Lunar Orbiter 2 - catalog of photographed features
Lunar Orbiter 2:
A handy catalog of photographed features.
Compiled by Danny Caes
Lunar Orbiter 2's photographs are online in this page
Frames 2001 to 2004: ? (missing?).
Frame 2005: eastern part of Maskelyne F.
Frame 2006 h1
Frame 2007: the "Cat's Paw" north-northwest of Menzel (Maskelyne FC).
Frame 2008 h1
Frame 2009: "Cat's Paw".
Frame 2010 h1
Frames 2011 to 2014: "Cat's Paw".
Frames 2015, 2016, 2017: north-northeast of Menzel.
Frames 2018, 2019, 2020: the hillock Taruntius Kappa, east-northeast of Menzel.
Frame 2021: Taruntius F (upper left corner), Secchi A and Secchi B (right margin).
Frames 2022 to 2024: Secchi A and Secchi B.
Frames 2025 to 2032: Menzel and "Cat's Paw".
Frame 2033 (moon's farside).
- 2033-h1: Coriolis L.
- 2033-h2: Heaviside F/ Aitken Y (north of Aitken).
- 2033-h3: Aitken.
Frame 2034 (moon's farside and northern regions).
- 2034-h1: Sharonov/ Safarik/ Virtanen.
- 2034-h2: Valier.
- 2034-h3: Coriolis.
Frames 2035 to 2042: east of Maskelyne D (aka NASA's "Bob's Bend").
Frames 2043 to 2058: Arcuate Fractures south of Arago.
Frames 2059 to 2066: Ariadaeus B and nearby cluster west of it.
Frames 2067 to 2074: impact site of Ranger 8 (compare these LO-2 frames with pre-impact photographs made by Ranger 8).
Frame 2075: (moon's farside and southern regions).
- 2075-h1: Geiger and concentric crater.
- 2075-h2: Barbier/ Cyrano.
- 2075-h3: O'Day/ western part of Mare Ingenii's rim.
Frames 2076 to 2079: Collins (Sabine D).
Frame 2080: between Collins (left margin) and Armstrong (right margin).
Frames 2081 to 2083: Armstrong (Sabine E).
Frames 2084 to 2088: Collins (Sabine D).
Frames 2089 to 2091: southeast of Collins.
Frame 2092: centre of Rimae Triesnecker, Triesnecker F east of it.
Frame 2093: Oppolzer in Sinus Medii.
Frame 2094: the nameless plain east-southeast of Godin, southwest of D'Arrest B, west of Theon Senior B. See also Lunar Orbiter 1 frame 1107.
Frame 2095: southeast of Pallas F, Sinus Medii.
Frames 2096 to 2103: east-northeast of Pallas D, south of Pallas F.
Frame 2104: Pallas D (the pronounced crater at the frame's left margin), Sinus Medii.
Frames 2105 and 2106: east-southeast of Pallas D, west-northwest of Pallas V.
Frames 2107 to 2111: Pallas V, Sinus Medii.
Frame 2112: Gambart C (Lamech's "Moreux").
Frames 2113 to 2120: the site of both the impacted Surveyor 4 and soft-landed Surveyor 6 in Sinus Medii.
Frames 2121 to 2125: northwest of Oppolzer A, Sinus Medii.
Frames 2126, 2127, 2128: Oppolzer A.
Frames 2129 to 2134: west of Oppolzer A, Sinus Medii.
Frames 2135, 2136: Oppolzer A.
Frame 2137: Hortensius EB and EC, and a curious depression.
Frames 2138 to 2145: east of Gambart, southwest of Gambart G.
Frame 2146: Hortensius Rho (a hillock with an elongated craterlet on top).
Frames 2147 to 2153: east-northeast of the Hortensius Rho hillock.
Frames 2154 to 2161: east-southeast of the Hortensius Rho hillock.
Frame 2162: the well-known "Picture of the Century" (Fauth and Copernicus), of which frame h3 (Copernicus's central peak system) was reproduced on pages 231, 232, 233 in the National Geographic of February 1969 (Awesome Views of the Forbidding Moonscape).
Frames 2163 to 2170: southwest of Gambart A.
Frames 2171 to 2178: south-southwest of Gambart A.
Frames 2179 to 2186: mare-region between Encke B and Kunowsky.
Frame 2187: possibly the dome-shaped hillock Encke Sigma (near the frame's lower left corner).
Frames 2188 to 2194: southwest of Kunowsky.
Frame 2195: northwest of the "binary system" Maestlin G.
Frame 2196 (moon's farside).
- 2196-h1: Saha.
- 2196-h2: western part Pasteur.
- 2196-h3: western part of Backlund's rim.
Frames 2197 to 2212: the "binary system" Maestlin G west of Rimae Maestlin. See also Apollo 12 orbital Hasselblad photographs AS12-54-8109 and 8110.
Frame 2213: Marius hills. The upper part of this photograph (LO2-213-med) was reproduced on page 220 in the National Geographic of February 1969 (That Orbed Maiden...the Moon).
Frame 2214: east-southeast of Reiner R and Reiner G.
Frame 2215: Reiner Gamma.
- Note: the "Cat's Paw" (north-northwest of Menzel) and the "Binary System" (Maestlin G) are two of Danny Caes's own nicknames.
- A query:
On page 221 in the National Geographic of February 1969, a fragment of one of Lunar Orbiter 2's frames was reproduced to compare with a photograph of the well-known Meteor crater in Arizona (the fragment shows a small impact crater). Now... I would like to know the ID-number of the original LO-2 photograph of which the fragment was taken. - DannyCaes Mar 27, 2014
- Chriet Titulaer: Operatie Maan (W. Van Hoeve, Den Haag - 1969). An interesting book, made just after the manned lunar landing of Apollo 11. Full of orbital and surface photography performed by the Lunas, Zonds, Rangers, Lunar Orbiters, Surveyors, Apollo 8, and Apollo 10.- NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC, february 1969 (AWESOME VIEWS OF THE FORBIDDING MOONSCAPE; a nine-page portfolio of Lunar Orbiter photographs).
- Piero Leonardi: Volcanoes and impact craters on the Moon and Mars.
- J.E.Guest/ R.Greeley: Geology on the Moon.