Unofficial Names (A to F)
[hide]- 1 Part 1 of the ABC of Unofficial Lunar Nomenclature, Discontinued Nomenclature, disallowed names, proposed names, and nicknames
- 2 A to F:
- 4 The alphabetic list of names which Danny Caes would like to see as an appendix to the IAU's official list of lunar nomenclature, is online in the page Appendix to Part 1
Part 1 of the ABC of Unofficial Lunar Nomenclature, Discontinued Nomenclature, disallowed names, proposed names, and nicknames
The moon is the nearest one of the celestial bodies, so... it's not a surprise to see a huge alphabetic catalog of unofficial nomenclature!
A to F:
- Abbe Valley, or Vallis Abbe (D.Caes' unofficial name for the shallow valley east of Abbe).
- Abduh (the LTO's name for Lyell A).
- Abineri (H.P.Wilkins' name for Strabo A).
- Agricola Straits (see: Lunar Image of the Week - 04/21/2009).
- Air Bubbles (D.Caes' nickname for the weird depressions at 10°30' North/ 34°30' East)(at the western end of Rupes Cauchy). The "air bubble"-like appearance is only noticeable before and during Full Moon.
- Airy swirl (an unofficial name for the less-known swirl formation west-southwest of Airy in the (also unofficially named) Loro Basin (see Rand McNally's moonmap).
- Alani's Bright Spot (D.Caes' nickname for the very bright ray-craterlet at 22°30' North/ 54°30' East; at the northern rim of Mare Crisium which was called "Montes Alani" by Hevelius).
- Albin, rille / Albin, fault (Rima Albin / Rupes Albin; south of Lansberg, discovered by Brian Albin, see LPOD 50 Years Uncertainty).
- Alcuinus (G.B.Riccioli's name for Lubbock N).
- Aldrin (the IAU's Langemak N).
- Alfred Worden's Catena (D.Caes' name for the "string" of teardrop-shaped craterlets northwest of Gruithuisen, near Gruithuisen K)(once photographed by Apollo 15's CMP Alfred Worden). One of the most interesting pre-Apollo 15 photographs of this peculiar "string" was made by Lunar Orbiter 5 (Frame 183). The "string" is visible near the photograph's upper left corner.
- Al Khwarizmi-King Basin
- Aller (H.P.Wilkins' name for Langrenus K, which is now the IAU's Atwood).
- Alser's Alien (A.Riordan's nickname for a feature in crater Robinson, see also Shoeprint).
- Alta Vista (one of the peaks of Montes Teneriffe, thus named by W.R.Birt).
- Alter (H.P.Wilkins's name for Albategnius G).
- Al Tusi (the LTO's name for King Y).
- America (the IAU's Korolev).
- Amphitheater (part of the Alpine Valley/ Vallis Alpina, see: LPOD A New Idea).
- Amundsen (H.P.Wilkins' name for the IAU's Scott).
- Amundsen-Ganswindt Basin
- Ancient Newton (south of Plato).
- Ancient Thebit (C.Wood's name for the ancient remnant of an impact basin near Thebit, of which the Stag's Horn mountains are part of).
- Anders (the IAU's Backlund).
- Anderson Finger (a nickname for farside crater Anderson L). See page Anderson.
- Andes Mountains (at Mare Humboldtianum, thus named by C.Wood).
- Andreus Hills (only on Rand McNally's moonmap, the group of hills east of Gassendi; between Gassendi and "The Helmet").
- Mare Annulatum (Ringed Sea; G.P.Kuiper's proposed name for the area which became known as Mare Orientale).
- Annulus Concordiae (a proposed name for the area between the Montes Cordillera and Montes Rook, at Mare Orientale).
- Antaristarchus (D.Caes' nickname for Tsiolkowsky, which is the antipode of Aristarchus)(Ant-Aristarchus).
- Antoniadi (H.P.Wilkins's name for Hecataeus B).
- Antoniadi Basin
- Antural (J.N.Krieger's and R.Konig's name for a region near their "Montes Ural" and Montes Riphaeus).
- Apalaches, Rupes (on moon's Far Side).
- A.Pavlov (A.V.Markov's name for a crater east of Cyrillus, mentioned in his book The Moon).
- Apennine Bench Formation (R.J.Hackman's informal geologic name for the Palus Putredinis region).
- Apollo (west of the IAU's Keeler)(this is not the IAU's Apollo!).
