Rimae Gerard
[hide]Rimae Gerard
Lat: 46.0°N, Long: 84.0°W, Length: 100 km, Depth: km, Rükl: 8 |
LO-IV-188M This Lunar Orbiter view shows 80-km Galvani at the top (between the "D" and "E" arrows) and the less clearly defined 90-km Gerard in the lower right corner (to the right of the "C"). The IAU position and diameter of Rimae Gerard seems large enough to encompass the rilles at A, B and probably C. Whether the name is intended to include the rille at “D” is unclear. All these features (including "D") fall within the System of Lunar Craters’ larger or “outer” Gerard Q (there seem to be two features of this name in SLC); but rille “D” seems closely related to the one at “E”, which is regarded as part of Rimae Repsold.
LPOD Photo Gallery Lunar Orbiter Images Apollo Images
(LAC zone 22A1) USGS Digital Atlas PDF
Description: Wikipedia
Additional Information
- Named from nearby crater. (Gerard)
- Rimae Gerard is among a group of 56 lunar names "approved as assigned" in IAU Transactions XIXB (1985). It is unclear what map or listing this is referring to, or if any rilles were previously associated with Gerard in the IAU nomenclature. The current on-line IAU Planetary Gazetteer gives no map reference. - Jim Mosher
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