Andes mountains (southwestern rim of Mare Humboldtianum).
- Bishop mountains (southwestern rim of Mare Humboldtianum).
- Lassell Massif (northwest of Lassell, see LPOD More evidence).
- (not certain; Michelin Man aka Bibendum; in the Andreus Hills east of Gassendi).
- Mount Sirsalis / Sirsalis Beta (see LPOD Mount Sirsalis).
- Wasatch mountains (Hevelius' Montes Alani at the northern rim of Mare Crisium).

Unofficial names (and nicknames) proposed by Danny Caes

- Bessarion D hillock (the officially unnamed hillock east of Bessarion D), see:
- Briggs C hillock (the officially unnamed hillock southeast of the bowl-shaped crater Briggs C, southeast of Briggs itself, north of Seleucus).
- Bucher Mountain (Mons Bucher; the rectilinear-looking oblong hill at the south-southeastern end of Dorsum Bucher).
- Caes, Mons (the solitary mountain-like hill at 63°30' South/ 60° East, immediately north of Helmholtz F) (between craters Helmholtz, Hagecius, Pontécoulant, and Gill). This mountain is noticeable about "halfway" between the centre and the upper-left corner of Lunar Orbiter 4's oblique photograph LOIV-184-h3, and also on LOIV-178-h3 (about "halfway" between its centre and upper-right corner). Vertical photograph LOIV-044-h3 shows a close-up of this mountain, near the frame's lower-left corner. See also:
Mons Caes is also visible on page 23 (chart 5) in the 21st Century Atlas of the Moon, at location B-7/8.
- Caroline Herschel's mountain (or Mons Caroline Herschel: once known as C.Herschel Zeta) (located immediately west of C.Herschel).
- Cassegrain mountain / Cassegrain peak / Mons Cassegrain: three unofficial names for the mountainous mass immediately west-northwest of Cassegrain itself. This mountain is observable during very favourable libration of the moon's southeastern limb. The coordinates of Mons Cassegrain are: 51°30' South/ 109°30' East (see page 260 in B.Bussey's and P.Spudis's Clementine Atlas) (LAC 130). Mons Cassegrain is a favourite telescopic object of the dedicated moon observer and LPOD contributor Patricio Leon (Nunki). See LPOD Still on the Limb.
- Cauchy D hills (the cluster of hills north-northeast of the bowl-shaped crater Cauchy D, at the western part of Sinus Concordiae) (these hills seem to be sections of an ancient crater, see SLC-A4) (System of Lunar Craters).
- Compton Peak (the central peak of farside crater Compton, which could be observed during favourable libration, see LPOD Peaking over the Limb).
- Curtius' Bright Peak (sunlit peak on the northwestern part of Curtius' rim, which is already visible long before the arrival of the morning terminator).
- Dembowski, Mensa (the table-mountain like elevation southeast of Dembowski).
- Demirkazik, Mons (the highest peak in the Montes Taurus) (also called Demirkazik in the terrestrial Toros Daglari/Taurus mountains!).
- Eimmart K isles (the cluster of hillocks south-southwest of Eimmart K, at the most eastern section of Mare Crisium).
- Elbruz, Mons (the highest peak in the Montes Caucasus, near Calippus) (called Elbrus in the terrestrial Caucasus range!).
- Fat H / Inflated H (the compact cluster of hillocks in the shape of an inflated H, southwest of Hansteen, at: LAT -12.91/ LON -53.95).
- Fish's Tail / Mermaid's Tail (nicknames for the northern end of Mons Delisle).
- Gerlach, Mons / Gerlachovsky, Mons (the highest peak in the Montes Carpatus) (also called Gerlach Peak in the terrestrial Carpathians!).
- Gora Belukha / Mons Belukha (one of the peaks in the Rupes Altai) (also called Gora Belukha in the terrestrial Altai range!).
- Harden, Mons (or Mount Harden; the distinct mount immediately west of crater Harden on the floor of Mendeleev, see: AS16-P-4761).
