Moore and Cross
Moore and Cross: The Moon (1981)
(glossary entry)
An introduction to lunar science and lunar observing.
Additional Information
- One of a series of four books: the Moon, the Sun, Jupiter, and Saturn.
- Central section of the book contains 14 pages of beautiful orbital Apollo-Hasselblads of several parts of the moon (color photography), plus one page with surface photograph by Apollo 17, and another one with two microscopic photographs of a lunar sample.
- Contains a map of the moon's near side in six sections (orthographic projection), made by Charles A. Cross. This map is accompanied by several telescopic lunar photographs made by the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, University of Arizona.
- Contains a map of the moon's near and far side (both Mercator projection), made by Charles A. Cross.
- Contains a map of the moon's northpole and southpole regions (both stereographic projection), made by Charles A. Cross.
- The maps in Mercator and stereographic projection are accompanied by several Lunar Orbiter and Apollo photographs (regions of interest).
LPOD Articles
- Moore, Patrick, and Charles A. Cross. 1981. The Moon. The Rand McNally library of astronomical atlases for amateur and professional observers. New York: Published in association with the Royal Astronomical Society [by] Rand McNally.