- Apollo Basin
- Apollonius, Fossa (the LTO's name for a region near Apollonius).
- Apollo Ridge (Apollo 10/ Apollo 11 flight path).
- Apollo Rille (Apollo 10/ Apollo 11 flight path)(see also: AS11-42-6307).
- Arabia (now: Al Khwarizmi, on moon's Far Side).
- Arago's Arcuate Fractures (D.Caes' name for the curious bow- or arc-shaped fractures south of Arago)(this rare surface formation is described and depicted in the book Volcanoes and Impact Craters on the Moon and Mars, by Piero Leonardi, 1970).
- Archidaeum, Promontorium (or Archideum, Promontorium) (W.R.Birt's name for a promontory-like formation between Berzelius and Geminus, Rukl: 16).
- Archimedes, Fossa (the LTO's name for a region near Archimedes).
- Argaeus's elongated depression (D.Caes' name for the curious "long" depression west-southwest of Mons Argaeus).
- Ariosto (the LTO's name for Hirayama C).
- Aristarchus, Collis (the LTO's name for a region near Aristarchus).
- Aristarchus Plateau (the somewhat mustard-colored region northwest of Aristarchus, also called "Wood's Spot").
- Aristillus's Ghost (the ghostcrater immediately north of Aristillus).
- Armenter (H.P.Wilkins' name for Struve H).
- Armstrong (the IAU's Langemak).
- The Arrowhead (the triangle-shaped Mons Hansteen near the couple of craters Billy/ Hansteen).
- Arthur (H.P.Wilkins' name for Anaximander C/ Desargues).
- Artsimovich's Arrowhead (D.Caes' name for the curious arrowhead shaped hillock east-northeast of Artsimovich).
- Arzet (G.B.Riccioli's name for a crater which could be the IAU's Zach).
- Ataturk (H.P.Wilkins' name for crater Romer A, which was also F.C.Lamech's "Stephanides")(the name "Ataturk" (Romer A) was printed near the lower margin of page 86 in Wilkins's book The Moon)(Romer A was probably named "Ataturk" because it is located in the Montes Taurus/ Toros Daglari in Turkey).
- Athinagoras (F.C.Lamech's name for Geminus A).
- Atlas Bright Spot (a commonly used nickname for the bright high-albedo spot east of Atlas).
- Atlas Companion (W.Dembowski's nickname for the bright high-albedo spot east of Atlas).
- Austen (the LTO's name for Hirayama M).
- Australe Basin
- Auwers Tholus (D.Caes' name for the dome near Auwers).
- Avani's Ghost (or: Avani Soares's Ghost, near Wollaston D).
- Avis, Mare (J.P.H.Fauth's name for an unlocated region).
- Aymat (H.P.Wilkins' name for Sharp B).
- The Baby (Mons Delisle, see also: "The Torch").
- Bakhchivandzhi (the Sternberg Institute's name for farside crater Korolev C).
- Bailly Basin
- Bailly-Newton Basin
- Baker (W.R.Birt's name for one of the three craters near Langrenus which are nowadays officially known as Atwood, Bilharz, and Naonobu).
- Baldet (F.C.Lamech's name for Cassini E).
- Balmer-Kapteyn Basin
- Balzac (the LTO's name for Hirayama K).
- Banat, Kap (or Cape Banat; J.N.Krieger's and R.Konig's name for the Carpathians' promontory at 17° North/ 26° West).
- Banat, Sinus (near "Kap Banat").
- Banat's snake (a peculiar snake-shaped depression just north of Cape Banat, thus nicknamed by D.Caes).
- Banting's 3/4 ejectablanket-craterlet (D.Caes' nickname for a curious ejectablanket around a tiny craterlet southeast of Banting).
- Barangé (H.P.Wilkins' name for Marius A).
- Barbara Mesa (Apollo 10/ Apollo 11 flight path).
- Barcroft (H.P.Wilkins' name for Dollond B).
- Barker (H.P.Wilkins' name for Sasserides A).
- Barker's Quadrangle (a rectangle shaped formation of low ridges on the southeastern part of Mare Crisium).
- Barth (J.F.J.Schmidt's name for the IAU's Grove).
- Bartlett (H.P.Wilkins' name for a formation near or at (?) Madler's Square).
- Bartolus (G.B.Riccioli's name for Bailly B).