- Jan Mayen (Piton Gamma, near the Montes Spitzbergen) (the terrestrial isle Jan Mayen is also located near the Spitzbergen group!).
The somewhat "J" shaped Piton Gamma (Jan Mayen) is depicted at location H9 on chart 19 (page 51) in the 21st Century Atlas of the Moon.
- Kirch pinnacle (the hillock immediately north of Kirch) (that hillock is not even mentioned on chart SLC D2 of the System of Lunar Craters, 1966). In reality, this so-called pinnacle doesn't show steep slopes. It's just an optical illusion caused by the hillock's high albedo versus its "black" shadow.
- Laplace hillocks (the cluster of hillocks west of Promontorium Laplace, on the northeastern part of Sinus Iridum's floor).
- Laplace, Mons (the hill east-northeast of Promontorium Laplace) (about halfway between Promontorium Laplace and Montes Recti).
- Last Century's mountains (the cluster of central peaks on the floor of Copernicus). See LPOD 23-3-2009
- Leavitt, Mons (the prominent peak east of Leavitt) (this peak is part of the Southpole-Aitken Basin's ring system).
- "L"-shaped mountain (west of Lamech, in the Montes Caucasus).
Note: the typical "L" shape of this mountain is observable during Full Moon; as an "illuminating L".
- Nowhere mentioned hill (the small overlooked hill north of the bowl-shaped crater which was once known as Kepler CA on Charts SLC-E4 and SLC-F4). See
- Peter Lloyd's mountain (87.8 degrees north, 150 degrees west, on the rim of Rozhdestvenskiy). Mentioned by Peter Lloyd in Chuck Taylor's LUNAR OBSERVING group.
- Ruin Basin's western hill (the hill west of both NASA's Ruin Basin and Censorinus J).
- Scheele hillocks (cluster of hillocks west of the small crater Scheele).
Both Scheele and its hillocks are depicted at location B9 on chart 22 (page 57) in the 21st Century Atlas of the Moon.
- Southern Farside Mountain (a solitary mountain at 50°30' South/ 123°30' West, northwest of Lippmann, see LAC 134 in the Clementine Atlas of the Moon). This mountain was captured near the centre of Lunar Orbiter 5's frame 022 h1.
Note: Patricio Leon discovered another such mountain about 80 kilometers to the northeast of the Southern Farside Mountain.
Both mountains could be called the Farside Twin Peaks, and are (according to Patricio Leon) part of the Southpole-Aitken Basin's ring system.
- Stamp mountain (a very unknown complex of one large and one small hill, the shape of some sort of stamp, located immediately north of an unnamed bowl-shaped crater, due south-southeast of Mons Rumker). See
- Tiny island (the very small hillock in the centre of the more-or-less circle shaped system of wrinkle ridges between Damoiseau E and Damoiseau G) (this tiny island is the "chief" of a small cluster of very tiny hillocks) (this cluster is an interesting target for today's telescopic photographers of the southwestern part of Oceanus Procellarum).
- Tiny white island (the small hillock east-southeast of Pytheas K) (this tiny hillock shows a high-albedo spot at its northern slope) (its pinpoint location is LAT: 19.00 / LON: -14.45) (see the LROC ACT-REACT QUICK MAP for several NAC close ups of it).
- Topsyturvy Bathtub (Mons Gruithuisen Gamma).
- Torricelli B hill (the hill southwest of Torricelli B).
- Torricelli D peak (the peak which was erroneously seen as a crater: Torricelli D) (see Chart 58 in the Times Atlas of the Moon).
- Wallace hillocks (cluster of hillocks west-southwest of Wallace).
- Wet Slip (a nickname for the somewhat "wet slip"-shaped Delisle Alpha).

LROC-related informal names

- Zeeman, Mons (see LROC article number 944: Mountains of the Moon: Zeeman, Mons).