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Lat: 22.81°S, Long: 121.99°E, Diam: 25.2 km, Depth: km, Rükl: (farside)

Table of Contents

[#Xenophon Xenophon]
[#Xenophon-Images Images]
[#Xenophon-Maps Maps]
[#Xenophon-Description Description]
[#Xenophon-Description-Wikipedia Wikipedia]
[#Xenophon-Additional Information Additional Information]
[#Xenophon-Nomenclature Nomenclature]
[#Xenophon-LPOD Articles LPOD Articles]
[#Xenophon-Bibliography Bibliography]
external image normal_xenophon.jpg
LROC WAC image (No. M119054707ME). Calibrated by LROC_WAC_Previewer.


LPOD Photo Gallery Lunar Orbiter Images Apollo Images
Xenophon was captured on Apollo 17's orbital panoramic ITEK-camera frame AS17-P-2783 (very near the frame's left margin).
Research: Danny Caes


(LAC zone 101B4) LTO map




Additional Information


  • Xenophon (ca. 431–355 BC), son of Gryllus, of Athens, was a soldier, mercenary and an admirer of Socrates and is known for his writings on the history of his own times, the sayings of Socrates, and the life of Greece.
  • A crater southeast of Xenophon is called Baudelaire on LTO101-B4. To know who Baudelaire was, see this Wikipedia-page.

LPOD Articles


Named Features -- Prev: Xenophanes -- Next: Yablochkov

This page has been edited 1 times. The last modification was made by - tychocrater tychocrater on Jun 13, 2009 3:24 pm - afx3u3