- Basaltic Lava Areas (H.Hill's name for a dark spot near Fourier).
- Basketball Player (P.E.Murray's nickname for the dark mare-regions observed during Full Moon, see also: "Juggler", "Soccer Player", "Volleyball Player").
- Bassett (the IAU's Scaliger).
- Baudelaire (the LTO's name for a crater southeast of Xenophon).
- Baum (H.P.Wilkins' name for Sven Hedin F, or E?).
- Beaded Ridge (L.S.Copeland's nickname for a row of low hillocks southeast of Wallace).
- Bear Mountain (Apollo 10/ Apollo 11 flight path)(this is NOT Apollo 17's Bear Mountain at the Taurus-Littrow Valley!).
- Beaumont's Twentynine East Ridge/ Dorsum Beaumont (D.Caes' names for the pronounced ridge immediately north of Beaumont, which is an interesting telescopic target during oblique illumination).
- Beda (G.B.Riccioli's name for Censorinus N).
- Beer, Catena (D.Caes' name for the officially unnamed catena east-southeast of Beer).
- Beethoven, Rima (the LTO's name for a rille near Prinz).
- Beetle, The (Birt and Birt A during local sunrise, called *The Beetle* by S.Kidd, see LPOD The Beetle).
- Bela Circularity (D.Caes' nickname for a "circular" tendency at crater Bela in Montes Apenninus).
- Mount Belukha/ Gora Belukha (D.Caes' name for one of the peaks in the Rupes Altai, as in the terrestrial Altai mountains).
- Benitez (H.P.Wilkins' name for Pontanus A, or C?).
- Bennett Hill (Apollo 15 site)(west of Mons Hadley Delta). According to page 84 of David M. Harland's book Exploring the Moon; the Apollo expeditions, it (Bennett Hill) had been named for Floyd Bennett, the member of the flight dynamics team who devised the steep descent which had enabled Apollo 15's LM Falcon to set down at the confined Hadley-Apennine site.
- Bernini (the LTO's name for Jansen L).
- Bertaud (H.P.Wilkins' name for Sirsalis A).
- Bessarion D hillock (a nickname from D.Caes for the officially unnamed hillock east of Bessarion D), see
- Bezout (the Sternberg Institute's name for farside crater Mechnikov D).
- Bibendum, aka Michelin Man (two nicknames from Ch.Wood (?) for a certain section in the Andreus Hills east of Gassendi).
- Bibendum, aka Michelin Man (two nicknames from D.Caes for a small human figure shaped craterlet-cluster east of Lansberg).
- Big Backside Basin, or BBB (Ch.Wood's nickname for the Southpole-Aitken Basin).
- Bigourdan (F.C.Lamech's name for an unlocated formation).
- Big Rock Mountain (Apollo 15 site, part of the Montes Apenninus and the "Swann Range").
- Birkhoff Basin
- Bird's Foot, The (a nickname for the system of wrinkle ridges on Wargentin's surface, mentioned in Charles Wood's book The Modern Moon, page 177).
- Bishop Mountains (at Mare Humboldtianum, thus named by Ch.Wood).
- Bitterroot Meadows (near Apollonius).
- Bluereed Meadow (Palus Epidemiarum).
- Bob's Bend (Apollo 10/ Apollo 11 flight path).
- Bojena (F.C.Lamech's name for an unlocated formation).
- Bolton (H.P.Wilkins' name for an unlocated formation, probably near the moon's western limb).
- Bonestell (J.Westfall's name for Cabeus B).
- Boot Hill (Apollo 10/ Apollo 11 flight path). The well-known photograph AS11-37-5437 shows "Boot Hill" immediately "above" the small triangular silhouette at the centre of the image's lower margin. The large crater is Maskelyne.
- Boquet (F.C.Lamech's name for an unlocated formation).
- Borman (the IAU's Pasteur).
- Bottle N°1 (D.Caes' nickname for the bottle-shaped depression between Fedorov and Mons Delisle)(see also: "Guitar").
- Bottle N°2 (D.Caes's nickname for the bottle-shaped depression near the southwestern rim of farside crater Niepce).
- Bradley, Fossa (the LTO's name for a region near Bradley).
- Brahms, Rima (the LTO's name for a rille near Delisle and Fedorov).
- Brand (the IAU's Danjon X).
- Brianchon Valley, or Vallis Brianchon (D.Caes' name for the narrow valley at Brianchon's northern rim).
