Rimae Kopff
Rimae Kopff
Lat: 14.68°S, Long: 88.1°W, Diameter: 250 km, Depth: km, Rükl: 50 |
LO-IV-187H There are many rilles in the vicinity of Kopff (just outside the present view), but the position and diameter of Rimae Kopff given in the IAU Planetary Gazetteer is identical to the position and diameter given for Kopff itsef; so it appears the name is meant to refer only to the rilles on the crater's floor.
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(LAC zone): Lac 91 (rilles within crater), and Lac 73 (see bottom, left-most corner of this Lac 73).
Description: Wikipedia
Additional Information
- Named from nearby crater. (Kopff)
- This name was "approved as assigned" in IAU Transactions XIXB (1985); but the citation gives only the position ("17.4S 89.6W") and the map(?) on which it may have been "assigned" is not specified. Hence, like for several other rima on this list, the intended extent of the name is not clear from the approval citation. - Jim Mosher
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