CAES catalog

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The CAES catalog of unique and odd lunar surface formations on the moon's near side and libration zones

(observable through common and/or powerful telescopes)

Compiled by Danny Caes (°28-2-1964, Ghent-Belgium)


Antonin Rukl, the creator of the legendary Atlas of the Moon made exceptionally fine drawings of the moon's telescopically observable surface. Each one of his 76 maps (of the moon's near side) show details which are worthwile to observe through all sorts of telescopes.
Here, in this page, you see a catalog of very odd lunar surface formations of which most of them are, under stable sky, observable through common and powerful telescopes. Most of these odd formations are described and depicted in scientific magazines and books, but very vaguely mentioned in lunar atlases such as Antonin Rukl's. This catalog is a guide for all the dedicated lunar observers who want to know what's "beyond the commonly known craters" (a survey of less-known surface formations).
Many of the described formations in the CAES catalog are also detectable on the photographic charts of C.A.Wood's and M.Collins's 21st Century Atlas of the Moon. Some of the very small formations require a magnifying glass.
Other VERY important online guides are NASA SP-362 Apollo Over The Moon; a view from orbit, and Apollo 15 Flight Journal; both full of investigations of weird-looking lunar surface formations.
Also extremely important is the ASU's Apollo Image Archive, which has a large collection of zoom-able Mapping/Metric photographs made by the Fairchild cameras aboard the SIM-bays of Apollo 15, 16, and 17 (ideal to create 3D-STEREO images via parallel vision!).

The CAES catalog does not contain clair-obscur phenomena which are only observable during local sunrise or sunset (morning- and evening-terminator).
On the other hand, lots of Full-Moon related telescopic targets (albedo-phenomena and subtle colors) are included!

Northern Hemisphere (maps 1 to 38)

Map 1: Markov
- The "Isosceles triangle" (a cluster of three craterlets in the shape of an isosceles triangle) at 52°20' North/ 53°30' West (in Sinus Roris, east-southeast of Markov)(between Markov and Harpalus). This triangle is also noticeable on LAC 10 of B.Bussey's and P.Spudis's Clementine Atlas.
- Concentric Craterlet (CC) at 52°40' North/ 65°50' West (west-southwest of Markov).
- Concentric craterlet in Repsold? (see LO IV-189-H3).
- Bright craterlet Harpalus E.
- Very small ray-craterlet at 53°30' North/ 58° West (east of Markov, see LAC 10).

Map 2: Pythagoras
- Vallis J. Herschel at 61°30' North/ 47° West (see LAC 11).
- Possible dark-halo craterlet at 61°30' North/ 36°30' West (on the eastern part of J.Herschel, see LAC 11).
- Rare cluster of arc-like formations ("twisted arcs", "handcuffs") at 57° North/ 34°30' West (see also Rukl's map 3).

Map 3: Plato
- Small "Wargentin"-like craterlet at the south-southeastern part of Poncelet's rim.
- Couple of craterlets on Plato's floor.
- "Twisted Arcs", "handcuffs" in Mare Frigoris, north of La Condamine (see also Rukl's map 2).
- Connected craters "F" and "C" (couple) at 64°20' North/ 27° West (Antonin Rukl depicted both of them separated of each other).
- Light-blue colored halo around the high-albedo craterlet Plato M, to be observed during Full Moon. See LPOD Detailed Color.

Map 4: Archytas
- Cluster of craterlets at 56° North/ 3°30' East (at the second "i" of Mare Frigoris, see map 4 in Rukl's atlas).
- Madler's Square to the east of Fontenelle.

Map 5: Aristoteles
- Possible concentric crater at 69°30' North/ 46°15' East (northeast of Arnold).
- Pair of bowl-shaped craterlets at 55°20' North/ 17°30' East (north of Aristoteles).

Map 6: Strabo
- Gartner M (a rugbyball shaped craterlet in Mare Frigoris).
- Keyhole shaped craterlet in De La Rue.

Map 7: Endymion
- Triplet of craterlets on Endymion's floor, arranged as a perfect line of three. This trio is detectable on Chart 9 in the 21st Century Atlas of the Moon (C.A.Wood/ M.Collins).
- Concentric Craterlet (CC) at 51°20' North/ 51° East (southwest of Endymion).
Appendix to Map 7 (and Libration Zone II: Nansen)
- The visibility of the central peak of farside crater Compton (located "behind" Mare Humboldtianum) is mentioned in the very interesting LPOD Peaking over the Limb. Read also the discussions in this LPOD!