- Bridge of O'Neill -- more commonly called "O'Neill's Bridge" -- (the so-called "bridge" between Promontorium Lavinium and Promontorium Olivium).
- Bright Eye/ Brightest Eye (D.Caes' nickname for Hipparchus C, which is the brightest one of the many "staring eyes" on the Full Moon's disc).
- The Bright One (Necho on the moon's Far Side, thus nicknamed by NASA and the crew of Apollo 14, also called "Roosa").
- Bucher Mountain (Mons Bucher; the rectilinear-looking oblong hill at the south-southeastern end of Dorsum Bucher).
- Rima Burckhardt
- Burckhardt's Ears (the two adjacent craters at Burckhardt).
- Burrell (H.P.Wilkins' name for a formation near Hansteen and Billy, which could be Schmidt's "Melloni").
- Buss (H.P.Wilkins' name for Schluter P?).
- Butterfly Nut (D.Caes' nickname for the western part of Rima Delisle)(see also: "Dogbone" and "Winged Nut").
- Buzz Saw (the opposite of the Jewelled Handle effect at Sinus Iridum and Montes Jura).
- Byrgius Cleft, aka Rima Byrgius.
- C (Ed Murray's "nickname" for the system of dark mare-regions near the centre of the Full Moon) (Mare Vaporum, Sinus Aestuum, Sinus Medii) (aka The Face of the Woman in the Moon).
- Caes, Facula (D.Caes' name for the bright, pointlike ray-craterlet between Menelaus and Julius Caesar, at Sinus Honoris's northwestern end).
- Caes, Mons (D.Caes' name for an elevation north-northwest of crater Helmholtz, at 63°30' South/ 60° East).
- Terra Caloris / Land of Heat (G.B.Riccioli's name for the cratered area northwest, west, southwest, and south of Mare Humorum).
- Camoens (the LTO's name for a crater south of Schubert C, which is the LTO's "Doyle").
- The Cape (Apollo 10/ Apollo 11 flight path). AS11-37-5446 shows Apollo 11's CSM Columbia over "The Cape" (left of centre) and "Cape Venus" (near the image's upper margin).
- Cape Bruce (Apollo 10/ Apollo 11 flight path)(see also: AS10-29-4293, AS11-42-6316).
- Cape Cyrillus (or Cap Cyrillus: an ancient name for the I.A.U.'s Promontorium Agarum).
- Cape Plato (only on Rand McNally's moonmap, north of Plato).
- Cape Venus (Apollo 10/ Apollo 11 flight path). AS11-37-5446 shows Apollo 11's CSM Columbia over "Cape Venus" (near the image's upper margin) and "The Cape" (left of centre).
- Caramuel (H.P.Wilkins' name for the IAU's Bartels?).
- Carpathian Plateau (only on Rand McNally's moonmap).
- Carr (the IAU's Perepelkin).
- Cartesio-Cayley zone (near the landing site of Apollo 16 at the Descartes region, this informal name needs further investigation).
- Caruso, Fossa (the LTO's name for a region near Nielsen and the Aristarchus plateau).
- Casals, Fossa (the LTO's name for Rupes Cauchy).
- Cascade (F.v.P.Gruithuisen's name for an unlocated formation).
- Cassegrain mountain/ Cassegrain peak/ Mons Cassegrain: three unofficial names for the mountainous mass immediately west-northwest of Cassegrain itself. This mountain is observable during very favourable libration of the moon's southeastern limb. The coordinates of Mons Cassegrain are: 51°30' South/ 109°30' East (see page 260 in B.Bussey's and P.Spudis's Clementine Atlas)(LAC 130). Mons Cassegrain is a favourite telescopic object of the dedicated moon observer and LPOD contributor Patricio Leon (Nunki). See LPOD Still on the Limb.
- Cassini's Bright Spot (the high-albedo spot at Hell Q, in the walled plain Deslandres).
- Cassini's Moon Maiden, aka "Moon Maiden" (Promontorium Heraclides during (and after) local sunrise).
- J.Cassini (also called J.J.Cassini).
- Cauchy, Fossa (the LTO's name for Rima Cauchy).
- Causeway (A.Rukl's nickname for the peculiar "causeway" across Bullialdus W).
- Cayley Formation.
