Rupes Boris
[hide]Rupes Boris
Lat: 30.5°N, Long: 33.5°W, Length: 4 km, Height: km, Rükl: 9 |
AS15-M-2470 This small region northeast of Delisle was the subject of a Topophotomap which is the source of several IAU-approved minor feature names: Boris, Gaston, Linda and Rupes Boris. Rupes Boris refers to a minor step in elevation detected in the stereo mapping. The shadows in this photo make it appear more of a ridge. The large trench-like depression at one end of Rima Delisle is unnamed.
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(LAC zone 39B2) LAC map Geologic map LM map LTO map Topophotomap
Rupes Boris is not a fault. It is a ridge that is part of the ejecta of the fresh crater Delisle. In any case this feature is too minor to warrant a name, much less a name that gives an incorrect classification.
Description: Wikipedia
Additional Information
Named from nearby crater. (Boris)
- According to NASA RP-1097, "Rupes Boris" is a Minor Feature whose name was originally intended only for use in connection with Topophotomap 39B2/S2(on which it is plotted).
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