Map 8: Rumker
- Lavoisier C and little companion north of it... a pair of two concentric craters?
- Peanut-shaped pair of craterlets at 34°North/ 54°30' West (northwest of Nielsen). This curious Peanut is noticeable near the upper right corner of Lunar Orbiter 4's Frame 163-h1.
- "W"-shaped formation at 37° North/ 56°30' West (southeast of Rumker F).
- Ghost crater at the north-northwestern part of Lichtenberg's rim.
- Possible reddish colorations in the neighbourhood of Lichtenberg? (see also Part 1 of Colored Regions).
- Concentric crater (CC) in Lavoisier.

Map 9: Mairan
- Cluster of craterlets north-northwest of Gruithuisen (south of Gruithuisen zeta). "Gruithuisen's Mob" (depicted on orbital Itek-photograph AS15-P-10308) (scroll all the way to the photograph's right margin). See also LPOD Geo Textbook.
- Chain of teardrop shaped craterlets (depressions) near Gruithuisen K. "Alfred Worden's Catena" (photographed by CMP Alfred Worden of Apollo 15). See also LPOD Braided Rille.
- Curious dome-shaped hillock Mairan T with craterlet on top of it.
- "Topsy-turvy bathtub" Gruithuisen Gamma.
- "Dogbone" with "Butterfly nut"-shaped extension at Rima Delisle (depicted on orbital Itek-photograph AS15-P-10288)(scroll to the right).
- Dome-hillock at 41°05' North/ 56°25' West (about 10 kilometers east of Mons Rumker)(Rumker Zeta?).
- Ring-shaped "ghost crater" immediately northwest of Angstrom (depicted on orbital Itek-photograph AS15-P-10317) (scroll to the right). Nicknamed "Cheerio Crater" by Charles Wood, see LPOD Volcanic Hinterland.
- Ghost crater at 32°15' North/ 43° West (see also LPOD Volcanic Hinterland).

Map 10: Sinus Iridum
-Small craterlet on the west-southwestern part of Helicon's rim (depicted by A.Rukl on the printed version of his Map 10). A very interesting test-object!

Map 11: Le Verrier
- Alika Herring's Catena Pico.

Map 12: Aristillus
- Washbowl and Plughole in Cassini.
- Piazzi Smyth V, an elongated craterlet about halfway between Piazzi Smyth itself and Kirch southwest of it, shows a remarkable "Schiller"-like or "Messier"-like tendency, because there's a veritable "spine"-shaped ridge on the central part of its elongated floor, running all along from one end to the other. I wonder if this "spine" could be observed with powerful telescopes (It is very well depicted on HiRes close-up photographs made by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter)(LRO).

Map 13: Eudoxus
- Alika Herring's Valentine dome (Linné Alpha).

Map 14: Hercules
- Twin craterlets at 37°30' North/ 23°10' East (near Rima Daniell).
- Small dark spot or streak north-northeast of Luther (at 34°45' North/ 24°50' East). This small dark presence needs further investigation. It is noticeable on LAC 26 (page 52) in the Clementine Atlas of the Moon, and also on Apollo 15's oblique north-looking Fairchild mapping/metric photographs of the Posidonius/Montes Caucasus region.

Map 15: Atlas
- Bright spot east of Atlas (an eye catching high-albedo ray craterlet, called Atlas companion by Bill Dembowski).

Map 16: Gauss
- Dark streak across Hahn (Franz's Mare Trans Hahn?). See LPOD A Dark Oblique Ray
- Valley-like depression at 41°30' North/ 72° East (in the same region, near Lacus Spei, many more of those valley-like depressions are noticeable, see LAC 28).

Map 17: Struve
- Catena Krafft.
- Concentric crater (CC) in Bell (note: farside crater Bell, at 96.4°West, could be observed during favourable libration).
- Bright raycrater at 19° North/ 86° West (west of Balboa). See LAC 37 in B.Bussey's and P.Spudis's Clementine Atlas.
- The Two Arcs on the eastern part of the floor of Eddington (which are the remains of Eddington P; only the western and eastern parts of its rim are visible). There's a similar formation at Rimae Hippalus, between Hippalus and Campanus (Rukl Map 53).