- Cayley Plains (the same as the Cayley Formation and the Cartesio-Cayley zone?) (see Chart 12 in the 21st Century Atlas of the Moon, C.A.Wood/ M.J.S.Collins).
- Cayley's Mob (D.Caes' nickname for the cratercluster between Cayley and Rima Ariadaeus).
- Cellini (the LTO's name for Kastner S).
- Cervantes (the LTO's name for Wyld J).
- Chacornac, Fossa (the LTO's name for a region near Chacornac).
- Chaffee (the IAU's Subbotin).
- Chain Gulch (Apollo 10/ Apollo 11 flight path).
- Chajorra (one of the peaks of Montes Teneriffe, thus named by W.R.Birt).
- Chama Peak (Apollo 10/ Apollo 11 flight path).
- Chamisso, Cap (J.F.J.Schmidt's name for the IAU's Mons Argaeus).
- Chandler Highland Ponds (D.Caes' unofficial name for the field of (so-called) highland ponds west-southwest of farside crater Chandler).
- Chapman D Valley, or Vallis Chapman D (D.Caes' name for the valley at the southern rim of Chapman D).
- Chappy (M.Robinson's name for the distinct ray-craterlet on the northeastern part of Chaplygin's rim).
- Charlesworth (the IAU's Saha).
- Cheerio Crater (C.Wood's nickname for the curious "ghost" crater nearby Angstrom, see LPOD Volcanic Hinterland).
- Chekov (the LTO's name for Kastner R).
- Chenier (the LTO's name for Patsaev Q).
- Chopin, Rima (the LTO's name for a rille near Nielsen).
- Chopper, The (Danny Caes's nickname for craterlet-cluster La Hire C, which looks very much like the Chopper from Easy Rider!).
- Chuck Hole (Apollo 10/ Apollo 11 flight path).
- Cinder Cone (Apollo 16's and NASA's nickname for the dark craterlet slightly southwest of the bright craterlet Lassell D).
- Circle Harbour (within Le Monnier, near the Luna 21/ Lunokhod 2 landing site, see LPOD 19-12-2008).
- Cisneutra (J.N.Krieger's and R.Konig's name for a region in the Montes Carpatus, near their "Sinus Pietrosul").
- Cissemlja (J.N.Krieger's and R.Konig's name for a region near their "Montes Ural" and Montes Riphaeus).
- Claramontius (G.B.Riccioli's name for a darkish area)(I have to investigate that name).
- Clarkson (H.P.Wilkins' and P.Moore's name for Gassendi A, see also Roland L.T.Clarkson).
- Cleostratus Valley, or Vallis Cleostratus (D.Caes' name for the valley west-southwest of Cleostratus).
- Cloverleaf (in Aitken).
- Cluster Mountain (L.S.Copeland's nickname for Mons Vinogradov).
- Cobra Head (the "source" of Vallis Schroteri, nicknamed by Steavenson).
- Collins (the IAU's Hirayama).
- Comas Sola (H.P.Wilkins' name for a formation near Fourier, which could be Harold Hill's "Basaltic Lava Areas").
- Compton Basin
- Compton-Belkovich Volcanic Complex (CBVC), east of Belkovich, northwest of Compton.
- Compton Peak (the central peak of farside crater Compton, which could be observed during favourable libration, see LPOD Peaking over the Limb).
- Confucius (the Sternberg Institute's name for farside crater Paschen).
- Constellation/ Constellation of Four (D.Caes' nickname for the four craters Taruntius G, H, K, and P in Mare Fecunditatis).
- Cooke (H.P.Wilkins' name for Eimmart C).
- Cori Valley, or Vallis Cori (D.Caes' name for a valley north-northwest of Cori).
- Corneille (the LTO's name for a crater west of Chauvenet).
- Cortés (H.P.Wilkins' name for Demonax A? Or Boguslawsky B?).
- Coulomb-Sarton Basin
- Coxwell Mountains (W.R.Birt's name for a mountainous region near Mare Crisium).
- Crackled Hills (somewhere at the Apollo 15 landingsite)(I have to investigate this NASA-related nickname).
- Crater Chain (L.S.Copeland's nickname for the Stadius Craterlets).
- Crisium Basin
- Daffodil (Aleksander Božič's nickname for the odd dome-like formation on the floor of Lacus Veris) (Aleksander also calls it the Spring Flower or Narcisa).
- Daguerre's 270 degree ejecta-craterlet (D.Caes' name for the 3/4 ejecta-craterlet on the floor of Daguerre).
