Lat: 0.4°N, Long: 121.8°E, Diam: 42 km, Depth: km, Rükl: (farside) |

LROC WAC view No. M130856596ME Processed by LROC_WAC_Previewer.
LPOD Photo Gallery Lunar Orbiter Images Apollo Images
- Orbital photographs of the equatorial crater Soddy (and of its western neighbour Hero) should be online in several of Apollo 10's B-and-W Hasselblad magazines of the moon's farside.- DannyCaes Jul 11, 2010
- AS10-28-4116 and 4117 show the highly degraded and almost unrecognizable crater Soddy during local post-midday illumination.
- Apollo 16's panoramic ITEK-camera captured Soddy during Trans Earth Coast (TEC): AS16-P-5520 shows Soddy slightly above and to the left of the well-known crater King with its typical fork-shaped central peak.
- Research orbital Apollo 10 and Apollo 16 photography: Danny Caes
Description: Wikipedia
Additional Information
- Soddy is a very degrated and almost unrecognizable crater. Very difficult to locate on orbital photographs. A guide to detect the location of Soddy (on orbital photographs) is the curious ray-craterlet which is described in the second item - DannyCaes Jul 11, 2010
Soddy's curious ray-craterlet
- Slightly north of Soddy and Hero H (west of Soddy), or perhaps touching the north-northwestern part of Soddy's rim, is the location of a very young ray-craterlet with kind of (what looks like) a dark ejectablanket (a mixture of dark and bright rays). Several orbital Apollo photographs of this ray-craterlet are online in the LPI's and ASU's pages, such as AS17-P-2066 (scroll all the way to the right, beyond the frame's centre), AS11-42-6270, AS10-28-4014, AS10-33-4878.- DannyCaes Aug 7, 2010
Possible swirl-formation
- Is there a possible swirl-formation between craters Soddy and Hero? (at Hero H). Take a look at Apollo 10's orbital photograph AS10-29-4205 (notice the odd peanut-shaped swirl in the unnamed small crater near the frame's lower-left corner, Soddy is "below" the frame's lower margin, Hero is the central crater, while Ctesibius is "behind" or "above" Hero)(looking westward, north is to the right).
Research: Danny Caes
Frederick; British physicist; Nobel laureate (1877-1956).
LPOD Articles
Lettered Craters
LAC 65 and LAC 83 Excerpt from the //USGS Digital Atlas of the Moon.