Lunar Promontorium
List of Lunar Promontoria
Promontorium Agarum (by J.Hewelcke)
Promontorium Agassiz (by Schmidt)
Promontorium Archerusia (by J.Hewelcke)
Promontorium Deville (by Schmidt)
Promontorium Fresnel (by Schmidt and Lohrmann) (Schmidt: Cap Fresnel, Lohrmann: Promontorium Fresnel)
Promontorium Heraclides (by Riccioli)
Promontorium Kelvin (by Krieger, as: Kap Kelvin)
Promontorium Laplace (by Beer and Madler)
Promontorium Taenarium (by J.Hewelcke)
Discontinued and disallowed names of lunar promontoria
William Gilbert
(see pages 13 and 15 in Ewen A. Whitaker's Mapping and Naming the Moon).
- Promontorium Borealis (north of Mare Imbrium).
Michel Florent Van Langren
(see pages 197 and 200 in Ewen A. Whitaker's Mapping and Naming the Moon).
Names in Italics on Van Langren's engraved map of 1645.
- Promontorium Argolii (at the southern part of Mare Fecunditatis).
- Promontorium Arzahel (at Mare Fecunditatis).
- Promontorium Calippi (at Mare Fecunditatis).
- Promontorium Cassiodori (at Mare Fecunditatis).
- Promontorium Cesaris (at Mare Nectaris).
- Promontorium Clavii (the same as Beer and Madler's Promontorium Laplace).
- Promontorium Cleomedis (at the eastern part of Mare Frigoris).
- Promontorium Methonis (seems to be the same as Hevelius's Promontorium Heracleum and J.D.Cassini's Promontorium Acutum).
- Promontorium Procli (at Mare Fecunditatis).
Names in Roman lower case letters on Van Langren's engraved map of 1645.
- Promontorium Colombi (near Agatharchides).
- Promontorium Henrizi D. Venet. (?).
- Promontorium S. Alberti (near Vitruvius, called Cocci by Langrenus).
- Promontorium S. Dionisii (near the northern part of Mare Nubium).
- Promontorium S. Dominici (at the west-northwestern part of Oceanus Procellarum, near the limb).
- Promontorium S. Iacobi (east of Sinus Aestuum).
- Promontorium S. Ignatii (near Taruntius)(the name Promontorium S. Ignatii was not printed on the Strasbourg forgery of Van Langren's original map, see page 43 in Whitaker's book, Figure 27).
- Promontorium S. Ludovici (near Hypatia).
- Promontorium S. Michaelis (at the northern part of Mare Fecunditatis).
- Promontorium S. Petri (south of Sinus Aestuum)(called Promontorium S. Pui on the Strasbourg forgery of Van langren's map).
- Promontorium S. Vincetii (the same as Riccioli's Promontorium Heraclides).
- Promontorium Salamona (at the southwestern part of Oceanus Procellarum).
Johann Hewelcke
(see pages 201 to 209 in Ewen A. Whitaker's Mapping and Naming the Moon).
- Promontorium Apollinis (probably the same as Beer and Madler's Promontorium Laplace)
- Promontorium Arietis (near Vitruvius)
- Promontorium Chadisia (near Moltke)
- Promontorium Circaeum (near Timocharis)
- Promontorium Freti Pontici (bright point at Madler)
- Promontorium Heracleum (bright point at Censorinus)(seems to be the same as J.D.Cassini's Promontorium Acutum, and Van Langren's Promontorium Methonis, see page 87 in Whitaker)
- Promontorium Herculeum (bright point at Da Vinci)
- Promontorium Hippolai (bright point near Luther)
- Promontorium Leucopetra (the same as Schmidt's Promontorium Agassiz)
- Promontorium Lunae (vague bright area at Spitzbergen)
- Promontorium Mercurii (unknown, but probably near Aristarchus)
William Radcliffe Birt
(see page 221 in Ewen A. Whitaker's Mapping and Naming the Moon).
- Promontorium Archidaeum (between Berzelius and Geminus)(location of this promontorium not mentioned in Whitaker).
- Promontorium Lavinium and Promontorium Olivium (15° North/ 49° East, at the western part of Mare Crisium's rim, once part of the so-called "Bridge of O'Neill")(locations of both promontoriae not mentioned in Whitaker).
Johann F. Julius Schmidt
(see page 224 in Ewen A. Whitaker's Mapping and Naming the Moon).
- Cap Chamisso (the same as Webb's Mons Argaeus)
- Cap Faraday (the southern part of Montes Caucasus)
- Cap Cyrillus (?) (not mentioned in Whitaker's)(the same as Hevelius's Promontorium Agarum)
Johann N. Krieger and Rudolf Konig
(see page 226 in Ewen A. Whitaker's Mapping and Naming the Moon).
- Kap Banat (part of Montes Carpatus, N.E. of Tobias Mayer)
Charles A. Wood
Calls the rough terra region around craterlet Luther H (north-northwest of Luther itself) the Lost Peninsula. We could say that this lost peninsula has also a lost (unnamed) promontorium. See LPOD 14 December 2014.