- Montes D'Alembert
- Daly Lake (or Lacus Daly: a small low-albedo region north-northeast of Daly, see LAC 62 (page 124) in the Clementine Atlas).
- Danjon (F.C.Lamech's name for an unnamed formation between Gartner and Kane. Today's Danjon (the IAU's) is located at the moon's Far Side).
- Dantes (G.B.Riccioli's name for Gambart C, which was also F.C.Lamech's "Moreux").
- Dario (the LTO's name for Brunner N).
- Dark Crater (NASA-related nickname for a small crater southeast of Sabine) (see LROC Act-React Quick Map, nomenclature overlay).
- Dark "V" (D.Caes' nickname for the V-shaped dark area at 36°30' South/ 35° West).
- D-Caldera (the IAU's Ina. D-Caldera is a name which is mentioned in NASA-books of the Apollo-era).
- De Bergerac (H.P.Wilkins' name for Carlini D).
- Debus (the IAU's Vavilov).
- Defoe (the LTO's name for Kastner B).
- De la Rue's Keyhole (D.Caes' nickname for the keyhole shaped depression on the floor of De la Rue).
- Dellen (or Dollen?) (the Sternberg Institute's name for a farside crater north-northeast of Fizeau).
- Peninsula Deliriorum/ Peninsula of Insanities (G.B.Riccioli's name for the cratered area at...)(I have to investigate this).
- De L'Isle (F.C.Lamech's name for an unlocated formation).
- Delvau-"X" (an unofficial name from Ron Delvaux for a rather large X-shaped appearance at Rupes Altai) (see Ron Delvaux's website, or... Google Images).
- Dembowski Mensa (D.Caes' name for the plateau-like hill southeast of Dembowski).
- Deriennes (G.B.Riccioli's name for Letronne A's bright spot).
- Deseilligny's Elongated Depression (D.Caes' name for a "long" depression south of Deseilligny)(at 20° North/ 20°30' East).
- Desplaces, Profund. (J.H.Schroter's name for a location somewhere south of Grimaldi, at the WSW limb).
- De Ulloa (J.H.Schroter's name for a location limbward from the couple Strabo-Thales)(de Ulloa could have been Antonio de Ulloa; one of the observers and investigators of the so-called Fogbow; an almost colorless optical effect related to the commonly known rainbow, once called "Cercle d'Ulloa").
- Diamondback Rille (Apollo 10/ Apollo 11 flight path).
- Dionysius Exiguus (G.B.Riccioli's name for Censorinus C).
- Dirichlet-Jackson Basin
- Montes Doerfel.
- Dogbone (D.Caes' nickname for the western part of Rima Delisle)(see also: "Butterfly Nut" and "Winged Nut").
- Dollen (see Dellen).
- Domeland (Ch.Wood's nickname for the dome-rich region at Hortensius, Kunowsky, Milichius, and Tobias Mayer).
- Dominicus Maria (G.B.Riccioli's name for a dark area)(I have to investigate that name).
- Dominique (F.C.Lamech's name for Hercules A, which is today's Keldysh).
- Donkey, or Shrek's donkey (SandiBandi's nickname for Lacus Felicitatis and nearby lakes, observed during Full Moon circumstances, see page Lacus Felicitatis and comment section).
- Double Weiss Ray (D.Caes' name for the bright double ray north-northwest of Tycho, running toward Weiss).
- Dove of Peace (G.Tarsoudis's nickname for the dove-shaped ejectablanket around Menelaus, see LPOD December 25th, 2008).
- Doyle (the LTO's name for Schubert C).
- Drachenauge (near Mare Anguis)(a curious nickname by J.H.Franz).
- Drachenkamm (near Mare Anguis)(a curious nickname by J.H.Franz).
- Draconum Cubiculium/ Sleepy Dragon (R.Forest's name for the IAU's Montes Teneriffe).
- Drashusov (the Sternberg Institute's name for a farside crater west of Rastorguev, north-northeast of Chebyshev).
- Drossos (F.C.Lamech's name for Tacquet A, which is today's Al-Bakri).
- Dry Gulch (Apollo 10/ Apollo 11 flight path).
- Dublier (H.P.Wilkins' name for Alphonsus D).
