Heron (Hero)
[hide]Heron (Hero)
Lat: 0.7°N, Long: 119.8°E, Diam: 24 km, Depth: km, Rükl: (farside) |

LROC image WAC No. M118552270ME. Processed by LROC_WAC_Previewer.
LPOD Photo Gallery Lunar Orbiter Images Apollo Images
- Orbital photographs of the equatorial crater Hero (and of its eastern neighbour Soddy) should be online in several of Apollo 10's B-and-W Hasselblad magazines of the moon's farside.- DannyCaes Jul 11, 2010
- AS10-28-4118 shows Hero to the left of center. The satellite features Hero Y and Hero H are visible above and to the lower right of Hero. Portions of Ctesibius and the larger, highly degraded Soddy can also be seen at the right and left margins.
- AS10-29-4205 shows Hero at center of the frame (in which north is to the right). Above Hero are the craters Ctesibius and Abul Wáfa, appearing similar in size due to their increasing distances. Is there a possible swirl on the floor of Hero H, the 20-km diameter crater near the frame's lower left margin?
- Apollo 16's panoramic ITEK-camera frames AS16-P-4259, AS16-P-4264, and AS16-P-4266 show close ups of Hero H and its possible swirl (in all three frames it is not necessary to scroll to the right).
- Apollo 17's panoramic ITEK-camera frames AS17-P-2061 and AS17-P-2066 also show Hero H and its possible swirl (at both frames it is necessary to scroll to the centre).
- Apollo 17's panoramic ITEK-camera frames AS17-P-2475 and AS17-P-2480 show oblique northward looking views of Hero H and its possible swirl (at both frames it is necessary to scroll all the way toward the right margin!).
- Research orbital Apollo photography and discovery of possible swirl at Hero H: Danny Caes
- As noticed by John Moore, a similar view to AS10-29-4205 (but with north up) is available in LROC image M106081386MC.
Description: Wikipedia
Additional Information
- Possible swirl-formation on the floor of satellite crater Hero H, as mentioned above in the Images section, and also in the LPOD Unlocatable Discovery (see below at section LPOD Articles).- DannyCaes Jul 16, 2010
- Named for Heron of Alexandria (unkn-c. 100 B.C.), an Egyptian inventor.
- Heron was one of 120 names from LTO charts approved by the IAU in 1976.
- Although the crater is labeled Heron on NASA's LTO-65D3, and was approved and published as Heron by the IAU, certain NASA "authorities" felt it should more correctly be spelled Hero and listed it that way in their NASA RP-1097.
- Editors of an early edition of the Planetary Gazetteer at the USGS, possibly wanting to acknowledge the alternate spelling in NASA RP-1097 or possibly wanting record the note about alternate spellings of Heron's name in the IAU biographical information, entered it into their computer database as Heron (Hero), and it remains in that form in the IAU's current on-line version.
- The IAU never formally approved the name with the parenthetical addition of (Hero) and it is unclear if this is now intended to be a formal part of the name or not. It is printed as Heron (without the (Hero)) in the USGS Digital Atlas (bottom center of LAC-65).
- The possible swirl-formation on the floor of satellite crater Hero H needs a name, or a nickname. It could be called "The Dog's Bone", or "Banana", hence its typical shape.
LPOD Articles
Lettered Craters
LAC 65 Excerpt from the //USGS Digital Atlas of the Moon.