Map 18: Aristarchus
- Ghost crater at 29° North/ 61°30' West (northwest of Golgi).
- The mustard-colored Aristarchus Plateau, aka Wood's Spot (see also Part 1 of Colored Regions).
- Peculiar Z-shape tendency on the western inner slopes of Aristarchus, which could be a real surface formation (??), or a Trompe l'Oeil effect related to the angle of illumination (??). See LPOD Catching some ZZZ.

Map 19: Brayley
- Bottle or Guitar shaped depression between Fedorov and the southern part of Mons Delisle.
The central part of the orbital Itek-photograph AS15-P-10296 shows the typical "bottle" or "guitar"-like appearance of that odd depression, see also close-up AS15-92-12470.
- Swimming Pool shaped depression Brayley G. See also: Rimless Depression: Brayley G (ASU's Apollo Image Archive, image of the week).
- Rima Handel's Paperclip north of Prinz.
- Small catena at 17°50' North/ 31°30' West (south of Harold Hill's Euler Group).

Map 20: Pytheas
- Partially buried craterlet at the base of the southeastern slope of the hill Euler Gamma (noticed by Harold Hill, see his book A Portfolio of Lunar Drawings).
- Twin, cluster, and secondary crater chains west-northwest of Pytheas.
- La Hire C: the remarkable Chopper shaped irregular cluster of small depressions south-southwest of La Hire Alpha (Mons Whipple).
- Elongated depression east-southeast of Lambert (Figure 225 in NASA-SP362 Apollo Over The Moon).

Map 21: Timocharis
- Catena Beer (the officially unnamed and easily observable chain of craterlets east-southeast of the couple Beer / Feuillée).
- Catena Timocharis.

Map 22: Conon
- Twin craterlets west of NASA's Hill 305 (Fresnel Ridge). This couple of identical twins is detectable on Chart 11 of the 21st Century Atlas of the Moon (Wood/ Collins), at location 4-A/B (just above the S of PUTREDINIS). See also: Fresnel Ridge.
- Kathleen in Palus Putredinis.
- The D-shaped depression Ina in Lacus Felicitatis.
- Peanut shaped depression Julienne near Rima Hadley.
- NASA-named features North Complex and South Cluster in the neighbourhood of Apollo 15's landingsite at The Plain, between Mount Hadley, Hadley delta, and Rima Hadley.
- Curious system of rilles at 18° North/ 2° East (in Sinus Fidei, south of Rima Conon) nicknamed the Pi Symbol by the dedicated moon observer and photographer Stefan Lammel.
- Hook-and-dome immediately west of Rima Yangel', see LPODs No longer Unremarkable and Micro-Treasures.
QUESTION: Where is "Morotcha"? According to the greenish Rand McNally moonmap in Patrick Moore's Atlas of the Universe, a certain surface formation in the northern part of Mare Vaporum was once known as "Morotcha". Could it have been the "hook-and-dome" west of Rima Yangel'?

Map 23: Linné
- Linné's craterlet itself.
- The odd-shaped depression Aratus CA (the LTO's "Lorca").
- Elongated depression with "V"-shaped inner slopes at 19°50' North/ 10°30' East (west of Sulpicius Gallus).
- 270° (3/4) ejectablanket around small craterlet southeast of Banting.
- Dark halo craterlet west of Manilius.
- Elongated depression at 26°30' North/ 8°40' East (Figure 226 in NASA-SP362 Apollo Over The Moon).
- Orange-red colored spots in the neighbourhood of Sulpicius Gallus (observed by the orbiting astronauts of Apollo 17). See also:
- Parallel ranks of rounded ridges near Menelaus, see LPOD Yardangs
- Three of Apollo 15's orbital close-up Hasselblad photographs of the area near Dorsum Gast (the western part of Mare Serenitatis) show a remarkable bright craterlet with unexpected dark "tongue" of ejected material at the southwestern rim of it, located at the southern end of that dorsum (Dorsum Gast).
The exact coordinates of that curious craterlet are: 23° North/ 8°40' East.
The three Hasselblad close-ups of that curious craterlet:

