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Gagarin - with Andronov, Balandin, Grave, Isaev, Kosberg, and Raspletin on its floor

Lat: 20.2°S, Long: 149.2°E, Diam: 265 km, Depth: km, Rükl: (farside)

external image gagarin-lo-i_116_m.jpgGagarin.jpg
Upper image: Lunar Orbiter I .
Lower Image: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO). Dark-floored 90 km-wide Isaev lies on the northwestern part of Gagarin's floor.


LPOD Photo Gallery Lunar Orbiter Images Apollo Images ASU Apollo Image Archive


(LAC zone 102B3) LTO map


Description: Wikipedia


Additional Information


Yury Alekseyevich; Soviet cosmonaut (1934-1968).
  • Gagarin was among the long list of farside names approved by the IAU in 1970 and published in Menzel, 1971.
  • In the planning for Apollo 8, the first manned circumlunar mission (1968), this crater (which did not then have an official name) was referred to informally as "Texas" (source: Phil Stooke's LPOD).
  • IAU-named craters on the floor of Gagarin: Andronov (at the southwestern part of Gagarin's rim), Balandin, Grave, Kosberg, Isaev, and Raspletin.

LPOD Articles


- Gagarin and a small bright ray-craterlet on Gagarin's west flank:
APOLLO OVER THE MOON; A VIEW FROM ORBIT, Chapter 5: Craters (Part 1), Figures 97, 98, 99, 100, and 101.
- Unusual craters in Gagarin:
AOTM, Chapter 7: Unusual Features (Part 2), Figures 239 and 240.