Apollo 10 Magazine 35-U
[hide]Apollo 10 - Hasselblad Magazine 35-U
The exploration and investigation of a series of not-indexed orbital lunar photographs, made on color film. These photographs are not mentioned in the book NASA SP-232 Analysis of Apollo 10 photography and visual observations. The whole content of this page (with all the necessary links) should be online within a couple of days or weeks.Research: Danny Caes
Orbital lunar photographs in Magazine 35-U
(the preceding 17 frames in this magazine are distant views of the Gibbous Earth).
AS10-35-5191 Ray crater Mandel'shtam F under high sun (see LAC 67 in the Clementine Atlas).
AS10-35-5192 Several craters under high sun. The largest crater in this field of view is Mandel'shtam A, in which a bright ray of Mandel'shtam F (see AS10-35-5191) is running over its floor. A Hi-Res scan of this photograph could reveal the presence of nearby crater Papaleksi.
AS10-35-5193 Several craters under high sun, curved horizon. Could be the Mills - Kohlschutter region. The thin dark presence near the frame's lower margin (close to the curved lunar horizon) could be the dark floor of Kohlschutter. Yes it is! And Mills is seen just below the center of the frame. North looking view.- Nunki Jul 6, 2011
AS10-35-5194 Several craters under high sun, curved horizon. The St.John region? (with the very thin streak of the dark-floored Kohlschutter very close to the curved horizon). Again yes, another north looking view; there is an unnamed bright crater just west of Kohlschüter - Nunki Jul 6, 2011
AS10-35-5195 Bright bowl-shaped crater Benedict under high sun, on the floor of Mendeleev. Even the small catena which runs toward the two craters near the frame's upper left corner is visible (which is very well captured on Apollo 16's orbital ITEK panoramic frames, see Benedict).
AS10-35-5196 Richards and the northern part of Catena Mendeleev (under high sun).
AS10-35-5197 Very small bright ray-craterlet under high sun, roughly 50 km north-east of .Morozov.
AS10-35-5198 Recht (the crater with high-albedo inner slopes)(under high sun).
AS10-35-5199 Bright ray-craterlet, between Erro and Saenger.
AS10-35-5200 Western part of Mare Smythii, Schubert and Back, Jenkins.
AS10-35-5201 Dorsa Geikie in Mare Fecunditatis. Bilharz near the frame's upper left corner. Note the nozzle cluster in the frame's lower right corner.
AS10-35-5202 Sinus Successus, Mare Fecunditatis, Abbot, Ameghino, Bombelli, Smithson, and south of Abbot: the Mishqui basin (Rand McNally).
AS10-35-5203 Mare Fecunditatis, Dorsum Cayeux, Anville.
AS10-35-5204 Mare Fecunditatis, Dorsum Cayeux, Anville, nozzle cluster.
AS10-35-5205 Mare Fecunditatis, Messier and Messier A, nozzle cluster.
AS10-35-5206 Mare Fecunditatis, Messier and Messier A.
AS10-35-5207 Mare Fecunditatis, Messier and Messier A.
AS10-35-5208 Western part of Mare Fecunditatis, Gutenberg, Goclenius.
AS10-35-5209 Mount Marilyn (Secchi Theta) and surroundings, Messier and Messier A, Taruntius.
AS10-35-5210 Gutenberg and surroundings, Leakey (below centre).
AS10-35-5211 Mare Tranquillitatis, Aryabhata, Maskelyne F, Menzel, Lonesome Mesa.
AS10-35-5212 Mare Tranquillitatis, Lonesome Mesa, part of Maskelyne F.
(the following 77 frames are distant views of the Half Earth and Lunar Horizon, the moon's eastern hemisphere, and the distant Crescent Earth).
Magazine 35-U is online in the L.P.I.'s page
Additional Information
(to keep the spirit of the mission of APOLLO 10 alive)
SNOOPY (the call sign of the Lunar Module of APOLLO 10 and also the name of a small craterlet near the landing site of APOLLO 17 at the Taurus-Littrow Valley).
"Named for the sometime-aviator dog in Charles Schulz' Peanuts comic strip and the 'longtime' supporter of quality and humor in space exploration." Following the 1967 Apollo fire that took the lives of astronauts Virgil Grissom, Roger Chaffee, and Edward White, Snoopy became the symbol of the reinvigorated Apollo quality assurance program. 'Snoopy' was the name of the APOLLO 10 LM and, during our February 21, 1994 meeting, Gene offered the following comments: "I probably had more to do with naming the APOLLO 10 spacecraft than anybody, because I started it during a simulation. We didn't like the call signs 'Gumdrop' and 'Spider' that they used on APOLLO 9. So I told Tom Stafford, "Let's start calling John Young 'Charlie Brown'. (Charlie Brown - 'the rounded-headed kid' - is Snoopy's owner in the comic strip.) And it was fun, because it wasn't just in simulators. We called him Charlie Brown in the office. And, if we were going to call him Charlie Brown, then our call sign had to be Snoopy. And, we realized that, by naming our spacecraft Charlie Brown and Snoopy, we could give the Snoopy Award a little more pizzazz, a little bit more exposure, and make it more meaningful. And after we did that, we had little Snoopy dolls that people would bring in and lay on top of our simulators."
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