Map 24: Bessel
- Elongated depression west-southwest of Mons Argaeus (this depression should be officially named!).
- "Volcanic Cones" west-southwest of Mons Argaeus (in the neighbourhood of the nameless elongated depression).
- Posidonius Gamma (bright spot).
- Distinct color contrast at the "borderline" between Mare Serenitatis (beige-grey colored) and Mare Tranquillitatis (bluish-grey colored).
- Light bluish-grey halo around Dawes.
- "Catena Le Monnier" (a chain of elongated depressions on the floor of Le Monnier).(Figure 224 in NASA-SP362 Apollo Over The Moon).
- Le Monnier KA and "Snake" (sinuous rille) in the shape of a "Smiley" (northwest of Le Monnier). (Figure 190 in NASA-SP362 Apollo Over The Moon).
- Finsch (Figure 242 in NASA-SP362 Apollo Over The Moon).
- Irregular depression at 20° North/ 20°30' East (north of Deseilligny).

Map 25: Romer
- Butterfly-shaped bright ejectablanket between Hill and Macrobius (near Esclangon).
- Craterlet MOCR (Mission Operations Control Room) on the floor of the Taurus-Littrow Valley (Apollo 17). The MOCR is the largest one of the small craterlets on the floor of the valley, and a challenge for today's webcammers!
- Bear Mountain on the floor of the Taurus-Littrow Valley (Apollo 17).
- Dome at 16°15' North/ 38° East.
- Lyell A (the LTO's Abduh) with its curious "ring nebula and central star" appearance during local noon (high sun). See Apollo 17's orbital ITEK-panoramic frame AS17-P-2989 (scroll to the right).
- Fat Eight, a curious "8" shaped formation about halfway between Beketov and Vitruvius.

Map 26: Cleomedes
- Bright craterlet in Hevelius's Alani Mountains (the northern part of Mare Crisium's rim).

Map 27: Plutarch
- Swirls at Mare Marginis.

Map 28: Galilaei
- Swirl formation Reiner Gamma and its extensions.
- Concentric crater (CC) at 7°40' North/ 70° West (Cavalerius E ?).
- Dark halo spot (crater?) at 9° North/ 90° West (see LAC 55 and LAC 72 in B.Bussey's and P.Spudis's Clementine Atlas of the Moon). Is this dark spot observable during favourable libration? See also LPOD april 26th, 2009
- Concentric crater (CC) at 1° North/ 88° West.
- Curious elongated rugby-ball shaped craterlet north-northwest of Reiner Gamma (LAT: 9.00 / LON: -59.61). See
Appendix to Map 28 (and Libration Zone VIII: Rontgen)
3°10' North/ 100° West ("behind" Hedin) is the location of the most beautiful raycrater on the moon (Pierazzo, near farside crater Lents). The eastern part of its pronounced ejectablanket is perhaps observable during VERY favourable libration. A vertical close-up photograph of this raycrater is seen in the LPOD december 12th, 2007.

Map 29: Marius
- Elongated craterlet at 8°40' North/ 48°30' West (the northern end of Rima Suess).
- Elongated craterlet Marius R.
- Dark "fan" at the northwestern part of Encke X's rim.

Map 30: Kepler
- Triplet at Encke M (east of Encke).
- Lansberg AA (0°10' North/ 30°45' West), "Small, sharp rimless crater apparently superposed on rim-material of Lansberg A" (Apollo 14 Preliminary Science Report).
- Small, rimless craterlet southeast of Kunowsky (at 2°30' North/ 31°55' West).
- The Hortensius-Milichius domefield. See LPOD Not for Telescopes (?).

Map 31: Copernicus
- Dark halo craterlet Copernicus H.
- Bright ray-craterlet immediately west of Copernicus. See LPOD A New Crater?

Map 32: Stadius
- The Stadius craterlets.

Map 33: Triesnecker
- Rhaeticus L dark spot (observable during Full Moon).
- Doublet at Triesnecker F and Triesnecker G (3°50' North/ 4°50' East).
- Elongated depression (or craterlet?) at 13° North/ 1° East (in Mare Vaporum).
- Bay shaped crater at 11°30' North/ 4°15' West (at the eastern "rim" of Sinus Aestuum)(see Frame 120 of LO-5 (med)).
- Weird shaped depression at 13° North/ 4° West, near Rima Bode II (see Frame 120 of LO-5 (med)).