- Duke Island (Apollo 10/ Apollo 11 flight path). The well-known photograph AS11-37-5437 shows "Duke Island" near "Boot Hill", which is the larger "isle" immediately "above" the triangular silhouette at the centre of the image's lower margin. The large crater is Maskelyne.
- Dumas (the LTO's name for a crater east-northeast of Kastner).
- Dumbbell (one of NASA's nicknames for a formation on the moon's Far Side, mentioned in David Woods' and Frank O'Brien's Apollo 15 Flight Journal, at 81:15:41 GET in the mission).
- Dupont (F.C.Lamech's name for Pico E, which was also H.P.Wilkins's "Haas").
- Dyson, mount (H.P.Wilkins' name for Pytheas Beta).
- Eagle Gate (L.S.Copeland's nickname for a formation east of "O'Neill's Bridge").
- Earhart (L.Chappaz's, J.Melosh's, and R.Sood's unofficial name for a 200 km diameter hidden crater north of Mare Serenitatis).
- East Massif (NASA's and Apollo 17's name for the northern part of the IAU's Mons Vitruvius).
- Littus Eclipticum/ Ecliptic Shore (G.B.Riccioli's name for the area near the moon's western limb, near Cardanus).
- Ecphantus (G.B.Riccioli's name for the Gruithuisen Gamma and Delta domes).
- Eddington (H.P.Wilkins' name for Reinhold B).
- Eddington-Struve-Russell complex (D.Caes' nickname for the system of subdued craters which were also called Hercynian Mountains by J.H.Madler).
- Eight, The (or: "The 8". D.Caes' nickname for Guericke S and J, a system of "8"-shaped craters near the northeastern part of Guericke's rim, not to be confused with W.Higgins' "Mister Peanut" just east of Guericke).
- Eisenhard (F.v.P.Gruithuisen's name for an unlocated formation).
- Egg-in-a-Nest (Alpetragius's central peak).
- Egnitis, or Eginitis? (the IAU's Murakami). This mysterious name was printed on Antonin Rukl's farside map, and also on the back (farside map) of Hans Schwarzenbach's Hallwag moonmap.
- Einstein (H.P.Wilkins' name for Simpelius D).
- Elbruz, Mons (D.Caes' name for the "L-shaped" mountain west of Lamech, in the Montes Caucasus).
- El Greco (the LTO's name for Vitruvius G).
- Emley (H.P.Wilkins' name for Capuanus E).
- Encke's Triplet (D.Caes' nickname for the triplet east of Encke, with Encke M in it).
- Endymion's Triplet (D.Caes' nickname for the perfectly arranged row of three craterlets on the floor of Endymion).
- Epicurius (J.F.J.Schmidt's name for the IAU's De La Rue).
- Eppinger (Euclides D).
- Epsilon Peak (near Shackleton on moon's South Pole).
- Eskola (the IAU's Vesalius M)(source: Apollo 17 Preliminary Science Report). Possibly Pentti Eskola, 1883-1964, Finnish geologist.
- Esquivel (H.P.Wilkins' name for a formation beyond Nansen).
- Eternity Mountains (on the moon's Far Side, see also number 32 in Chuck Wood's list of Kaguya-targets on the Far Side).
- Eudoxus's Ghost (D.Caes's nickname for the remains of a very ancient crater immediately east of Eudoxus, discovered by Charles Wood; see LPOD Before and way after).
- Euler Gamma's Half-A-Crater (D.Caes' nickname for the half-submerged crater at the south-eastern slope of the hill Euler Gamma).
- Eustachius (G.B.Riccioli's name for Sirsalis Z).
- Ewing's Mob (D.Caes' nickname for the craterlet-cluster at 11° South/ 36°20' West, at Dorsa Ewing).
- Mare Exploratum (G.P.Kuiper's proposed name for the area which became known as Mare Cognitum).
- Eye (D.Caes' nickname for Liebig J).
- Eyes of Clavius (a nickname for the sunlit craters on the floor of Clavius, during local sunrise)(also called "Ears of Clavius" (?) by some observers).
- Eyraud (the Sternberg Institute's name for a farside crater which could be Lovell)(?).
- Face of the Woman in the Moon (Mare Vaporum, Sinus Aestuum, Sinus Medii) (aka the C or Dark C, according to Ed Murray, or the Diamond).
- Faraday, Cap (J.F.J.Schmidt's name for the southern end of Montes Caucasus).
- Far Cape (within Le Monnier, near the landingsite of Luna 21/ Lunokhod 2, see LPOD 19-12-2008).
