Lat: 68.1°S, Long: 64.1°E, Diam: 94 km, Depth: 4.41 km, Rükl: 75 |
left: LO-IV-178H . right: LROC . Part of Neumayer is seen at bottom right of image
LPOD Photo Gallery Lunar Orbiter Images Apollo Images
An officially unnamed mountain at the northern part of Helmholtz F's rim is unofficially known as Mons Caes. This solitary mountain-like hill, located at 63°30' South/ 60° East, between craters Helmholtz, Hagecius, Pontécoulant, and Gill, is noticeable about "halfway" between the centre and the upper-left corner of Lunar Orbiter 4's oblique photograph LOIV-184-h3, and also on LOIV-178-h3 (about "halfway" between its centre and upper-right corner). There's also a close-up of it near the lower-left corner of vertical photograph LOIV-044-h3.
Research: Danny Caes
(LAC zone 139A4) USGS Digital Atlas PDF
Description: Wikipedia
Additional Information
- Depth data from Kurt Fisher database
- Westfall, 2000: 4.41 km
- Central peak composition: A (Tompkins & Pieters, 1999)
- Satellite crater Helmholtz D is radar bright at 70 cm.
- Patrick Moore: "In 1954 I detected some curious ray-like features crossing Helmholtz, not like any others known to me; and even after studying Orbiter and Apollo photographs I am still uncertain as to their true nature". (NEW GUIDE TO THE MOON, Patrick Moore, page 292). Research: Danny Caes
Mons Caes
- At 63°30' South/ 60° East, northwest of Helmholtz (north of Helmholtz F), there's a solitary mountain-like elevation which doesn't seem to have received an official or unofficial name. Moon-observer Danny Caes (who discovered or re-discovered that elevation during the night of may the 23th 1997) calls it Mons Caes. The best time to observe that solitary mountain-like elevation is when the evening terminator runs at 65° East (local sunset), a couple of days after Full Moon (between Full Moon and Waning Gibbous Moon).
- The above mentioned mountain-like elevation (north of Helmholtz F) is depicted on several plates in the Hatfield Photographic Lunar Atlas. The best plate (on which the mount is visible) is Plate 16b. The exact location of the mount (on the printed version of the photograph) is: 78 millimeter below the image's upper margin, and 75 millimeter rightward of the image's left margin. In the same atlas, at Plate 14c, the mount's location is: 51 millimeter below the image's upper margin, and 8 millimeter rightward of the image's left margin. On Plate 16d, it (the mount) is visible at 65 millimeter below the image's upper margin, and 86 millimeter rightward of the image's left margin.
- Mons Caes is also visible on page 23 (Chart 5, location B-7/8) and page 74 (Libration Chart L3, lower left corner) in the 21st Century Atlas of the Moon (C.A.Wood/ M.Collins).
- See also the southern curved margin of LAC 128 (pages 256 and 257) in the Clementine Atlas of the Moon (B.Bussey/ P.Spudis), revised edition of 2012.
- See also: http://bit.ly/2CcOOev
Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von Helmholtz (August 31, 1821 – September 8, 1894) was a German physician and physicist. In the words of the 1911 Britannica, "his life from first to last was one of devotion to science, and he must be accounted, on intellectual grounds, as one of the foremost men of the 19th century."
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