Map 34: Hyginus
- Very bright raycraterlet at 13° North/ 16° East (at the northwestern end of Sinus Honoris)(or: between Menelaus and Julius Caesar). Looks like a "star" or pointlike lightsource during Full Moon.
- Cluster of craterlets between Cayley and Rima Ariadaeus; Cayley's Mob.
- Dark halo craterlet west of Manilius.
- Neat little triplet (small catena) between Hyginus H and the low-albedo formation Hyginus S. Discovered on LPOD Another Country Heard From.
The exact coordinates of the Hyginus H triplet are: 6°05' North/ 7°15' East.

Map 35: Arago
- Arago's Arcuate Fractures (a system of bow- or arc-shaped features south of Arago, maybe related to the wrinkle ridge system of nearby Lamont?).
- Craterlet between the couple Ritter B and Ritter C (a wonderful test-object, often observed by Belgian moonconnoisseur Antoine van der Jeugt).
- Hook of white dots or Question Mark at 6° North/ 28° East. Diameter 50 kilometer (a Full Moon object). See Apollo 10's orbital photograph AS10-31-4600. This "hook" is also depicted on LAC 60 (page 120) of the Clementine Atlas.
- Auwers Tholus at 14° North/ 16°50' East (south of Auwers).
- David North's and Akkana Peck's Seagull at 13°30' North/ 19°55' East (a system of two arc-shaped crater remains, in the shape of a seagull, south-southwest of Al-Bakri).

Map 36: Cauchy
- Air Bubbles at the western end of Rupes Cauchy (10°30' North/ 34°30' East). To observe during local noon (high sun).
See Apollo 15's orbital close up photographs AS15-81-10873, AS15-81-10944, and 10946, and also AS15-P-9844 (central part of photograph).
- Lyell A (the LTO's Abduh) with its curious "ring nebula and central star" appearance (planetary nebula appearance) during local noon (high sun). See Apollo 17's orbital ITEK-panoramic frame AS17-P-2989 (scroll to the right).
- System of chevron-shaped "wrinkle ridges" at the western part of Cauchy's outer slopes. This could be the cause of Cauchy's peculiar "interrupted shadow" effect during the post-sunrise hours (see also Kies A in Rukl's 53).
- Curious plateau-like "interrupted disc" at the south-southeastern part of Sinas's rim.

Map 37: Taruntius
- Weird depression at 0°50' North/ 50°30' East (at Dorsum Cayeux and the "Constellation of Four", with Anville).
- Egg- or Rugbyball-shaped craterlet at 1°45' North/ 50°30' East (at Dorsum Cayeux).
- Bright craterlet at the eastern rim of Lick.

Map 38: Neper
- "Barker's Quadrangle" in the southeastern part of Mare Crisium.
- Concentric Crater Apollonius N.
- Concentric Crater southwest of Dubyago.
- Concentric Crater east-southeast of the dark region Schubert N.
- Swirls at Mare Marginis.
- Bright ray-craterlet Petit, see LPOD Small Spectacular
- Extremely bright star-shaped ray craterlet at the northern rim of Mare Smythii (see LAC 63 in B.Bussey's and P.Spudis's Clementine Atlas). Perhaps observable during favourable libration? (coordinates:3° 55' North/ 88° 55' East).
Orbital Apollo photographs of the bright star-shaped ray craterlet at the northern rim of Mare Smythii (photographed during the missions of Apollo 10, 11, 15, and 17):
AS10-34-5081 (color photograph, the bright craterlet's location is near the frame's left margin)
AS11-42-6295 (vertical close up)
AS11-42-6296 (vertical close up, a bit brighter than 6295)
AS11-43-6452 (vertical close up)
AS15-P-9108 (scroll toward the bright craterlet's location a little bit beyond the centre of this horizontal bar-shaped photograph)

Southern Hemisphere (maps 39 to 76)

Map 39: Grimaldi
- Curious little swirl at 1° South/ 61° West (between Hermann and Lohrmann A). See LPOD Swirlette
- "Miyamori Valley".
- Dome in the north-northwestern part of Grimaldi?

