Lat: 5.3°S, Long: 16.7°E, Diam: 42 km, Depth: 3.1 km, Rükl: 46 |
LPOD Photo Gallery Lunar Orbiter Images Apollo Images
- Ranger 8's Frame B016, which shows Taylor in the photograph's lower right corner. - DannyCaes Feb 28, 2014
(LAC zone 78A3) LAC map Geologic map LM map AIC map LTO map
Description: Elger
(IAU Directions) TAYLOR.--A deep spindle-shaped ring-plain, S. of Delambre, about 22 miles in length. The wall appears to be everywhere continuous, except at the extreme N. and S. ends, where there are small craters. The outer slopes, both on the W. and E., are very broad and prominent, but apparently not terraced. There is an inconspicuous central hill. On the E. is the irregular enclosure, already referred to under Alfraganus. Three or four short winding valleys traverse the N. edge of this formation, and descend to the dark floor. On the N.W. is the remarkable ring-plain Taylor a, 18 miles in diameter, rising, at an almost isolated mountain mass on the W. border, to a height of 7,000 feet above the interior. The more regular and E. section of this formation is not so lofty, and falls with a gentle slope to the dark uneven floor, on which there is some detail in the shape of small bright ridges and mounds. On the surface, N.E. of Taylor a, is a curious linear row of bright little hills. Taylor and the vicinity is better seen under low evening illumination than under morning light.
Description: Wikipedia
Additional Information
Depth data from Kurt Fisher database
- Pike, 1976: 3.1 km
- Westfall, 2000: 3.1 km
- Viscardy, 1985: 2.48 km
- Cherrington, 1969: 2.46 km
The central peak is 1.4 km tall. Two hills inside the crater, each less than 0.5 km tall, are promontories of the collapsed southern wall Sekiguchi, 1972. - fatastronomer
- Brook Taylor (August 18, 1685 – November 30, 1731) was an English mathematician. His is the name that is attached to Taylor's theorem and the Taylor series. Taylor was elected a fellow of the Royal Society early in 1712, and in the same year sat on the committee for adjudicating the claims of Sir Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibniz.
- Michel Florent Van Langren's Ulloae (see page 200 in Ewen A. Whitaker's Mapping and Naming the Moon).
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