(formerly Diophantus A)
Lat: 27.6°N, Long: 36.6°W, Diam: 8 km, Depth: 1.75 km, Rükl: 19 |
Apollo 15 M-2332
Bowl shaped crater Artsimovich and the curious arrowhead shaped hillock east-northeast of it, which is an interesting "signpost" to recognize this crater on telescopic or orbital photographs.- DannyCaes Aug 2, 2014
LPOD Photo Gallery Lunar Orbiter Images Apollo images
- Artsimovich (or Diophantus A) was photographed on Apollo 15's oblique southward looking Fairchild camera frames of REV 71, such as frame AS15-M-2602 (in this frame, Artsimovich is the small crater near the centre of the right margin).
- The flat sunlit floor of Artsimovich was captured by Apollo 15's orbital panoramic ITEK-camera on frames AS15-P-10296 and 10301.
- Artsimovich and the nearby cluster of hillocks show up wonderful near the right margin of Apollo 17's post-sunrise panoramic ITEK-camera frame AS17-P-3125.
- Additional research orbital Apollo 15 and Apollo 17 photography: Danny Caes
(LAC zone 39B4) LAC map Geologic map LM map LTO map
Description: Wikipedia
Additional Information
- Depth data from Kurt Fisher database
- Viscardy, 1985: 0.86 km
- The Viscardy depth data is clearly in error, and inconsistent with the contours in LTO-39B4, which indicate a depth of a little over 1700 m (measured from the east). The shadows in AS15-M-2332, indicate a depth of 1680-1780 m measured from the west. Similarly, LO-IV-145 gives 1700-1760 m. - Jim Mosher Jan 11, 2008
- An easy way to recognize this crater (Artsimovich) on telescopic or orbital photographs is the curious arrowhead shaped hillock to the east-northeast of it.- DannyCaes Aug 2, 2014
- Named for Lev Andreevich Artsimovich (1909-1973), a Soviet physicist. Called the "Russian Donald Menzel" by Belgian author Julien Weverbergh, because Artsimovich was extremely skeptic whenever the subject "UFO" was mentioned.
- Artsimovich was introduced as an IAU-approved replacement name for a formerly lettered crater on LTO 39B4 (March 1974), for which it served as the chart title.
- The name was actually approved "as assigned" in IAU Transactions XVIB (1976).
- Artsimovich's Arrowhead is a nickname by Danny Caes for the curious arrowhead shaped hillock east-northeast of Artsimovich.
LPOD Articles
L. A. Artsimovich, the "Russian Donald Menzel", see page 48 in Julien Weverbergh's (and Ion Hobana's) very interesting book UFO's in Oost en West (Ankh-Hermes, 1972).