Map 40: Flamsteed
- Possible swirl at 7° South/ 54° West (was this Schmidt's "Melloni"?).

Map 41: Euclides
- Cluster of craterlets at Dorsa Ewing ("Ewing's Mob"). 11° South/ 36°20' West.
- Snake-shaped twisted depression at the eastern end of Rima Herigonius.
- Norman's (Euclides B's) southern appendage (a "half crater").
- Small unnamed ghost crater immediately south-southeast of Euclides F, visible on the Hi-Res scan of Lunar Orbiter 4's photograph LOIV-137-h3 (near the frame's right margin).

Map 42: Fra Mauro
- Mons Moro in Mare Cognitum: possibly the darkest spot on the entire moon's surface (captured on Ranger 7's pre-impact photographs).
- Bonpland D's double western rim at Dorsum Guettard.
Apollo 16's orbital Itek-photograph AS16-P-5429 shows both Bonpland D and Dorsum Guettard near the central part of the frame.
- Apollo 14's SIVB impact-site near Krieger's "Jekaterinburg Damm" in the western part of Mare Cognitum.
- Chuck Wood's "Turitella" (see LPOD 7-5-2005).
- Bibendum (Michelin Man) human-like cluster of craterlets east of Lansberg. This Bibendum was captured on Lunar Orbiter 1 frame 151-med (near the lower left corner of the photograph), and also on 149-med (near the lower right corner).

Map 43: Lalande
- Elongated cluster of craterlets immediately south of Fra Mauro Zeta.
- Catena Davy.
- "Mister Peanut" between Guericke and Kundt.
Apollo 16's orbital Itek-photograph AS16-P-5408 shows the typical "peanut"-shape of that odd system of three "merged" craterlets!
- Nameless "arc" at 8°50' South/ 11°35' West (in the northern part of Mare Nubium, north of Kundt).
Apollo 16's orbital Itek-photograph AS16-P-5404 shows the nameless arc in the right part of the frame.
- Banded crater Lalande A (Lamech's "Rodes"). The dark bands on Lalande A's inner slopes look quite "star-shaped" on LAC 77 of B.Bussey's and P.Spudis's Clementine Atlas.
- Small irregular chain of craterlets immediately west-northwest of the hillock Guericke Mu. See AS16-P-5418. This chain is partially depicted on Rukl's original Map 43, near the lower left corner of it.

Map 44: Ptolemaeus
- Slightly double-walled crater in Parrot.
- Field of domelets near the southern rim of Ptolemaeus.
- System of four domelets (hillocks) on the floor of Hipparchus.

Map 45: Andel
- Apollo 16's (NASA's) North Ray Crater and South Ray Crater (of which South Ray Crater is the brightest one of the two). To observe during Full Moon.
- Apollo 16's (NASA's) Baby Ray Crater near South Ray Crater. A challenge!
- Apollo 16's (NASA's) Gator, Kiva, Palmetto, and Ravine (all four of these Low-Albedo craters are also in the neighbourhood of Apollo 16's landingsite, these craters should only be observed after local sunrise and/or before local sunset).
- Hipparchus C "Bright Eye" (looks very much like a staring eye during Full Moon)(or the eyes of the children in Wolf Rilla's "Village of the Damned").
Note that it is perhaps possible to observe the shadowed (yet dimly illuminated) part of Hipparchus C's eastern inner slope during and after First Quarter Moon (Waxing Gibbous Moon), or... its western inner slope after Full Moon (Waning Gibbous Moon). See also page High-Albedo inner slopes

Map 46: Theophilus
- Bright crater Alfraganus C. See also page High-Albedo inner slopes
- Bright crater Cyrillus A. See also page High-Albedo inner slopes
- Dark bands on the inner slopes of Torricelli C. See AS16-P-5301 (scroll all the way toward the image's right margin).

Map 47: Capella
- 270° (3/4) ejectablanket around small craterlet in Daguerre.
- Beaumont L's color anomaly (a kind of rusty coloration)(according to the orbiting astronauts of Apollo 14). See also Part 1 of Colored Regions.
- Concentric Crater (CC) Leakey (Censorinus F).
- Bright craterlet Censorinus (with bright ejectablanket). See also page High-Albedo inner slopes
- Radial bands on the inner slope of Isidorus D (Figure 119 in NASA SP-362 Apollo Over The Moon).
- Double westwall at Lubbock D (and also at Lubbock C?).
- Torricelli B: famous TLP-site.