- Farside Dog's Bone (D.Caes' and J.Moore's nickname for the possible swirl-formation on the floor of farside crater Hero H).
- Fat Eight (D.Caes' nickname for the curious "8" shaped formation between Beketov and Vitruvius).
- Faye Ridge (Apollo 10/ Apollo 11 flight path).
- Fébrer (H.P.Wilkins' name for Schubert B, which is today's Back).
- Fecunditatis Basin
- Fermi (unknown, this name was printed at the western limb region on a lightblue colored Mercator map of the moon's Far Side, in Patrick Moore's Atlas of the Universe, 1970's edition). The IAU's Fermi is located at a totally different part of the moon's Far Side!
- Feronce (J.H.Schroter's name for an unlocated formation).
- Terra Fertilitatis/ Land of Fertility (G.B.Riccioli's name for the cratered area north of the south pole).
- Firdausi (the LTO's name for Euler E).
- Fish, or Angelfish (Ch.Wood's nicknames for Mare Crisium, see LPOD Fish Scales).
- Fisher (H.P.Wilkins' name for Vitruvius B).
- Fish's tail (D.Caes' nickname for the northern part of Mons Delisle).
- Five Crater Chain (a "J"-shaped chain of not-too-small craterlets near the landingsite of Apollo 12's LM Intrepid)(see comment-section in the LPOD US-1 and other signposts).
- Fizeau Valley, or Vallis Fizeau (D.Caes' name for a short valley east of Fizeau).
- Flamsteed-Billy Basin
- Flock of Sheep (L.S.Copeland's nickname for Montes Spitzbergen).
- Florence Flask Bottle (G.Elger's nickname for the southwestern part of Vallis Alpes).
- Florida (the IAU's Mendeleev, the southern part of it).
- Flying Eagle (L.S.Copeland's nickname for a formation east of "O'Neill's Bridge").
- Footprint ("Westwind"/Bill's nickname for a formation near Mare Humboldtianum).
- Fossa Incospicua (within Le Monnier, near the landingsite of Luna 21/ Lunokhod 2, see LPOD 19-12-2008).
- Fossa Recta (within Le Monnier, near the landingsite of Luna 21/ Lunokhod 2, see LPOD 19-12-2008).
- Foucault, Montes (unofficial named used for "the mountains just west and north of Foucault crater" in the Lunar II list of The Astronomical League).
- Fracastorius's Trifid (D.Caes' nickname for the "triangle"-shaped system of three craterlets at the northeastern part of Fracastorius's rim).
- Fra Mauro Formation.
- Fra Mauro Zeta's Mob (D.Caes' nickname for the craterlet-cluster south-southeast of Fra Mauro Zeta)(at 5° South/ 14° 20' West).
- Franklin, J. (W.R.Birt's name for a crater near Crozier and McClure, see Birt's article Recently named Lunar Craters).
- Fratres Vavilovi (the Sternberg Institute's name for farside crater Vavilov).
- Frédéricos (F.C.Lamech's name for Endymion A).
- Freeman (the IAU's Kibal'chich).
- Fresa (H.P.Wilkins' name for Lagrange B).
- Fresnel, Fossae (the LTO's name for a region near Mons Hadley and Promontorium Fresnel).
- Fresnel Ridge/ Hill 305 (Apollo 15 site)(west of Mons Hadley).
- Freundlich-Sharonov Basin
- Frigoris Cluster (D.Caes' name for a cluster of craterlets at 56° North/ 3° East).
- Frigoris Handcuffs (D.Caes' nickname for the handcuff-shaped arcs in the part of Mare Frigoris between La Condamine and J.Herschel)(also called "Moulures").
- Froelich Valley, or Vallis Froelich (D.Caes' name for the valley at the northeastern part of Froelich's rim).
- Peninsula Fulgurum/ Peninsula of Lightning (G.B.Riccioli's name for the cratered area northwest of Ptolemaeus).
- Peninsula Fulminum/ Peninsula of Thunder (G.B.Riccioli's name for the cratered area between Gassendi and Letronne).
- Furnace Gulch (Apollo 10/ Apollo 11 flight path).
The alphabetic list of names which Danny Caes would like to see as an appendix to the IAU's official list of lunar nomenclature, is online in the page Appendix to Part 1
Danny Caes,
Ghent - Belgium