Map 48: Messier
- The bright southwestern inner slope of Bellot.
- Concentric Crater (CC) west-southwest of Crozier.
- Odd depressions, rilles, and small chains near Lubbock H, slightly north of Lubbock itself. See also AS11-42-6309

Map 49: Langrenus
- Color anomaly in Langrenus (rusty colored spots, as observed by the orbiting astronauts of Apollo 14). See also Part 1 of Colored Regions.
- Bright ray-craterlet La Perouse A.
Apollo 15's orbital Itek-photograph AS15-P-10063 shows a close-up of the bright ray-craterlet La Perouse A (scroll to the right). Note the high-albedo part inside the craterlet itself!
For more orbital photographs of La Perouse A, see page La Perouse.

Map 50: Darwin
- Low albedo crater Cruger ("Mini Plato").
- Bright ray-crater Byrgius A (Wilkins's La Paz).

Map 51: Mersenius
- Lozenge-shaped depression in Palmieri (crossing of Rimae Palmieri).

Map 52: Gassendi
- NASA's "The Helmet": slightly reddish colored? (the Helmet's location: north of Agatharchides and east of Gassendi).

Map 53: Bullialdus
- Craterlet twins on the floor of Kies.
- System of chevron-shaped "wrinkle ridges" at the western part of Kies A's outer slopes. This chevron could be the cause of Kies A's peculiar "interrupted shadow" effect during the post-sunrise hours (see also Cauchy in Rukl's 36).
- Two Arcs at Rimae Hippalus.

Map 54: Birt
- Cluster of craterlets immediately north of Wilkins's "Garcia Gomez" (Alpetragius B). "Garcia Gomez's Mob".
Apollo 16's orbital Itek-photograph AS16-P-5399 shows the bowl-shaped crater "Garcia Gomez" (and the nearby cluster) near the left margin of the frame.
- Slightly tan-colored region in system of hills near Lassell C (observed by the orbiting CMP Ken Mattingly of Apollo 16). See also Part 1 of Colored Regions.
- Bright craterlet Lassell D.
- Extremely dark (and officially unnamed) craterlet slightly southwest of the bright Lassell D (nicknamed "Cinder Cone" by CMP Ken Mattingly of Apollo 16).
- Dark spot at 19°30' South/ 10°55' West, near the Nicollet Psi ridge (see also the curious "black dot" near the upper left corner of LPOD Succession).
- Concentric Crater (CC) Hesiodus A (the most telescope-friendly one of the Concentric Craters).
- Pronounced mound in Birt A (see LPOD Succession).

Map 55: Arzachel
- Small crater Thebit L and its central peak.
- Alpetragius and its pronounced central peak ("Egg-in-a-nest").
- Bright craterlet Werner D on the northern part of Werner.
- Possible swirl at Parrot G and the region south of it (which is unofficially called Loro Basin on the moonmap of Rand McNally).
- Curious "valley" between Thebit A and Thebit L (see LPOD Succession).

Map 56: Azophi
- Concentric Crater (CC) Pontanus E (25°15' South/ 13°20' East).
- Catena Abulfeda (which was once a possible Apollo landing site).

Map 57: Catharina
- "Bridge" in Polybius K (?).
- The bright "half ejectablanket" at 17°35' South/ 19°15' East (south of Tacitus). To observe during Full Moon.

Map 58: Fracastorius
- Color anomaly in Beaumont L (a rusty coloration, according to the orbiting astronauts of Apollo 14).
- "Fracastorius's Trifid" on the northeastern part of Fracastorius's rim (a system of three slightly overlapping bay-shaped craterlets).
- Concentric Crater (CC) at 19°20' South/ 29°35' East (southeast of Beaumont).

Map 59: Petavius

Map 60: Vendelinus
- Dark halo craterlet at 20°50' South/ 63°20' East (southeast of Holden).
- Bright ray-craterlet at the northern part of Gibbs's rim.
- Concentric Crater (CC) on the floor of Humboldt.

Map 61: Piazzi
- Concentric Crater (CC) at 33° South/ 62°20' West (Lagrange T); see IV-160-H3.
- Dark halo craterlet north-northeast of Inghirami; see LAC 109 in B.Bussey's and P.Spudis's Clementine Atlas.

Map 62: Schickard
- Unnamed dark "V"-figure (an unnamed lacus) at 37°South/ 35° West.

Map 63: Capuanus
- Concentric Crater (CC) Marth. Although... it is not sure if this crater is a real CC.
- Bright craterlet ("white spot") in Mee (see LAC 111 in B.Bussey's and P.Spudis's Clementine Atlas).
- "N"-shaped system of rilles just north of Ramsden, see LPOD More Rilles. A curious target for telescope operators at public observatories!

Map 64: Tycho
- Concentric Crater (CC) Hesiodus A, which is the most telescope-friendly one of all the Concentric Craters on the moon's near side.
- Craterlet with double rim in Street M.
- Bright craterlet at 32° South/ 16° West (west of Wurzelbauer D, aka Wilkins's Hauet).
- Bright hill-like (and somewhat cylindrical shaped) surface feature on the western inner slope of Pictet. See LPOD What Do You See? and discussions, and Pictet Puzzle

Map 65: Walther (in Rukl's original atlas mentioned as Walter without h).
- "Horizontal" tendency of repeating depressions arranged as "lines"; on the northern inner slope of Maginus. See LPOD What Do You See? and discussions.

Map 66: Maurolycus
- Bright craterlet Buch B.

Map 67: Rabbi Levi
- Bright crater Nicolai A.
- Lockyer G: pronounced central peak.

Map 68: Rheita
- Ladder-like appearance of Fabricius's central peak.
- Greenish coloration in Young? (see also Part 1 of Colored Regions).
- "Rupes Recta"-like scarp at 33° South/ 44° East (east-southeast of Neander).
- Janssen K's flat floor.

Map 69: Furnerius
- Stevinus A (bright ray-craterlet, very high-albedo!).
- Marinus E (bright crater).

Map 70: Phocylides
- Cluster of bright craters at 50° South/ 73° West (see LAC 124). Called the Inghirami cluster by D.Caes.

Map 71: Schiller
- Bright craterlet at 53°30' South/ 28° West.

Map 72: Clavius
- Triplet in Clavius (59°20' South/ 17° West).
- Doublet in Clavius (59°30' South/ 18°40' West).
- Curious "wafer"-structure at 52° South/ 22° West (on the southern rim of Longomontanus).

Map 73: Moretus
- "Vivid Green" on the southern rim of Maginus? (see also Part 1 of Colored Regions).
- Visibility of the Earth-faced part of the Southpole-Aitken basin near and at the Leibnitz Mountains?
- Lilius Alpha; the pronounced central peak of Lilius.
- Two bowl-shaped high albedo craters called Simpelius G and Simpelius J (at approximately 76 degrees south/ 7 degrees east) are quite interesting targets during Full Moon, because they (both craters) act like "pointers" to get the location of the moon's South Pole (they are a bit like the celestial "pointers" in the well-known asterism Big Dipper of the constellation Ursa Major; to get the location of Polaris, the northern pole star).

Map 74: Manzinus
- Amundsen/Ganswindt basin (is it observable through telescope during very favourable libration?).

Map 75: Hagecius
- Mountain-like elevation Mons Caes at 63°30' South/ 60' East (touching the northern part of Helmholtz F's rim). For terrestrial telescopic photographs (and also orbital photographs) of Mons Caes, see page Helmholtz.
See also:

Map 76: Watt
- Bright craterlet Mallet E (see LAC 128).
- Bright craterlet at 49° South/ 62° East (see LAC 128).

For an extensive list of Limb/ Libration-related LPODs (telescopic photographs and drawings), see page Limb

Limb/Libration regions in the MISCELLANY pages

One of the most dedicated contributors of the Moon-Wiki, John Moore, created (and added) interesting looks at (and investigations of) several of the moon's limb regions in his MISCELLANY pages (an appendix to the daily LPODs):
- First page: Miscellany 1
- Second page: Miscellany 2
- Third page: Miscellany 3
- Fourth page: Miscellany 4